Enroute Basics 5/18

I got this class date and reserved a spot at Mansions South. Anyone else going then?

So what made you pick Mansions South? I'm leaning towards Apple Tree because I won't have a car out there and it seemed like the place that was closest walking distance to markets and stuff.
It was cheap and from what I heard about the more expensive places, I figured I might as well keep the extra money. The pictures looked ok so I hope the rooms are nice enough, but I'm not holding my breath. I will have my car and I was looking at the warren house...but they couldn't commit on a room that far out so I figured even though it was more money to stay in the FAA approved places, it was also the least hassle. I figure after I get there, maybe I will meet someone who wants to get a bigger apartment and split the rent to save even more coin.
Add me to the list on this date. I found out no more than 10 minutes ago that my FOL was incorrect and instead of reporting on the 8th, it is now the 18th. Grrr....
Welcome...it doesn't seem like there are many of us on this forum. Did they say when you could expect your Academy packet?
Robin left me a message saying she'd have mine out last Friday or today. So I suspect everyone else with this date should be getting theirs in the next few days, unless she just bumped me to the head of the line because of the mix-up last week.
That's good. I saw some other people did not even get their packets before they left for OK. I was hoping to get mine early as I am leaving early and making a roadtrip out of my trip back there. I hope they send it fedex or UPS because the mail doesn't deliver to my home address.
I got mine today. That was quick! It doesn't look like there is anything we have to do with it. I guess we fill out forms for travel re-imbursement once we get there?
Any of you guys want to meet up somewhere on Sunday afternoon or evening? I'm headed out tomorrow AM to be in OKC Saturday afternoon, after a stop in Memphis for some BBQ.
I would be normally be happy to, but I have my wife here and she is going home in a couple days, so I think we will be checking the city out together.
Hey guys, welcome to OKC and enjoy your first day - it's a doosy. It's our last full day of basics tomorrow, so we'll get to see all the nervous faces :D

Wish ya'll the best!