91 cargo flying

A strong head wind heading east in those parts? Man, just wasn't your day.

Tell me about it. When I first took off out of El Paso, I was expecting a ground speed of at least 100. Watching it fluctuate between 59 and 80 all night was beyond irritating. I had to take about an hour break in Waco for a bit of anger management. haha
Tell me about it. When I first took off out of El Paso, I was expecting a ground speed of at least 100. Watching it fluctuate between 59 and 80 all night was beyond irritating. I had to take about an hour break in Waco for a bit of anger management. haha
If it makes you feel any better one time coming back from Dallas to El Paso with my daughter and some of her teammates I had a ground speed of about 80 knots... in a 310.:bang:
As in Bob from Flight Express? If it's the same guy, I've heard the stories. He was in OMA for about a month when we were first starting the STP-OMA and OMA-APA airnet runs. Great guy, very eccentric, but it sounds like he gets a bit carried away sometimes to say the least. haha

Haha yeah, the one and only.