Purple Vacancy Posting

Aside from tpic and a degree, what do they like to see on a resume?
Titles. Chief Pilot, Check Airman, Director of Safety. Career advancement. Very few people I've run into just flew the line, upgraded to captain and then got hired. You don't need to save 6 puppies and coach youth football as much as you need to have a dedication to your craft. Also apply early and often. Your app goes cold quickly, keep it updated.
Of those who had given out a PE, there were 3x as many pilots who said their applicant had not been called since they'd been given PEs than who were called since they'd been given a PE.
Yep, still on the Eurotrash.

It is hit and miss with respect to if I can hold deadhead day flying. Maybe half the time I actually get those.

I pass on a bidding double DH lines that I could hold because the deadheads are to the east coast. I live in Vegas, so the cost of flying to somewhere, say like KBDL, is more than the company's cost to fly me there from MEM. If I held those lines, I'd end up paying a pretty penny out of pocket to fly that schedule.

The west coast deadheads (LAX, OAK, and PHX are the ones that I can sometimes get) are financially better for me, but more desirable across the pilot group and more difficult to hold.

Can't complain -- I am sitting at 51% on the FO list after only 2.5 years on property. If I have to suck up jumpseats to get commutable day lines, that's perfectly fine with me.

I do some hobby GA flying in Memphis for fun, so it works out to jump in a half day or day prior to a trip starting, or after a trip ends.
That’s a pretty meteoric rise up the list. Has fedex grown or is this a large retirment wave ?
That’s a pretty meteoric rise up the list. Has fedex grown or is this a large retirment wave ?

A little of both. The pilot group has grown 20% in the last 3 years and new 767s and 777s continue to be delivered. At the same time the MD-10s and A310s/A300s that were scheduled to go to the boneyard have been kept on property longer than originally scheduled (or in some cases brought back into service after a temporary stay in VCV). Pilot retirements have been sitting at a consistent annual number for the last couple years, but are forecast to increase annually (from 150-200 currently up to 250-ish) over the next 4-5 years.

There are also factors that are specific to the A300 that have made movement up that list better than on some other aircraft. Basically, as guys who were assigned the 757 out of training bid over to widebodies in subsequent system bids, they generally prefer to bid to the 767 rather than the A300. This is because of the common type rating and smallish training footprint to make the change, as well as the perception that the Bus is an ol' dinosaur in terms of automation. An additional reason is that the 767 bidpack is expanding and adding cities while the A300 is losing cities out of its bidpack.

So, as more senior FOs are bidding off to international flying or captain seats, the open positions are being filled by newhires below me on the list...which results in a rapid movement up -- about 25% just in this last year, and expecting another 20% by the completion of this bid currently being discussed in this thread.
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Yes, indeed -- pretty much what we all think about that.

It would be tough to explain what's occurring without it sounding like a bunch of back-room rumor-milling, but it seems a good generalization to say that what the pilot group thinks the Personal Endorsement is and should be worth is not what the pilot hiring folks think.

Purple recently got a new System Chief Pilot who has publicly commented that he wants to ensure the PE has the weight/value pilots believe it should, but who knows if he has the pull to make that happen.
Yes, indeed -- pretty much what we all think about that.

It would be tough to explain what's occurring without it sounding like a bunch of back-room rumor-milling, but it seems a good generalization to say that what the pilot group thinks the Personal Endorsement is and should be worth is not what the pilot hiring folks think.

Purple recently got a new System Chief Pilot who has publicly commented that he wants to ensure the PE has the weight/value pilots believe it should, but who knows if he has the pull to make that happen.
It’s Pilot Selection. -shrug-
A little of both. The pilot group has grown 20% in the last 3 years and new 767s and 777s continue to be delivered. At the same time the MD-10s and A310s/A300s that were scheduled to go to the boneyard have been kept on property longer than originally scheduled (or in some cases brought back into service after a temporary stay in VCV). Pilot retirements have been sitting at a consistent annual number for the last couple years, but are forecast to increase annually (from 150-200 currently up to 250-ish) over the next 4-5 years.

There are also factors that are specific to the A300 that have made movement up that list better than on some other aircraft. Basically, as guys who were assigned the 757 out of training bid over to widebodies in subsequent system bids, they generally prefer to bid to the 767 rather than the A300. This is because of the common type rating and smallish training footprint to make the change, as well as the perception that the Bus is an ol' dinosaur in terms of automation. An additional reason is that the 767 bidpack is expanding and adding cities while the A300 is losing cities out of its bidpack.

So, as more senior FOs are bidding off to international flying or captain seats, the open positions are being filled by newhires below me on the list...which results in a rapid movement up -- about 25% just in this last year, and expecting another 20% by the completion of this bid currently being discussed in this thread.
Airbus pilots are weird, and they smell funny.