Thoughts and opinions on career change pilots?

I particularly detest “influencers”, and a couple have tried to involve me in their activities.

I simply tell them my agent requires an “appearance agreement”, which requires payment of 65% of the video revenue plus 10% of the aggregate revenue from the channel that it appears on (to account for the increased traffic my appearance provides).

I didn’t even have a real agreement. Just some fake legal stuff scratched up and you labeled such with a signature line at the bottom.

It was like sunshine to a vampire. I can tell you I was NOT bothered about it again.
I'll be the contrarian here...When I think of career changers I flash back to my days as a young RJ captain before the hour requirement rules. We had plenty of career changers who went and threw 100K at ATP or some flight academy and were suddenly an airline pilot with 500hours a year or so later. Ill make a generalization, and say that these were some of the worst pilots I flew with.
Now days, the bar to employment is a little higher, at least with total flight time, and certainly by the time they reach the 2nd airline (major, ulcc etc etc), theyve moved on from career changer and are just another airline pilot.
It might also be a generational thing, or an issue of intentions.

I fly with a lot of people who fit that description, except 1500 hours. But honestly, truly, sincerely, most of them are really great to fly with.

What I worry about is the overall loss of the good parts of the airline culture.
I particularly detest “influencers”, and a couple have tried to involve me in their activities.

I simply tell them my agent requires an “appearance agreement”, which requires payment of 65% of the video revenue plus 10% of the aggregate revenue from the channel that it appears on (to account for the increased traffic my appearance provides).

I didn’t even have a real agreement. Just some fake legal stuff scratched up and you labeled such with a signature line at the bottom.

It was like sunshine to a vampire. I can tell you I was NOT bothered about it again.

I can almost see your expression!

Bruh, we're overdue for cocktails, cat chat and SciFi...