People Will Tell You This Profession Can't Get Better

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Haven't seen Shyguy lately and have seen alot of people calling you out, especially from your own airline. Annnddddd now we get to see your awesomeness. Can you go back there now?
K Thanks Byeeee
One guy from current company and he's ex-Comair. He's entitled to believe whatever he wants. I'm on APC but there isn't too much going on there these days. Just more merger complaints and guys flexing muscles about which carrier is better. It's just getting worse by the day.
I was just one of the guys that got a phone call and txt
Why would you receive a phone call and text? Are you the end all of forum attenders? I would think I'm prolific and I've never had anybody ask me if I knew who someone else was on a phone call or text. I've had Hunta threaten me for my online posts in the SLI debacle. Are you sure you aren't in a union position?
Why would you receive a phone call and text? Are you the end all of forum attenders? I would think I'm prolific and I've never had anybody ask me if I knew who someone else was on a phone call or text. I've had Hunta threaten me for my online posts in the SLI debacle. Are you sure you aren't in a union position?
Lol. You're kidding right?

I don't think you appreciate how much your "prolific" online presence was resented by your own legacy pilot group, and how quickly - once outed - people would drag you through the mud. While not a union rep or volunteer, there were a few people at this company who thought I should be included in on the joke of your outing. You want to pretend you're a victim for the online community, that's fine, but you rankled enough ire from all three pilot groups to create a sort of celebratory atmosphere that you're online presence could be matched to a person we could all see and hate. The hate ebbed into comedy quickly, but make no mistake, you're going to be tagged for a long time and it's only worse since you can't give up the forum habit.

You really stuck your finger in everyone's eye, and thought there'd be no payback? I know you've excused yourself in the past saying, "Well I was only telling the truth and people hated it," but that's not what happened. You were awful to everyone anonymously, and you were held to account.
Back in that time frame, no one cared (except the JC community). In fact, the airlines actually preferred hiring those guys because they'd do well and had less a chance to wash out.
Right. @Seggy. This photo was from that time frame... Not my finger btw

Lol. You're kidding right?

I don't think you appreciate how much your "prolific" online presence was resented by your own legacy pilot group, and how quickly - once outed - people would drag you through the mud. While not a union rep or volunteer, there were a few people at this company who thought I should be included in on the joke of your outing. You want to pretend you're a victim for the online community, that's fine, but you rankled enough ire from all three pilot groups to create a sort of celebratory atmosphere that you're online presence could be matched to a person we could all see and hate. The hate ebbed into comedy quickly, but make no mistake, you're going to be tagged for a long time and it's only worse since you can't give up the forum habit.

You really stuck your finger in everyone's eye, and thought there'd be no payback? I know you've excused yourself in the past saying, "Well I was only telling the truth and people hated it," but that's not what happened. You were awful to everyone anonymously, and you were held to account.

Please. My ire was directed at those at 9L and XJ who worked to screw over 9E pilots and those select few 9E who sold out the entire group. Celebratory atmosphere? Glad I could get people to still be happy despite what's happening at the new 9E today.

Right. @Seggy. This photo was from that time frame... Not my finger btw

I've never seen that particular photo before. That's pretty bad though. They could have conveyed the message better. But that place is long gone and therefore no need to lose sleep over it.
So what is your background and experience in part 121?

It's the only measuring stick. A mediator would do the same. And as for other professional jobs, stop making the mistake thinking we are like doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. The #1 mistake pilots make is think they have a white collar job.

Again, without you sharing your specifics, what are you talking about? Where did you walk away from and what did you walk into?
Keep arguing for pay cuts!

Your right, pilots are not doctors, lawyers etc. at least people in those professions properly value themselves.

I was an SIC, PIC then line check airman. I flew with and without a contract. I got a degree in engineering, worked for my ratings slinging avgas, working as a mechanic. Then as a CFI I instructed for 2000 hours through the early 2000's downturns. Ran my own brokerage, then went started flying at Colgan. Worked EAS in a 1900 in the northeast. Upgraded in the plane. Kept flying until they closed my base. Went through a purchase, then merger . Without a contract I had two options. Dash in Ewr, or 1900 in ALB. I chose Ewr for the commute. Company filed on April 1st and I left.

Now I have that job you keep telling me it's a mistake to compare a pilot job against.

If you think social media isn't important, and that online networking isn't important, your going to get left behind. Let's say next week a big chunk of koolaid falls off of one of those VA airplanes and gives you a concussion. When you down and out for the mandatory 2 year FAA evaluation period, how are you going to look for work? Walk into offices with a resume and cover letter? Cold call? One of the first things HR does these days when you submit a resume is toss your name in google. The lack of an online profile these days is turning into a flag. As the current generation moves into the workplace, this will become more and more common.
Yet another 121 thread gone to shat.........shocking.

This part of the forum is worse than the Lav.

Good job doing management's job for them. They love this kind of discontent and ire among pilots who supposedly have "unity".

Take a breather for a bit. It's Saturday. Get out and actually do something today.

Your regularly scheduled crapfest can resume in a while.
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