Thoughts and opinions on career change pilots?

Yeah. If this is the kind of rampant assholery that’s going to be continuously tolerated without at least a “time out” given I see another long sabbatical from this place in my future.

Same. It’s just not fun.

As I alluded to in the “why are you here” post, it’s one thing if someone who is active in our community and people know who they are occasionally shows their ass, but people who post prolifically without really being part of out group is distracting and toxic. They’re literally here because they’re miserable and they want everyone else to be too.

This is kind of disappointing to hear. Although "only a few" contrasts a bit with your previous statement of "1/2". I'd sincerely hope it is the former (or the latter in your words). Not sure what kind of messes they are making, but hopefully not the kind that involve deep cleaning a cockpit?
Ya took the bait!!! 😂

I knew when I posted it my math wasn’t gonna make sense. What I meant was “1/2 of the part-time air line pilot, full-time guard” types, of which there aren’t all that many. 1/2 of that is just a few. But they do stand out.

Like I said, mostly (ok, maybe more than half 🤡) great guys/ gals. Hell, last trip, I flew with a Res B52 pilot (about to separate) who was better at the airline stuff than I am!!! Which, granted, is not that hard…

As for the “messes”: Usually just general airplane stuff. Nothing critical. Usually due to lack of proficiency (bc they never fly), or confusing aircraft types…
Gents, keep it civil please.

Seems to me, if someone wants to use something like “5 minutes early is late”, then they need to state that this is their Rules of Engagement. Their expectation. Once that’s laid out and everyone who is affected knows, then be critical of someone who doesn’t follow it.

Meh, if he/she is cool, I may go along with it (no sense in destroying esprit over 5 mins). Otherwise, I might respond “I’m gonna go ahead and follow the FOM”…
Gents, keep it civil please.

Seems to me, if someone wants to use something like “5 minutes early is late”, then they need to state that this is their Rules of Engagement. Their expectation. Once that’s laid out and everyone who is affected knows, then be critical of someone who doesn’t follow it.
Can I respectfully ask you as a mod what it takes for someone to get tossed from here anymore?
Meh, if he/she is cool, I may go along with it (no sense in destroying esprit over 5 mins). Otherwise, I might respond “I’m gonna go ahead and follow the FOM”…

Of course, agreed. My only point being that people can’t expect something that someone else may not even be familiar with in the first place.
Can I respectfully ask you as a mod what it takes for someone to get tossed from here anymore?

I’ve given a few reminders already about remembering the “why are you here?” thread. Seems to have been easily forgotten, though it wasn’t remotely that long ago.

Takes a fair bit to be completely tossed from the place vs just given some time off, but it does happen. Doug is the final arbiter on complete chitcanning, however.
I’ve given a few reminders already about remembering the “why are you here?” thread. Seems to have been easily forgotten, though it wasn’t remotely that long ago.

Takes a fair bit to be completely tossed from the place vs just given some time off, but it does happen. Doug is the final arbiter on complete chitcanning, however.
I may have missed it, I’ll go take a look.
I may have missed it, I’ll go take a look.

That was a great thread, from just a week or two ago, of what people like and dislike about JC, and why they are here.

Some good stuff posted. Then sadly, everything goes back to ops-normal when people go outside that thread.

There’s some real problems here, ones that have older and experienced members leaving, and very few if any, new people coming onboard.
Just remember this is a site that people who are considering a career in aviation may find. I’ve said it before, but some of the banter that goes on here is quite embarrassing and frankly makes professional pilots look like a bunch of immature kids. That isn’t a good look for our profession. The other site is worse, but not by much anymore.

The internet has been around for a while now, it has become a societal norm to slam dunk people online. However, this place can do better, I’m sure of it.
I think there's a big difference between career changer, and retired career changer.

The retired ones I generally had the most issues with. It was a hobby to them. Not all were like that though.
this was my experience giving IOE at the regionals
the retired second career for giggles crowd had little interest in learning and did not put much effort in to studying, which was frustrating given that you knew they were capable of it since they stuck out for 20+ yr in their last gig. they also didn’t take kindly to input from someone thirty years their junior. I don’t think I signed any of them off.
When I was a FO, I had CAs who were dangerous! They wouldn’t deice! They would fly super fast and crazy! They had bad attitudes! They were with pension plans the rest of us didn’t have! They were nepo babies! They thought they were God! I couldn’t wait to upgrade. I’d take the first upgrade I can get. I wouldn’t want to fly with these losers and couldn’t wait to be by own boss one day.

Now I’m Captain.

Let me tell you about this dangerous FO I had who was a contractor. Let me tell you about a crappy FO who couldn’t fly worth a damn that used to be a real estate agent. Man these second career FOs suck. They don’t know how to fly. No confidence and lack of skill. They should have stuck to their other day job.

Why can’t these FOs be like me? I wake up in the morning and show up at 8am for a 8am van. That’s not Corn Flakes I’m eating. That was Gold Flakes. Pure effin gold. It allows me to piss excellence every morning. Shiny and beautiful.
this was my experience giving IOE at the regionals
the retired second career for giggles crowd had little interest in learning and did not put much effort in to studying, which was frustrating given that you knew they were capable of it since they stuck out for 20+ yr in their last gig. they also didn’t take kindly to input from someone thirty years their junior. I don’t think I signed any of them off.
This goes both ways. Don’t get me started on the retired 121 guy that now wants to fly corporate jets 91 but doesn’t want to throw bags or empty the lav or take out the trash or do some flight planning. All because he doesn’t “need the job.” And then undercuts guys that don’t want to fly 121 that are trying to make a decent living.
this was my experience giving IOE at the regionals
the retired second career for giggles crowd had little interest in learning and did not put much effort in to studying, which was frustrating given that you knew they were capable of it since they stuck out for 20+ yr in their last gig. they also didn’t take kindly to input from someone thirty years their junior. I don’t think I signed any of them off.
I will say that one of the best FOs and most fun I flew with, who, sadly and inexplicably, bought his own farm in a gyroplane accident of all things, was a 50-something-plus career changer.

Now I’m Captain.
One of my Dad's friends from the Western days, who was a line check pilot here, put it thus:

"When you upgrade, and then when you go back to the right seat, and then when you upgrade again, you will probably come to this conclusion: Sometimes, the a**hole was NOT in the other seat."
I will say that one of the best FOs and most fun I flew with, who, sadly and inexplicably, bought his own farm in a gyroplane accident of all things, was a 50-something-plus career changer.

One of my Dad's friends from the Western days, who was a line check pilot here, put it thus:

"When you upgrade, and then when you go back to the right seat, and then when you upgrade again, you will probably come to this conclusion: Sometimes, the a**hole was NOT in the other seat."
But some people just aren’t, and never will be that self-aware.