Derg tells Cherokee to put his money where his pilot selection grievances are

Well, isn't that why we have flight reviews, IPC's, etc, etc?
Should be, but even that, based on lots of personal experience in that "system" is corrupt, too. I once got asked to a do a FR and an IPC for a guy. I had to deny a signature even for just the FR. Guy didn't even know where his pitot/static was on his airplane. He thought his P/T fin was an antenna. And, despite his protestations of his "excellence" based on the fact that he "regularly flew IFR to Florida", his G1000 databases were 9 years out of date. He probably didn't notice simply because EVERY line on his Garmin DB splash screen was Red. You know, scrow, when EVERY line is RED, that means RED is normal, right??

Why corrupt? Why my "cynicism"? 'Cause someone had been signing him off at least the last 9 years. That's why.
Thank you for sharing yet another "CC Grievance". I'm not going to dance around the elephant in the room with this but you, as a person who has literally purchased every aviation job he's had, unsurprisingly, finds actual interview process… distasteful. I'm not shocked.

In the real world, there's a certain level of auditioning to go through. My company needs north of 1200 pilots this year. There are many multiples of people that exceed competitive minimums for those 1200 spots and you want to find the best candidates and I'm sorry, you're just not going to write a check to get the job here.

"The Process" is 1000x easier than it was in the 1990's. Company-sponsored social media outreach where you can ask direct questions to pilot selection, risk-free. Free job fairs where the company will pick you up at the airport, feed you, talk to you about your qualifications, shake hands with the CEO and drive you BACK to the airport, free of charge and requiring no hotel, the company medical is gone, it's a one day process where you know you'll have a CJO that day instead of waiting a week, paid uniforms and paid hotel accommodations.

That's too onerous for you, Cherokee? Go sit in the corner and think about how silly you sound.

(good grief, it's like there's some weird sexual perversion when you beg for public beat-downs, but we don't kink-shame here)

1200 you say…hmm so your saying there is hope
That is what it is. My gripe is the good hard working people like Shark who can’t get a break despite checking boxes like people were told to do when advancing in the career.

Shark knows what she needs to do. WHO ARE YOU SPEAKING FOR? I will stay on you until you answer the direct question.22
Shark knows what she needs to do. WHO ARE YOU SPEAKING FOR? I will stay on you until you answer the direct question.22

Other than finish up the college degree? Maybe she gets a call then. Maybe not. I was speaking for the OP, before you broke this thread off into this one.
Wrong. "Shark" already knows what the issue is. WHO ARE YOU SPEAKING FOR?

Would it not be hubris to assume the issue is a 4-yr college degree?

Like seeing a square trying to fit in a round peg, it’s easy to point out the one thing missing. I bet you cold hard cash if she had a college degree, the next talking point would be, “be a checkairman!” “Stand out more.”

There is literally no end to the thing she would be told to do or get, as reasons for no call. I’m not a noob in the industry, I’ve seen this BS play out.
Would it not be hubris to assume the issue is a 4-yr college degree?

Like seeing a square trying to fit in a round peg, it’s easy to point out the one thing missing. I bet you cold hard cash if she had a college degree, the next talking point would be, “be a checkairman!” “Stand out more.”

There is literally no end to the thing she would be told to do or get, as reasons for no call. I’m not a noob in the industry, I’ve seen this BS play out.
What happened to your contention that there are so many pilots that have "checked all the boxes" but haven't received the Call? Got any examples?
What happened to your contention that there are so many pilots that have "checked all the boxes" but haven't received the Call? Got any examples?

There’s many out there. Younger FOs I fly with who’ll say they have apps to Delta and United , get crickets. And many of these are ex-Skywest CAs.
There’s many out there. Younger FOs I fly with who’ll say they have apps to Delta and United , get crickets. And many of these are ex-Skywest CAs.

So there’s no one.

See, the problem is that I’m trying to solve problems and help people, but you’re just pure grievance.

When pressed, there’s nothing but your emotions. Do better.
Should be, but even that, based on lots of personal experience in that "system" is corrupt, too. I once got asked to a do a FR and an IPC for a guy. I had to deny a signature even for just the FR. Guy didn't even know where his pitot/static was on his airplane. He thought his P/T fin was an antenna.

That is, like, literally what we are paid for as instructors. I taught someone how to sign up for a database subscription and use the antique USB Garmin card reader last month.

And if a flight review isn't where it needs to be, you sign the dual given, and make a plan to get there. If you are doing it right, the student sees the value of what they are getting from you, and comes back. My tactic for people that don't want to pay or bother with database updates? Do some practice approaches asking them to go to fixes I know that their GPS isn't going to have. They usually get the hint that it would be a problem in IMC.
Would it not be hubris to assume the issue is a 4-yr college degree?

