People Will Tell You This Profession Can't Get Better

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Coming from you, I'm not surprised. Don't you have some pilots to stalk on facebook?
Hehe, you've had people hitting you so hard for so long you can't keep anything straight anymore. I was just one of the guys that got a phone call and txt who you were and where to find your stupid online life. Soooooo... "Shouldn't you be watching your phone for whenever your buddies out the next internet tough guy?" is what you should have said.

I would retort, "Shouldn't you stop trying to live your life out loud?" For your age group, if it didn't happen on facebook, did it actually happen? The answer is yes.
No. I bid min guarantee schedules. If I bid open time it was because I dropped something else and was below guarantee.
Does the Eagle contract not have open time protection? The Mesaba one always did so people could pick up open time without feeling guilty about furloughs (from the company that furloughed half their pilot group because management moved our operating budget to a different checking account and pretended to go BK).

Is it really me that failed to step up here? REALLY?

Give me a break.
Does the Eagle contract not have open time protection? The Mesaba one always did so people could pick up open time without feeling guilty about furloughs (from the company that furloughed half their pilot group because management moved our operating budget to a different checking account and pretended to go BK).

I'm gonna have to say no because I'm not really sure what you're talking about, so I'm assuming we don't have that.
... so much for a thread about positive thinking and believing we can change the negative trends in our careers.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Nothing wrong with all that, but getting excited about proposed rates is like saying "We told them we want eleventy-billion dollars an hour! Change is right around the corner!" I hope there are improvements for RAH folks, but according to my sources, the amalgamated Atlas/Polar contract had a union proposed top pay rate of $265/hr. The actual rate, at DOS+4, ended up being $213. Granted, as we all know, the pay rate isn't the whole story.
I'm gonna have to say no because I'm not really sure what you're talking about, so I'm assuming we don't have that.
So much percent (between 2-5%) shall go into open time and that will be based off total hours per base. Usually that is after training gets ahold of the trips they want.
Is it really me that failed to step up here? REALLY?

Give me a break.
Eh, I know your style of inspiration. It always falls flat for me, however, others may enjoy it. I don't know man, this thing went sideways quickly all based on a dubious premise. To proposed something that many felt was wrong headed, irrelevant, or in some cases a narcissistic cheerleading event, and then submit your evidence, and have it fall flat may say more about the argument than the audience.

Anyhow, one readers opinion and all that.
Nothing wrong with all that, but getting excited about proposed rates is like saying "We told them we want eleventy-billion dollars an hour! Change is right around the corner!" I hope there are improvements for RAH folks, but according to my sources, the amalgamated Atlas/Polar contract had a union proposed top pay rate of $265/hr. The actual rate, at DOS+4, ended up being $213. Granted, as we all know, the pay rate isn't the whole story.

I had a bad source and I took responsibility for that.

The negativity here isn't warranted by that.

... and even if it's a small step forward instead of a giant leap an airline coming up with hiring numbers on a TA is a good thing.

That's what gets me the most here. Unless it's the sun, moon, and stars people want to hang their heads and grumble about defeat.

Pilots have come a long, long way in the past five years and I think that's worth noting. It's momentum we can build on.

We've had watershed legislation passed in our favor and major paradigm shifts that are clearly shaping the next thirty year cycle. Those shifts show all the signs of a positive upswing after a steady thirty year post-Deregulation beat down. That's worth looking up for!

... but I suppose people would rather stick to familiar misery rather than embrace an unfamiliar hope.

So much percent (between 2-5%) shall go into open time and that will be based off total hours per base. Usually that is after training gets ahold of the trips they want.

I don't think we've ever had anything like that. Just the opposite, in fact. Up until recently scheduling was allowed to withhold open time up to a certain amount and block the rest unless we were critically low staffed on a given day. To suggest that I was picking up OT when we were over staffed enough to have pilots on furlough is silly.

The only thing I did say was that while many Eagle pilots argued nobody should touch OT with people on the street, some people just never agreed to that, and the best we could come up with was that everybody had to make that decision for themselves. I've never advocated it, and in fact have never shied away from bidding less time or outright sticking my thumb in scheduling's eye when they try to screw over me or any other pilot.

As for my message in the OP, I've already noted that the post calling me a narcissist is from someone who clearly uses words he doesn't understand even a little.

My style, once again, runs to the bombastic at times, but if you can't relate, maybe it's not you I'm speaking to.

