Purple Vacancy Posting

Getting hired somewhere shouldn't have to be this hard, and come the 2020 decade (barring another 9/11 type thing) the hiring practices should ease up.

As jtrain already mentioned, the reality is that your hard work or efforts does not equate to getting an interview, when someone else with a lower resume/quals/volunteer work/etc may very well get the call. That leads to people feeling frustrated, wanting to quit, or just being regional lifers. Most of this game is just luck and timing. That said, there are a lot of retirements coming up and pilots needed at all airlines so getting a call (in general) is a matter of when, not if.
As jtrain already mentioned, the reality is that your hard work or efforts does not equate to getting an interview, when someone else with a lower resume/quals/volunteer work/etc may very well get the call. That leads to people feeling frustrated, wanting to quit, or just being regional lifers. Most of this game is just luck and timing. That said, there are a lot of retirements coming up and pilots needed at all airlines so getting a call (in general) is a matter of when, not if.
Nah, they'd sooner indoctrinate someone from the womb than do that.
More importantly, is it Capn' Hacker now?

Oh, no sir...livin' the FO life. QOL over $$ any day of the week.

But I'm encouraged by the results of the practice bid that @mikecweb posted that shows the "practice" junior widebody Capt being only hired about 9 months before me.

Holding day flying for the last 12 months (except next month because I suck at bidding)...commutable schedules...good times.

The water's warm for anyone who has thoughts of the Purple life.
Oh, no sir...livin' the FO life. QOL over $$ any day of the week.

But I'm encouraged by the results of the practice bid that @mikecweb posted that shows the "practice" junior widebody Capt being only hired about 9 months before me.

Holding day flying for the last 12 months (except next month because I suck at bidding)...commutable schedules...good times.

The water's warm for anyone who has thoughts of the Purple life.

I'd apply, but I never want to be junior to you.
A300? Are you able to mostly do the double DH on day one and last day? If so, that's pretty neat with day flying.

Yep, still on the Eurotrash.

It is hit and miss with respect to if I can hold deadhead day flying. Maybe half the time I actually get those.

I pass on a bidding double DH lines that I could hold because the deadheads are to the east coast. I live in Vegas, so the cost of flying to somewhere, say like KBDL, is more than the company's cost to fly me there from MEM. If I held those lines, I'd end up paying a pretty penny out of pocket to fly that schedule.

The west coast deadheads (LAX, OAK, and PHX are the ones that I can sometimes get) are financially better for me, but more desirable across the pilot group and more difficult to hold.

Can't complain -- I am sitting at 51% on the FO list after only 2.5 years on property. If I have to suck up jumpseats to get commutable day lines, that's perfectly fine with me.

I do some hobby GA flying in Memphis for fun, so it works out to jump in a half day or day prior to a trip starting, or after a trip ends.
Since we're talking about hiring, a lot of folks applying have questions about the Personal Endorsement program. A lot is still unknown, but after about two years of it being out there, the anecdotal data (if there is such a thing) is sort of starting to paint a picture.

On the FX Pilots' closed FB group, there was very recently an informal poll about who had given out PEs, and of those who'd given them out, had the applicant they'd given their PE to been called.

The vast majority of respondents had not given their PE to anyone yet.

Of those who had given out a PE, there were 3x as many pilots who said their applicant had not been called since they'd been given PEs than who were called since they'd been given a PE.

It is still a rather small pool of respondents in the sample size (about 1/15th of the pilot group), but it is at least some info to consider. Sorry I can't give you the actual numbers, as I don't want to betray something derived from a closed somewhat internal group.

My interpretation of it all remains the same: PEs don't hold a substantial weight, if any, in either the interview calls or job offers. So, if you are at all interested in working at Purple, get those apps in and keep them updated, even if you don't have a Personal Endorsement.