Like seeing a square trying to fit in a round peg, it’s easy to point out the one thing missing. I bet you cold hard cash if she had a college degree, the next talking point would be, “be a checkairman!” “Stand out more.”

There is literally no end to the thing she would be told to do or get, as reasons for no call. I’m not a noob in the industry, I’ve seen this BS play out.
Except she’s gotten multiple interviews and not gotten past them so………
I’m not doxxing real life pilot names that I fly with.

PM’s aren’t broke. Have you seen their applications or are you assuming they’re competitive? You don’t know.

Here’s a trick. If your FO goes on and on about ‘the system’ and complains about not moving forward, have him send you a PDF copy of his application, read it line-by-line as if they’re an absolute stranger and let the application build a picture of who that person is personally and professionally. Attention to detail? Did he answer the question asked? Is it legible? “Duz bruh write in like hes sms his BFF on iMSG?”, accidents, incidents, can he “fly to Canada”. Anything short of that and you’re talking out of your buttocks.
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Except she’s gotten multiple interviews and not gotten past them so………

She would benefit from sitting down with a colleague with some interview experience doing some forensics AND some more time between the employment gap and an interview. I’m more than happy to do that and the offer is always open for that or anyone else.

CC’s just looking for a reason to complain about things that do not affect him that he has a four year old’s understanding of nor any desire to learn, just complain. Him bitching at me isn’t going to change anything, hell, it probably makes it worse since it communicates to everyone else that when you stick your neck out to help people, you get swiftly stabbed in it time and time again. And, colloquially, ‘ain’t nobody else doin’ it’
No good deed goes unpunished!

Funny story. When asked if I had apps out when I was an FO by a 10 year plus captain at SkyWest. I told him "odd you should ask and I'm trying to keep it quiet but I have a job offer from Eskimo Airways".

That started a tirade about how long he had been a captain for at SkyWest and how unfair it was I had gotten the job at Eskimo Airways.

So I asked him: "So did you apply when the window opened last month?"

Captain: "No"


OIP (2).jpg
No good deed goes unpunished!

Funny story. When asked if I had apps out when I was an FO by a 10 year plus captain at SkyWest. I told him "odd you should ask and I'm trying to keep it quiet but I have a job offer from Eskimo Airways".

That started a tirade about how long he had been a captain for at SkyWest and how unfair it was I had gotten the job at Eskimo Airways.

So I asked him: "So did you apply when the window opened last month?"

Captain: "No"


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There’s an entitled segment of aviation where they feel that airlines should rent a bus and go on nationwide road tours knocking on the doors of pilots, unsolicited, and offering them class dates and warm whole Honeybaked hams with all the fixings.

Can’t get a job with a company you haven’t applied to.

Can’t get an interview if your application you DID fill out is absolute junk.

Can’t get through the interview if you can’t listen to the question and provide a cogent answer.

This does not mean that I’m a fan of interview prep because there are some profoundly terrible people taking fistfuls of cash and giving interview-killing advice out or absolutely trashing an otherwise passable application. But everyone has an anal-retentive OCD friend who could read the application, take the most literal interpretation of what’s being asked and ask themselves “Does the answer make sense? Is it comprehensive?” Or get a book of basic interview questions (the field doesn’t really matter) and have a friend sit down, completely stone-faced, without inflection, ask a question and write the answer down as they’re answering.

There’s an entitled segment of aviation where they feel that airlines should rent a bus and go on nationwide road tours knocking on the doors of pilots, unsolicited, and offering them class dates and warm whole Honeybaked hams with all the fixings.

Can’t get a job with a company you haven’t applied to.

Can’t get an interview if your application you DID fill out is absolute junk.

Can’t get through the interview if you can’t listen to the question and provide a cogent answer.

This does not mean that I’m a fan of interview prep because there are some profoundly terrible people taking fistfuls of cash and giving interview-killing advice out or absolutely trashing an otherwise passable application. But everyone has an anal-retentive OCD friend who could read the application, take the most literal interpretation of what’s being asked and ask themselves “Does the answer make sense? Is it comprehensive?” Or get a book of basic interview questions (the field doesn’t really matter) and have a friend sit down, completely stone-faced, without inflection, ask a question and write the answer down as they’re answering.

The most valuable thing I did was volunteer to do interviews at XOJET. My biggest takeaway was: Answer the question as succinctly as possible and then STOP TALKING.

So many people I wanted to hire and they wouldn't shut up and they talked themselves out of a job. Someone did it at my Eskimo interview too. They answered the question pretty well. Kept talking. Kept talking some more. Then talked themselves out of a job. Brutal to watch.

I did wind up getting interview prep for Eskimo. It was worth it for the cover letter and resume improvements. The rest is debatable. It probably gave me the edge to get in the room for the interview. If I make it that far I get the job.

Still no idea why real majors never called but I know I put my best effort in.