Mesa furloughing

No idea if it’s truthful but I read somewhere that they expect to recall in a couple months. This makes me think it’s probably pilots in training as it doesn’t make sense to furlough for short periods of time.
From what I’ve been reading, it’s largely pilots who haven’t even completed their (first round of) IOE yet. So, they’re collecting guarantee and doing nothing useful, or whatever the arrangement is.

I wonder what the break-even time-horizon is for that carrier to furlough pilots, but I’m not familiar with the contents of the Mesa CBA either, so maybe it really is “just a few months” for break-even on that.
Get yo CFI. Ain’t nobody got time for P2F.
There were several red flags with MPD. A.) They called me out of the blue at work and was like we'd like to invite you to MPD. Could you start tomorrow, or the following Monday at our new KPRC location. That just reeked of desperation, and used car salesmanship, this was right about the time that AA dumped them and PHX became an Envoy base. B.) Originally MPD was "free" to the tune of $25 an hour. But you just paid it back as a percentage when you got on the line. Then they changed it to $60 an hour and you had to pay for the first 250 hrs. so about $15k. C.) Originally it was supposed to be 100-120 guaranteed hours a month. Then they changed it to 80 and then to 60 hrs. guaranteed a month. What did Darth Vader say in Empire? "I'm altering the deal, pray that I do not alter it further."

That made me really think that they were metering MPD pilots because they didn't want anyone to finish the program too quickly and be sitting around waiting and getting paid. Like I said lots of red flags. Lots! My spidey senses were also tingling at the possibility that what happens if they just abruptly close up the shop and I don't have my full 1500 hrs. and I'm left holding the bag. That or I get all my 1500 hrs. and they're not hiring anymore, or are out of business. Mesa stock was delisted at that point. I figured that in the end a candidate would look far more competitive with instructor ratings to a recruiter, than in my case a thousand hours of time building hours, with MPD.

Looks like I made the smart choice.
There were several red flags with MPD. A.) They called me out of the blue at work and was like we'd like to invite you to MPD. Could you start tomorrow, or the following Monday at our new KPRC location. That just reeked of desperation, and used car salesmanship, this was right about the time that AA dumped them and PHX became an Envoy base. B.) Originally MPD was "free" to the tune of $25 an hour. But you just paid it back as a percentage when you got on the line. Then they changed it to $60 an hour and you had to pay for the first 250 hrs. so about $15k. C.) Originally it was supposed to be 100-120 guaranteed hours a month. Then they changed it to 80 and then to 60 hrs. guaranteed a month. What did Darth Vader say in Empire? "I'm altering the deal, pray that I do not alter it further."

That made me really think that they were metering MPD pilots because they didn't want anyone to finish the program too quickly and be sitting around waiting and getting paid. Like I said lots of red flags. Lots! My spidey senses were also tingling at the possibility that what happens if they just abruptly close up the shop and I don't have my full 1500 hrs. and I'm left holding the bag. That or I get all my 1500 hrs. and they're not hiring anymore, or are out of business. Mesa stock was delisted at that point. I figured that in the end a candidate would look far more competitive with instructor ratings to a recruiter, than in my case a thousand hours of time building hours, with MPD.

Looks like I made the smart choice.
Metering, for you, is so far down the road that it might as well not figure into the conversation today.

Not to say I like that particular drug deal, in fact, far from it, but just an observation.
Metering, for you, is so far down the road that it might as well not figure into the conversation today.

Not to say I like that particular drug deal, in fact, far from it, but just an observation.
I disagree. I wasn't talking about Skywest metering, I was talking about what I call MPD metering. Originally an MPD student was supposed to average 100-120 flight hours a month and be in the program no longer than 10 months depending on how many hours you needed. Then they lowered it (it was rumored) to 80 hrs., but that was 80 hrs. between both you and your flight partner. So you as an individual were only really getting 40 hours a month. I do not know if this is true or not, but that was the rumor at the time. It hasn't been verified. I emailed and asked my mentor this question, I never got a reply. When he said that he get back to me in an hour, he never did. I emailed and called numerous times after that. All my emails went unanswered. Eventually all my calls just started going straight to voicemail. Prior to being ghosted I asked about getting 100 time building hours a month I was told, we'll see. But right now our students are averaging about 80 hrs. There's a possibility that thre could be a conversation in the future about the return to 100 hrs. a month or over.

The question then becomes why are they limiting the number of hours a day a week a month, et al. that a time building student can fly? I call that the referenced metering I was talking about. The limiting of time building hours. I believe the answer IMO to be that their head was barely above the waterline. You have to sign a contract for MPD after the first 250 hrs. to commit to Mesa. As soon as you reached 1500 per the deal you were to report to ATP-CTP and after that the next available indoc class. But if you were transitioning people over from the CR9 to the 175, thus creating a back log of classes, and no new indoc classes, you'd have a lot of people waiting around for class dates and probably getting paid out to sit home. So hey... lets maybe slow things down a bit, was managements decision. That's my logic regarding that.

Also I think Mesa was a bit "thirsty" for cash, which is why they went from nothing out of pocket. To mando $15-18k out of pocket, for 250 hours. And they were very high pressure/used car salesman about dropping everyne in days and reporting to class. I really think that they were bilking people. And when started asking too many questions. And you couldn't commmit to dropping everything immediate and joining program. They moved on from you quickly, to go find another sucker.

Just my .10, my .02 cents is free!
What day was that? Did ORD-SEA wednesday and it was way late and a disaster
Friday…one of the FAs had called out sick so we waited for a reserve coming from SEA…the thing was looking at the timing, said FA must have called out sick well before the flight in order for the replacement to get in when she did, so the delay could have been posted much earlier than it was. Not that it would have mattered, we got there when we could and that was the first flight to have seats.
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Friday…one of the FAs had called out sick so we waited for a reserve coming from SEA…the thing was looking at the timing, said FA must have called out sick well before the flight in order for the replacement to get in when she did, so the delay could have been posted much earlier than it was. Not that it would have mattered, we got there when we could and that was the first flight to have seats.

As a new captain I got a schedule change to operate Cincinnati to Leipzig, 2 hours of rest, then Leipzig to Incheon. Of course I called scheduling to point out that it wasn’t a legal trip. They said the plan was to just delay it when I landed in Leipzig.

Land in Leipzig and the station rep tells me that they had JUST learned about the delay and had already gotten a bunch of fish out of cold storage to load on the plane.

They were not happy