Pilot to TSA: 'No Groping Me and No Naked Photos'

Don't expect to see any improvement before 2013 when we reach the end of an error.
While it's true that President Obama isn't on my facebook friends list I certainly don't fault him for this. The agency was created as a reactionary measure and became a beast of burden before anyone even had a clue what happened.

I fault the agency for allowing itself to rise to a level of bloated incompetence decades sooner than any other federal agency. I blame the American people for allowing it to continue. I don't blame President Obama.

EDIT: Did anyone see the pilot on CNN today? They pretty much scoffed at him as someone off his rocker. They asked if he had support of the pilot groups and sadly he didn't give a resounding "Hell yes!"
EDIT: Did anyone see the pilot on CNN today? They pretty much scoffed at him as someone off his rocker. They asked if he had support of the pilot groups and sadly he didn't give a resounding "Hell yes!"

Does the guy have a fb support page? We could at least give him the steve wassisname FA from Jetblue treatment.

Who knows, maybe he'll get a reality show.
He first started his concern for the scanners back in early September when he wrote:

"As professional pilots, some colleagues and I recently issued a statement to our airline. We voiced our rejection of the policy changes being enacted by the Transportation Security Administration at airport security checkpoints across the country, including Memphis International (Sept. 18 article, "Virtual strip search / Random full-body scans launched at Memphis airport").

We do not consent to the indignity of virtual strip searches as a matter of course in performing the duties of our profession. Neither can we conscientiously accept being physically frisked by federal agents every day as a reasonable alternative.

Obviously, our work places us inside the flight deck door by necessity. We wouldn't have to smuggle a weapon into the airport to take control of an aircraft. After running the gantlet of required background checks, security training and screening procedures, it's just plain silly to confiscate pilots' pocket knives and corkscrews before we enter the cockpit. In short, here's hoping the crew for your next flight is on the home team.
But that's not even the point.

We are appalled that any citizen who is not under arrest, has made no threats, nor raised any suspicion of terrorism or other malice should be made to submit to either of these "options" in order to move about within his or her own national borders.

Federal airport security guards are often unskilled, entry-level responders to help-wanted ads affixed to pizza boxes. Perhaps novice agents lack the perspective to grasp the full implications of their work. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. But please don't show them your naked body. Don't let these strangers put their hands on you or your children. Their abuse protects no one. No, the good citizens of a free society must resist such authoritarian overtures at least as much as any foreign threat.
I offer my condolences if your flight should be delayed or canceled because the TSA won't let us in the door. But I suggest that your freedom is more important. At any rate, ours certainly is. "

Michael Roberts

I found one of the replies from another airline pilot most interesting:

"Actually, the situation in many European countries is far worse." "To the poster who stated this, the difference lies in our claim to being the land of the free and home of the brave. This is our home, and it's our own government that has taken this despotic vector.

Tell me, does it really give you a warm, fuzzy, safe feeling to know that federal agents will be able to see whether you, if you are male, have been circumcised - or whether your wife, if she is female, happens to be menstruating on the day she travels?

What's being done here isn't about security - at least, not yours or mine. It's about money. It's about the transference of power away from ordinary citizens like us into the hands of the criminals in Washington.

But if I did snap at 35,000 feet, my hands would already be on the controls - what would I need a gun for? Strip searches and frisking wouldn't stop me from showing up to work drunk, either, which is a little beyond the scope of TSA's mission anyway (though I have no doubt they'd use it to further justify their jobs).

I'm no 'sky-god' - just a regular guy supporting a family. And, if my paycheck is any indication, I'm definitely no elitist. Telling the truth about TSOs being (mostly unwitting) pawns in the hands of the true political elite in D.C. isn't dismissive. It's just my assessment of an agency with such a horrible track record that it must be either deliberately trying to fail, or else run by people with motives not truly related to air transportation security. It's just not that easy to be that incompetent. If security were simply left to the security folks, United 93 would have reached its intended target, the underwear and shoe bombers might have actually hurt someone, and there are endless other examples where disaster has only been averted by the people on the plane - not those on the federal payroll."

Honestly, most people I've talked to - including pilots - understand the problem well enough, but at the end of the day will tolerate what they deem necessary in order to make a living or get where they're going after having paid several hundred dollars airfare. In other words, they know it's evil and they hate it, but they still put up with it in the end. That's what I find most disturbing. How many atrocities throughout human history have been perpetrated as 'necessary evils'? Where do you suppose these measures in our own day will lead us?

Better people than I have sacrificed far more than their jobs or the convenience of air travel for the cause of liberty. This madness and the people who support it dishonor them.

I think Benjamin Franklin's words are too relevant to ignore here. He wrote:
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

If I'm going to get naked, or physical, it's going to be on my own terms. And it'll probably be with people I know and trust, unless I just decide to start exposing myself to total strangers, in which case (in any other context) most people would say I'm the one infringing upon THEIR rights.

For those sycophants who will choose to degrade themselves with this abuse, I hope you'll remember this when you come out on the other side of the security line feeling not so warm and fuzzy and safe, but rather dirty and ashamed. It's normal. That's how being molested and exploited is supposed to make you feel.

