Middle age student pilot wants to go pro needs answers.


New Member
Hey guys, I am in the process of getting my private and want to get my commercial and ratings in the shortest time possible, I am 39 and have a degree,so that is out of the way. I live in Northern Idaho,getting my private at a local airport. Is their someone out there who was in the same situation as me and can give me some sound advice on how I can pursue my new career in the shotest time possible. With my age, how far can I expect to go as a professional pilot.I am willing to do whatever it takes.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with your question, since I haven't even gotten my private yet. Just wanted to say that I am originally from Coeur d' Alene, ID. You don't meet very many people in the country fron ID. What local airport are you training at?
What are your goals? Where are you willing to go? Can you afford to train full time or do you need to stay in ID while you train? How much do you have to make to consider a job your final one? 50K 75K 100K?

It's pretty hard to promise you in today's climate that you'll make 100K/year before you retire...though there was a time, maybe five years ago, that I was telling guys in your shoes it shouldn't be a problem. So now I hate to say too much...

You could train at a local flight school and get your ratings just as fast, in some situations. It depends on the availability of the instructor and aircraft...and the weather. I have a friend here in Spokane that, while still in school and working part to full time, finished his IFR,Commercial SE, and CFI...took just over a year. Went to Sheble's for his CFI but did the rest of his training locally. He's just starting with his first student now and making $30/hr as a freelance CFI.
Hello Pilot,

I'm a middle-age private looking at getting back into flying. I went to a recent Delta Connection Academy seminar. The speaker (Tracy) said that they recently had a 51-year old DCA graduate get hired by one of the regionals (Comair?). If he can do it, then I'm sure we can. At 51, it's unlikely he'll ever get picked up by a major airline, but at 39 or 40, with the good timing & a little luck, we could go regional, then get hired by a major at 44 or 45.

Good Luck,


I made the same decision less than a year ago. Because I was older, I figured that I'd better get my training done as fast as possible. You have about 20 years of a airline career ahead of you. Get your CFII as soon as possible.

Are you married? If so, make sure your spouse reads this forum also, because you will be dragging her through this for the next few years. Talk, listen, talk, listen.

You'll find it very hard to evaluate the various flight schools, because it is very subjective. I talked to several pilots from various schools. A buddy who went to FSA liked FSA, but also had good things to say about ATP. Same was true with people at ATP -- they had good things to say about FSA. Conversely, there were also people out there that were so polarized that you just couldn't feel confident that you were getting good advice.

I did my training with ATP. There were many reasons leading up to my decision, but two of the big ones which may apply to your situation were:
1. ATP program was faster (90 days).
2. Total multi-time when I was finished (MEL/$$$).

Do your homework. Look at the posts in the flight school section of this forum. And talk to people who have been there!

Good luck with your career decision.

I'm 38, work full time, fly three time a week (on an average - sometimes more, sometimes less). I received my PPL last August, my Instrument this past June, will be taking my Multi-engine/instrument this Saturday and will HOPEFULLY finish my Commercial raing and MAYBE my first CFI cert. by the end of this year.... all at my local FBO.

So.. if you're willing to go a little slower than the big "academy" - you can do it if your FBO offers all of the ratings.

So far, the route I'm taking seems to be working very well for me. Hopefully you'll have the same fortune.

Bottom line though is: You have to do what is best for Y.O.U.... and not what's best for somebody else.

Drop me a PM if you'd like. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Best of luck and keep us posted!!


I'm 38, work full time, fly three time a week (on an average - sometimes more, sometimes less). I received my PPL last August, my Instrument this past June, will be taking my Multi-engine/instrument this Saturday and will HOPEFULLY finish my Commercial raing and MAYBE my first CFI cert. by the end of this year.... all at my local FBO.

So.. if you're willing to go a little slower than the big "academy" - you can do it if your FBO offers all of the ratings.

So far, the route I'm taking seems to be working very well for me. Hopefully you'll have the same fortune.

Bottom line though is: You have to do what is best for Y.O.U.... and not what's best for somebody else.

Drop me a PM if you'd like. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Best of luck and keep us posted!!


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The Academy route is the only way a real pilot should go. Kidding...:p
The Academy route is the only way a real pilot should go. Kidding...:p

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You know??? I USED to keep hearing that, but DAMN if I don't see more and more of our ol' FBO-trained instructors get hired nowadays.

The Academy route is the only way a real pilot should go. Kidding...:p

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You know??? I USED to keep hearing that, but DAMN if I don't see more and more of our ol' FBO-trained instructors get hired nowadays.


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Yeah, agree. Same means to an end.
I wanted to do the FBO thing whiel I was still active duty. The aero club only worked with SallieMae and I wanted to go with Key so I didn't do it. I needed to finish my degree anyway.

I was in your same situation 2 years ago (almost same age). I left my previous life (prior military) to persue a career as a professional pilot. I didn't fly in the military so all my time was civilian. For me, the best thing to do was to go to one of the Flight Academies (FlightSafety) for what it's worth. I started with my Private and finished with my Commercial/Instrument and CFI and CFII (about 10 months total time). Was going to wait for an Instructor position at the academy to build time but saw the writing on the wall as the wait list was growing and I had just added my name to the bottom.

With a little bit of networking and (good ol' fashioned luck) I was able to find a flight instructor job elswhere and immediately began flying about 70-80hrs per month! Six months later with a little bit of luck and (good ol' fashioned networking) got my first professional flying job with a government agency flying BE20s (Beech Kingair). Now I just about have enough time to start applying to regionals if I decide to make that jump. To be honest though the job I have now is pretty enticing as a permenant professional pilot position for the long term.

So, I say all this to tell you that age is only a factor if you let it be. As a matter of fact, it worked to my advantage in both of my jobs. Company's want qualified, mature, motivated and dedicated individuals. If you can be all of these then you are only limited to your own desires!

Good Luck!
Hey JR, That gives us alittle hope hah. I know that the majors is probably out of the question,but Im going to try to go as high as I can. Regionals or corporate would be just fine with me.
"I am in the process of getting my private and want to get my commercial and ratings in the shortest time possible"

Just with that description I'd recommend you check out ATP.. Program is only 3 months and is nearly all ME..
Sixpack, Thanks for your response. There is one obsticle I wont have to worry about,a wife.Got rid of her last year. She was the problem I didnt get started earlier. How much should I most likely pay out for the school you went to? dcpilot
Just wanted to say that I am originally from Coeur d' Alene, ID. You don't meet very many people in the country fron ID. What local airport are you training at?

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When you get your private, are you gonna fly into Silverwood? Man I've always wanted to fly into that strip..

They should allow free or reduced admission for pilots flying into the park.

Edit: For those not in the know, Silverwood! America's only amusement park with an active airstrip http://www.silverwoodthemepark.com/

Or so they claim
Hey thanks, Iv heard alot of people say they have gone to ATP. Where are they located?

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Freakin' everywhere.

Go to their website and look www.allatps.com . I don't think all of the locations do the career pilot program, you'll have to check that out. Their HQed in Jacksonville, Florida.