If this career was really such a zero sum game, why are so many of us still in it? Or could there be a payoff that some have reached, and now don't want to rock the boat because it might nudge them out of their wallow?

Come on. Really?
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Hehe, you've had people hitting you so hard for so long you can't keep anything straight anymore. I was just one of the guys that got a phone call and txt who you were and where to find your stupid online life. Soooooo... "Shouldn't you be watching your phone for whenever your buddies out the next internet tough guy?" is what you should have said.

I would retort, "Shouldn't you stop trying to live your life out loud?" For your age group, if it didn't happen on facebook, did it actually happen? The answer is yes.

I'm not on facebook anymore. I grew out of that phase of life. Online social networking is for teen and college age students. Not adults. Anyway I'm not surprised at what you got. I've heard the horror stories of absolute childish behavior by Colgan and Mesaba guys when it came to messing with 9E pilots.

So you get run out of APC, and now get to grace us with your presence? Yay for us.
No, I'm still there. Why would think not?
I'm not on facebook anymore. I grew out of that phase of life. Online social networking is for teen and college age students. Not adults. Anyway I'm not surprised at what you got. I've heard the horror stories of absolute childish behavior by Colgan and Mesaba guys when it came to messing with 9E pilots.

No, I'm still there. Why would think not?

Haven't seen Shyguy lately and have seen alot of people calling you out, especially from your own airline. Annnddddd now we get to see your awesomeness. Can you go back there now?

K Thanks Byeeee
I don't think we've ever had anything like that. Just the opposite, in fact. Up until recently scheduling was allowed to withhold open time up to a certain amount and block the rest unless we were critically low staffed on a given day. To suggest that I was picking up OT when we were over staffed enough to have pilots on furlough is silly.

The only thing I did say was that while many Eagle pilots argued nobody should touch OT with people on the street, some people just never agreed to that, and the best we could come up with was that everybody had to make that decision for themselves. I've never advocated it, and in fact have never shied away from bidding less time or outright sticking my thumb in scheduling's eye when they try to screw over me or any other pilot.
Eh, sounds like something that is between the Eagle pilots. It's not the same everywhere
My style, once again, runs to the bombastic at times, but if you can't relate, maybe it's not you I'm speaking to.
Which is why I indicated as much. The tone borders on caterwauling, and it's targeted at people who agree with you to raise the choir, not to change minds, or influence thinking.
If this career was really such a zero sum game, why are so many of us still in it? Or could there be a payoff that some have reached, and now don't want to rock the boat because it might nudge them out of their wallow?
The career isn't zero sum for me. I had a good run with Mesaba, bought a house, married, savings, blah blah blah. The next step airline will do even more for me, as long as I didn't just jynx myself. Pinnacle isn't around anymore so I suppose it would be tough for them to buy my next company and run it into the ground... again. As far as rocking the boat talk, I think I know what your talking about but really it's just presupposed arguments you're having for someone else's benefit.
Come on. Really?
It looks like your trying to characterize my response as a question and answer it. If you want to have the conversation on your own that's fine. This is a silly way to exchange ideas, you're simply having the other guys ideas for him, and snapping back a response to your created thought. It seems like a straw man, except I think your probably retrieving a conversation you've had with someone else and supplanting the edited text here.

There are some things we are just too far apart on. It doesn't mean your bad, and although I have a tough time with your style, I don't think less of you for it. Truthfully, with these threads, I'm just in it for the comedy, thus the inspirational poster. I think this thread would do well to die. Truly, this industry sector is caving in on itself, and there's going to be a point where there are more pilots than airplanes again and someone from management will say show of hands who still wants a job doing the same thing for less money. It's economics. Right now the pilots are leaving the sector faster than management can whipsaw, and for ASA and Eagle, that's a great thing. If only out Cht 13 happened a year or so later.
I'm not on facebook anymore. I grew out of that phase of life. Online social networking is for teen and college age students. Not adults. Anyway I'm not surprised at what you got. I've heard the horror stories of absolute childish behavior by Colgan and Mesaba guys when it came to messing with 9E pilots.

No, I'm still there. Why would think not?
What I got? Again, you're confused who I am.

As far as messing with 9E pilots, you're the one hated and outed by your own 9E guys. Maybe you're thinking of yourself?

Also, the "no I'm still there, why would you think not" is a quote for @ClarkGriswold no for me. Don't worry I did your work for you.
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