Derg tells Cherokee to put his money where his pilot selection grievances are

If you're trying to prevent early attrition, wouldn't it be better to hire pilots who have a lot of training failures on their records, so hopefully they won't be able to get hired at your company's competitors? Probably a lot more effective than your zip code idea.

Some airlines have been known to hire people they assume are going to springboard somewhere else, then fail them on easily 'debriefable' items so they're radioactive for a few years.

It's absolutely criminal, in my eyes.

I can't say which carriers, but any hiring team worth it's generic lanyard is going to know who they are and to give that consideration when evaluating a candidate.
I don’t understand your question. I quoted your post and said I agreed with some of what you wrote. What’s the confusion?

Scroll bar broke? I asked you a question, you said "SQUIRREL" and tried to take it a different direction.

No need to answer because I no longer expect cogency in your responses, just grievance. Untargeted, generalized grievance.

Feel free to run along.
"Outta my seat, buddy! I'm in my last three years and I want to do some Island flying with y'all!"

I think that it would be easier to get congress to fix the deficiencies of the almost 100 year old Railway Labor Act than to get one national pilot union on board with a fair NSL policy... even if a policy was written today, it would take a whole generation for it to be enacted.

But, I'm off topic.

I'm just here to say that the plural of anecdote is not data.
"There's a reason why most of your best FO's left, they probably didn't want to be like you, feeling stuck, always bitter at the world and what everyone else has."

I think the downgrades are coming regardless of the merger being approved or not.

I agree. In my case it will be pretty awful. It will likely mean another 5+ years of FO.

With a merger it could be worse since I won't be a captain during the snapshot for SLI. Also, now that the 800+ FOs who are senior to me know how difficult it is to upgrade at Le Eskimo Airways with zero growth it will be a long time before I get a chance to upgrade again.

Really do wish UA had called during 2019.
"There's a reason why most of your best FO's left, they probably didn't want to be like you, feeling stuck, always bitter at the world and what everyone else has."

It's true tho! :)

He spends more time thinking about my employer than I do AND I work there.

American? Silent
United? Also silent
JetBlue? Absent
FDX? Nada
UPS? Zip

But every time he sees a widget, CC be like:


I'm not even flattered, it's just gotten really... "weird"
It's true tho! :)

He spends more time thinking about my employer than I do AND I work there.

American? Silent
United? Also silent
JetBlue? Absent
FDX? Nada
UPS? Zip

But every time he sees a widget, CC be like:
View attachment 78342View attachment 78342
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I'm not even flattered, it's just gotten really... "weird"

I kinda get it though. Every 3-4 months we get the next once in a career bad news email from management. It's getting pretty demoralizing. Personally, comparing careers isn't for me but it can be unbelievably frustrating working at CC place of employment at times.

My feelings on the future at his place of employment are "don't get your hopes up." I just hope whatever bad news comes next is funny and no one gets hurt in the next MAX debacle.

Ironically Fox is probably better off not getting hired here. If she motivates, hits it out of the park and winds up at your place of employment she will have a much better career trajectory. Had she gotten hired here in the last year she'd have the same salary and QOL at SkyWest as a captain. A little more retirement contribution, worse reserve in my experience and no movement or improvements for the next 5 years.
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OH man, that really doesn’t go away.

I still wake up in the morning, turn the news on, don’t see any smoking holes in a field or in the side of a building then turn it off.

I haven’t been able to shake the “black swan event overnight” since 9/11. We’re ALL just one bad management decision or someone playing grab-ass on camera and wrecking a plane for likes, shares and subscribes away from potentially being on the street.
That's not the question.

Where are the "people" you're supposedly representing?

And if you were happy with your job, you wouldn't have been recently applying elsewhere. Remember, I keep receipts. :)

They are in those volunteering threads. Just read the room there.

Those people who for years have checked every box imaginable, did what they were told to do, and still no call.

That should answer your question.
They are in those volunteering threads. Just read the room there.

Those people who for years have checked every box imaginable, did what they were told to do, and still no call.

That should answer your question.

No, buddy.

Name one. Who, in the last five years that wanted to move up the food chain, but the effort in, did not?

Name the person.
It's true tho! :)

He spends more time thinking about my employer than I do AND I work there.

American? Silent
United? Also silent
JetBlue? Absent
FDX? Nada
UPS? Zip

But every time he sees a widget, CC be like:
View attachment 78342View attachment 78342
View attachment 78342View attachment 78342

I'm not even flattered, it's just gotten really... "weird"

I was an open book in my situation.

I said I hit the job fair rounds in 2016/2017 after the merger announcement when it became rumored that the NYC base would close. I applied to the big 3 simply for their NYC base. I did t apply to jetBlue because I felt that it would be too much of a lateral move.

Base closed, moved in 2019 to LA, plandemic started 2020, and the rest is history. I no longer had a reason to go to the NYC base anymore. And with the pandemic killing our industry as initially thought, I stopped paying airline apps at that time circa 2020.

As for your insinuation about silence on Delta and United, I already addressed those carriers too in the past.

OBAP 2016:

Delta - had a bunch of FAs in presence that passed out business card thingies that basically said, this is just a meet and great and in no way is an interview or guarantees an interview. That was the start of the arrogance displayed by Delta.

United was not egotistical, but still made it seem like a mountain. You should upgrade they said. Yes sir, I’m trying. Then he said, your chances increase if you can set up a meet n greet with a base CP or ACP. I asked him, aren’t you the one for IAH? His answer, yes. In a consequence free world, the proper answer would be, “well, Ta dah, I’m here…”
But I said ok, thank you, I will absolutely try to get a CP or ACP meet up.

AA was the most laid back. An early 1990 something hire. Just had upgraded recently. He asked me Virgin, didn’t Alaska just buy you guys? I said yes. He goes, why you here, just enjoy that. Then went into his career and talked a bit about AA. He was honest about the post merger life and how he felt. He ended with a honest take, that of 100 slots, half were military, half were civilian. But of the civilian, 35 / 50 were for flows and as an off the street guy, I was competing for the 15 out of 100 slots. I appreciated the open honesty. He ended with a handshake, and said: “seriously, enjoy what you have.”

AA was the best to talk to, down to earth and honest. United was methodical by the book approach. Delta was the most ego trip.

As for FDX and UPS I never applied there because of no NYC base, but the couple times I have written about them I get told to stay in my lane and that I dont know cargo ops.