Flight Express is hiring


Well-Known Member
This won't help me any due to my lack of hours but maybe it can help someone else.

From climbto350.com in two .jpg files.



  • flex 1.jpg
    flex 1.jpg
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  • flex2.jpg
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I may be wrong but I think this might be a repost because a friend of mine called yesterday and he was told that we are not hiring here at FLX right now.

Doesn't hurt to apply though...
Friend of mine worked there out of ST. Louis. His day started at 3am and finished at around 6pm, monday thru friday with weekends off. He flew the C-210 with the normal six pack and 1 VOR and 1 NDB. No GPS or DME. No back up instruments. It was single pilot, night IFR in a crap plane. This job will age you and put hair on your b*lls.
Friend of mine worked there...out of ST. Louis. His day started at 3am and finished at around 6pm.

Impossible statement. A realistic viewpoint would come from a pilot who is or was actually employed there. Please take "friend of mine" statements with a grain of salt.

It was single pilot, night IFR in a crap plane. This job will age you and put hair on your b*lls.

See above statement.
Single pilot freight = :panic:

And what would you even know about it, ljg? :D
Disregard my above post. My same friend just called me and said he is in the next class.
Friend of mine worked there out of ST. Louis. His day started at 3am and finished at around 6pm, monday thru friday with weekends off. He flew the C-210 with the normal six pack and 1 VOR and 1 NDB. No GPS or DME. No back up instruments. It was single pilot, night IFR in a crap plane. This job will age you and put hair on your b*lls.

To be fair, while 3am-6pm would be illegal (and FLX is pretty serious about not doing anything illegal), 4am-6pm wouldn't be. There are a number of runs out of CPS that are 12-14 hour days, although I don't remember any that started that early. The ones I did were typically an early morning show with an early evening return, with a loooong sit during the day.

The airplanes aren't pretty, but they aren't "crap", either. Well, most of them anyway.

I, at least, highly recommend it.
I applied on the Flight Express website the other day and got a "thanks, but no thanks" email yesterday. Today they had an add up...wierd...
Be persistent. I don't know the guy who's handling hiring now, but you might try calling him. Anything automated is bound to screw up eventually. Granted, they may be deluged by ex-FLXers who've been furloughed or lost their jobs, but you can at least find out for sure what the deal is if you talk to someone. "What can I do to become more competitive?" Say stuff to show you understand the operation and what the job would be like and it's not "just a job". Mention that FLX management is universally known to be extremely handsome. Etc.
Impossible statement. A realistic viewpoint would come from a pilot who is or was actually employed there. Please take "friend of mine" statements with a grain of salt.

See above statement.

very possible. My day this past week started at 5am and finished at 9:30pm... required rest on layover... :panic:

I suppose I should note that I don't work at FLX
FLX doesn't (or didn't, at least) do required rest on layovers unless your plane broke and they got you a hotel. Your naps in the FBO were on the clock.
FLX doesn't (or didn't, at least) do required rest on layovers unless your plane broke and they got you a hotel. Your naps in the FBO were on the clock.

Still don't! One of our pilots got stuck in ASG because of a bad attitude indicator. Spent the night in a hotel and back to the hangar the next day. We had one pilot that was schedule to do a second run, his sat for 8 hours and then finish his by 6p. Well that didn't work, he wasn't able to get back so they had another pilot finish that run and he was offered a hotel for the night if he didn't want to get home. He chose to go home. Longer than 15 hours but had a choice if he wanted to stay in a hotel and get up the next day to fly home.
Couldn't get out of Little Rock a couple weeks back. They got me a hotel and I didn't have to do anything until one o'clock the next afternoon which gave me WELL over 10 hours rest. I really appreciated it.
I might go there once I break 2000TT or so, if I decide to leave Alaska before I finish school. It's a good gig, I've never (never) heard anyone complain about it.
I might go there once I break 2000TT or so, if I decide to leave Alaska before I finish school. It's a good gig, I've never (never) heard anyone complain about it.

You must not be listening because I've never heard any pilot not bitch about something.