Resident Iconoclast
Already addressed:
I'm surprised you can't see how hypocritical these statements are. Management IS part of the airline, therefore the airline sucks. Seems pretty simple to me.
Already addressed:
Oh come on. That's just capitalism in action. The free market economy will sort it out!
Not that I'm unaware of the problems inherent in capitalism (or really, any economic system inhabited by innately broken, selfish human beings), but if you think that a government sponsored and enforced monopoly/slave trade is anything like the free market that libertarians such as @Boris Badenov or the good Dr. Paul espouse, you need to get the exhaust system in your 207 looked at.
Not that I'm unaware of the problems inherent in capitalism (or really, any economic system inhabited by innately broken, selfish human beings), but if you think that a government sponsored and enforced monopoly/slave trade is anything like the free market that libertarians such as @Boris Badenov or the good Dr. Paul espouse, you need to get the exhaust system in your 207 looked at.
Dutch Apple Pie is the yardstick of apple pies.Standard or Dutch?
It is the weakness of his subjects that gives the tyrant his strength.
Some of the comments in this thread are absolutely disgusting.
Standard or Dutch?
What I read was deplorable.
That said, I don't feel for the people that keep applying there knowing what they're getting into.
I'm surprised you can't see how hypocritical these statements are. Management IS part of the airline, therefore the airline sucks. Seems pretty simple to me.
I agree management sounds like it sucks, but I'm not sure I can write off that airline as "sucks" just because of management?
As a paying passenger, I judge the airline based on the service provided, comforts, entertainment, and friendliness of the crew. That is the metric I personally use. Management sucks at a lot of places, it doesn't mean that airline itself "sucks." But I guess your definition is different, so I suppose it's also a valid viewpoint.