Considering leaving the profession for good, could use advice

By regulation they’re only required to have 13 days off per quarter. It sort of sounds like they were bragging about being legal.
Mr. Sydney-every-Tuesday (Ret.) had no interest in this regardless.

Oddly, they just hit me up for pilot referrals too, promising a commission on their charters(?!) I dunno, I'd have to sit down and read it in detail and that just does not interest me.
All well and good until they give you your day off in a hotel on the road.
Spirit interpreted 14 CFR 117.25 to require 30 hours off prior to a deadhead (!!), used it to justify violating Section 12-whatever-it-was of the CBA that mandated 1 day free from duty IN DOMICILE in every 7 day period, and I was all "!!!???!!!!!!!" We called it the "hug the wife and kids" clause, and even without either of those I just don't like being gone that long.
Do you know what time it is, boys and girls? It's apps out everywhere time!
I'm going to come out of my hibernation to say that I have been pretty successful at reviewing apps for people. 3 out of 4 are now at Delta including one guy with a pretty big incident on his record.

While I can't guarantee anything I will say the price is right (free) if you want an external look at your apps.
I've never heard of it. As far as I know, SkyWest generally considers themselves exempt from state-level regulations, since we're working under a CBA. (They renamed the Pilot Policy Manual to "CBA") *cough*

Well, even with a CBA my shop isn’t exempt from California State Law. They don’t advertise it… make you jump through extra hoops… i.e. you have to make a phone call, you have to state that it Cali Kin Care ‘sick’ - but then it’s non-punitive.

I know that no one wants to be a test case… but… just throwing it out there.

It talks about rail/airline exemptions… then it goes and states that the exemptions aren’t really exemptions. So it’s a little confusing. (And our shop is a little different because we have an antiquated PTO system in place of traditional sick. But this, in combination of intermittent FMLA seems to be the ticket for covering one’s bases - not that I’m an expert in this at all.)
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The delta chat I suffer through (ok it is mildly amusing) blew up with "state sick" questions a month or two ago. What happened then?
It talks about rail/airline exemptions… then it goes and states that the exemptions aren’t really exemptions. So it’s a little confusing. (And our shop is a little different because we have an antiquated PTO system in place of traditional sick. But this, in combination of intermittent FMLA seems to be the ticket for covering one’s bases - not that I’m an expert in this at all.)
The actual name of the domicile is “FMLAX.”
Also, @Gonzo and anyone else in chi-town, I'm here at ORD for the next 20 hours if anyone wants to hash this out in person.

Shoot I was out of town, but next time you’re here lmk, happy to chat in person if family / kid responsibilities allow.
That’s sad.

VX and AS policy is once you’re in rest at the hotel, they won’t call you. They can modify your schedule, but it won’t be something showing up before your next day show time.

The idea is, any schedule chnage should be seen as you would have gone to the airport the next day planning on your original trip flight.

Works well, lasts long time.
in my 12 months at WN, they’d never call you for a reroute but would put it on your board. If you “happened” to acknowledge it when you woke up (almost always happened while on RSV) and the trip left even a minute earlier than originally scheduled, 100% override for the entire day (if memory serves correctly). It basically up to you if you wanted to show earlier. As I understand those rules have gotten even better under new their new contract. Unfortunately UA pilots were more concerned with straight money vs overall QOL improvements, I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion. Next cycle I guess.

Back on track, at least at ZW, if I called out fatigued, I didn’t really fear any sort of blowback. They did hold in against you monetarily with sick calls by reducing any OT you flew that month by the amount of your sick call, bs and just caused people to fly sick. Contract at least had fatigue protections built in, which leads the convo back to ALPA vs the mormon student council. I don’t know how that’s fixed short of a card drive or an airline specific union ala SWAPA / APA.
in my 12 months at WN, they’d never call you for a reroute but would put it on your board. If you “happened” to acknowledge it when you woke up (almost always happened while on RSV) and the trip left even a minute earlier than originally scheduled, 100% override for the entire day (if memory serves correctly). It basically up to you if you wanted to show earlier. As I understand those rules have gotten even better under new their new contract. Unfortunately UA pilots were more concerned with straight money vs overall QOL improvements, I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion. Next cycle I guess.
Move up pay is gone now with the new contract and has been replaced by overrides that stack on each other. Leg change override, long duty override, ground time override, and late return override to name a few.

99% of the time they beat the old move up system, there are extremely rare occasions where move up would pay more. The big thing is no more rig absorbed reroutes, it’s night and day better than the old system.
Move up pay is gone now with the new contract and has been replaced by overrides that stack on each other. Leg change override, long duty override, ground time override, and late return override to name a few.

99% of the time they beat the old move up system, there are extremely rare occasions where move up would pay more. The big thing is no more rig absorbed reroutes, it’s night and day better than the old system.

I never got screwed by the rig absorbing extra pay, but I know it was a major problem. Glad it got fixed.
Back on track, at least at ZW, if I called out fatigued, I didn’t really fear any sort of blowback. They did hold in against you monetarily with sick calls by reducing any OT you flew that month by the amount of your sick call, bs and just caused people to fly sick. Contract at least had fatigue protections built in, which leads the convo back to ALPA vs the mormon student council. I don’t know how that’s fixed short of a card drive or an airline specific union ala SWAPA / APA.
I never felt threatened for engaging in a protected activity, such as a fatigue call (I had plenty) at SkyWest, and they’ve been righteously spanked on a few occasions by the Department of Labor for when they have retaliated against people.

(You can STILL frak Fizer, and so on and so forth)

That doesn’t mean they won’t try the ‘side door’ and good luck ever being an LCP, and so on.
Well this ain't going well so far.

It’s a “long game” where you have to preposition yourself for when the market swings the other way.

Train, hone and prep during downturns, be the first of the wave when it comes and it will come again which is why we call it a “wave”

But with WheelsUp dumping some pilots, mess letting some go, there’s a lot of people with multi engine turbine, competing for fewer jobs.
