Chances of getting into the Air Force or Navy?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys ever since I was little I wanted to fly in the military but have never pursued it since I'm mildly colorblind. I have gone the civilian route and I've been flying for 6 years now and have around 1400 hours. About 6 years ago I took the FAA light gun test (I had no problems with it, it was actually very easy for me) and got my FAA color vision waiver.

Now with the economy and lack of flying right now I have a lot of free time and I've started researching the military again. I know the Navy offers the FALANT test as an alternative to the plate test so I think they are my best option but I'm also interested in the Air Force because I hear they are a little more lenient.

I guess my question is one, has anyone on here been mildly color blind and can pass the Navy FALANT test? Also has anyone ever heard of getting a flying waiver in the Air Force for color deficiencies, especially since I'm already flying and have no problems when it comes to aviation related colors? I'd be happy to get in even if I was restricted to never flying single pilot aircraft.

Also I know how many openings they have determines how willing they are to work with you, so does anyone know how pilot slots are looking for the end of this year?

Lastly, after a week of calling around I finally found the Air Force and Navy pilot officer recruiters for my area. The Navy recruiter must be out of town as I haven't been able to get a hold of him all week even after leaving a message. I'm also worried the Air Force recruiter isn't going to be on top of things as she said she would get me to take the flight physical and then we could petition the board, but she still hasn't emailed me the forms after a couple days even though I've called her and reminder her a couple times. So if anyone on here knows of anyone that could help me it would be much appreciated. (I'm in SE Virginia dealing with the Richmond recruiting office)
I have never heard of anyone being accepted into Naval flight training with even mild color blindness. Being able to accurately differentiate between colors is a pretty important thing in this line of work:

In other words, the Navy is NOT going to be more lenient in this respect than the FAA is, and I know of no "color blindness waivers" given out in military aviation.
Thanks for the reply, I understand color is very important in Naval Aviation. The thing is is I have no problem seeing the green, red, and orange shades in the landing system picture you showed, or any other color that has a set purpose in aviation. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone on here had real problems with the color plates (I can only get about 3 out of 10) but still find the FALANT test passable. Is the FALANT test anything like light gun signals from the tower?

If it is I will have no trouble passing it and would love to join the Navy.

I also understand getting a waiver for color deficiencies in the Military is close to impossible but I figured I'd try. That's why I'm pushing more for the Navy as they recognize the FALANT test while the Air Force does not, and I think I have a chance in passing it.

It's too bad the Military only recognizes color blindness and automatically disqualifies you when in reality there are hundreds of levels of color deficiencies and some have nothing to do with aviation. Kind of depressing that they won't let me in because I have trouble distinguishing between slight colors like aqua and turquoise.
Thanks for the reply, I understand color is very important in Naval Aviation. The thing is is I have no problem seeing the green, red, and orange shades in the landing system picture you showed, or any other color that has a set purpose in aviation. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone on here had real problems with the color plates (I can only get about 3 out of 10) but still find the FALANT test passable. Is the FALANT test anything like light gun signals from the tower?

If it is I will have no trouble passing it and would love to join the Navy.

I also understand getting a waiver for color deficiencies in the Military is close to impossible but I figured I'd try. That's why I'm pushing more for the Navy as they recognize the FALANT test while the Air Force does not, and I think I have a chance in passing it.

It's too bad the Military only recognizes color blindness and automatically disqualifies you when in reality there are hundreds of levels of color deficiencies and some have nothing to do with aviation. Kind of depressing that they won't let me in because I have trouble distinguishing between slight colors like aqua and turquoise.

You're right, there are no waivers for color vision issues. The FALANT is not a difficult test to pass IMO and I have had issues with the color plates in the past. I failed my first few color plate attempts. I've been active duty Navy for 16+ years now, a Naval aviator for 14 of those and have not once had an issue with the FALANT. Now last year, the FALANT test/equipment was stolen from the clinic at Whiting. Somebody just walke off with it, crazy. So they had the color plates. I wasn't worried for if I failed, they would give me the FALANT somewhere else. As it was, not being nervous after so many years, I got every one right on the color plate...I think 14/14. I was guessing on more half of them really.

Point is, if you want to fly military and can pass the FALANT, then the Navy is the way to go. I've got 2500 hours, 550 traps at the boat and have never had an issue seeing any sort of color. Even had to use the light system for line-up behind the boat night for 6 passes, ACLS and Bullseye were down. Never had an issue with the FRESNEL LENS (the ball) either. No issues and I think I too have a mild color defeciency.
Thanks Bunk that gives me hope I can pass the flight physical.

Only problem is now I finally got a hold of a Navy recruiter in my area and she said they are done taking applications now and the next slots are for FY2011. She also said they aren't even taking applications for 2011 yet. So I guess I'll just go ahead and get my stuff in for when they start accepting them.

Does anyone know if this is really the case? Are they really not accepting any more apps for 2009 and 2010?
I'm sure they are speaking the truth there. Just be patient and build up your application package in the mean time as best as you can. If you have any Navy program specific questions (or just care to learn more than you will anywhere else on the web), please come over to

It's a forum full of current, retired, and aspiring Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers. Like baseops, but a bit more professional IMHO (and dedicated to discussion of Naval Aviation). Plenty of current info on OCS classes, applications, and you can get in touch with a lot of other applicants as well. Good luck, and it sounds like you might have a shot at getting physically qualified!
Yeah if you were school you would have had options. Be patient with the Boards, cause it might take along time to get in, beyond just there are no slots open. Plus try not to go to Newport in winter it just sucks. If it were me I would be more worried about getting to Newport in the summer when it isn't freezing cold, you don't have to PT in doors, and if you get libo there is something to do.