If you have ever flown El Al, or to/from TLV at all, then of course you know they don't use these ridiculous peep show machines in their security screening program. In fact, their security experts have resoundingly commented that the body scanners are ineffective and a waste of money.

The waste of money part, of course, explains our own government's insatiable appetite for them. It's a racket. Your stimulus dollars at work.
Don't expect to see any improvement before 2013 when we reach the end of an error.

You know who started the TSA, don't you? :crazy: Same people who pushed through the USA Patriot Act, among other legislation. Today's conservatives in office haven't been conservative for a very long time. In fact, quite the opposite is usually true. We're seeing that now with the TSA.

EDIT: Not trying to start a political fight, but my points fit the thread.
You know who started the TSA, don't you? :crazy: Same people who pushed through the USA Patriot Act, among other legislation. Today's conservatives in office haven't been conservative for a very long time. In fact, quite the opposite is usually true. We're seeing that now with the TSA.

EDIT: Not trying to start a political fight, but my points fit the thread.
Me either, but being a conservative used to mean less governmental control and far less government intrusion into your personal life and not the taking away of of freedoms, revising them and limiting them! It used to stand for the PEOPLE having the power. Damn sad!
Me either, but being a conservative used to mean less governmental control and far less government intrusion into your personal life and not the taking away of of freedoms, revising them and limiting them! It used to stand for the PEOPLE having the power. Damn sad!

Sure is. Strangely enough, with my Libertarian views on personal freedoms and government intervention, I usually get tagged as a "liberal" in political debates. How's that work? :D
Sure is. Strangely enough, with my Libertarian views on personal freedoms and government intervention, I usually get tagged as a "liberal" in political debates. How's that work? :D

Because agreeing with a party is WAY better than having an actual opinion.
This is essentially a repeat screw-up of the 2009 incident where a political operative carrying cash was detained in St. Louis. He continued to ask if he was being arrested or detained and the local morons tried good cop/bad cop. The guy refused to answer questions about why he had the cash and the reason he was carrying it. Finally the FBI shows up and lets the dipsticks know they are on very thin ice.

The fellow taped the entire process with his phone unbeknownst to the dipsticks and for a while it was on youtube. Not there now I think
Gotta get the public behind this. CrewPASS isn’t known to the vast majority of the flying public, but if they knew, they’d be on the side of crewmembers. Like it or not, Michael Roberts is now the poster child for this, and I hope he’s more like Chesley Sullenberger than Steven Slater.

The solution lies in congress, and the path is through the media and the public. This issue needs a person to lead it, and an organization to push it.
No, he wasn't very good. Might do better to clarify that security exists to prevent unauthorized people from bringing weapons aboard or taking control of the airplane. He has access to the airline-provided crash axe, and as a crewmember, his role is to fly the airplane. Roberts won't win this by making a constitutional argument or trying to take control of an interview.
No, he wasn't very good. Might do better to clarify that security exists to prevent unauthorized people from bringing weapons aboard or taking control of the airplane. He has access to the airline-provided crash axe, and as a crewmember, his role is to fly the airplane. Roberts won't win this by making a constitutional argument or trying to take control of an interview.

Isn't what this is about?
I am so sick and tired of increasing restriction being placed on law-abiding citizens, while real criminals and terrorists are ignored.

On a side note; other than CNN (which noboby watches), have you seen this story anywhere in the mainstream media? I had to pull the story off of smartertravel.com. ABC, CBS, NBC, et al are too focused on how the upcoming Democratic smack-down will affect Obama rather than report on real news.
Building on what's been already mentioned, my beef is with TSA as an organization, not the individual TSA screeners. While there are bad apples in TSA just as there are anywhere, the majority of TSA screeners I've dealt with have been pleasant and friendly.

That aside, my beef is with the creation of TSA as a whole post 9/11. Following the attacks, the creation of TSA was another knee-jerk reaction in order to give the masses the feeling of "security" on the airlines. The thing was, airline security did not fail on 9/11. The 9/11 hijackers got through security with items that, at the time, were allowed to be taken onboard and weren't a problem at all. Combine that with the (then) policy of complying with hijackers and their demands, and the recipe was set for the 9/11 hijackers success. I repeat, airport security did not fail in 9/11, therefore there was no need for creation of the TSA, or for the DHS for that matter. Now that this bureaucracy has been created though, its a snowball rolling downhill that keeps getting bigger and bigger, and it seemingly can't be turned around or turned off.

President Bush said on the day of and day after 9/11, that Americans need to (paraphrasing) "go on with their lives and not let terrorists change how we live". Unfortunately, the creation of these very agencies and the fact that people going to the airport are treated (procedurally) as if they're new inmates checking into San Quentin prison; and all the Bush remarked about regarding not letting the terrorists change how we live, has been just that.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The terrorists and their leader Osama Bin Laden, won the War on Terror on 9/12/2001.

We just haven't figured that out yet.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us"

-- Walt Kelly, 1970
:clap:It sure is easier to try and blame the other political party then actually trying to engage in some critical thinking.

The problem is that everyone still acts as though there are only two political parties, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that there is really only one.