Guys who have college degrees+ ratings but no flying job, what do you do for income?


Old Skool
I was just wondering what kind of jobs you have to pay the bills? How many hours a week? how much pay? I am especially curious about you guys who have degrees in Aero. Science? Currently I am waiting for my elbow to heal before leaving for ang training. I flight instruct avout 4 hours a month and I wait tables 30 hours a week.
Guys who have college degrees+ ratings but no flying job, what do you do

[/ QUOTE ] Eat more, sleep more, and watch more TV.
Doesn't sound so bad.

Software development seems somewhat common. How much education is required to make a descent income with that?
I have a flying job in which I rarely fly. Our airplane hasn't left the hangar in almost three weeks!

And yet, I'm on a one-hour callout on the beeper at all times! Therefore, I'm a professional JetCareers poster!

I sit in a cubicle from sun up to sun down, but come to think of it...........I have the degree and not the ratings. But I'm working on that.
Software development seems somewhat common. How much education is required to make a descent income with that?

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A BS in Computer Science does help a lot. Although, web-designing and development usually can be done by self-training.
My current flight instructor sold BMW's and Pontiac's for in between flying jobs.
Certified athletic commissioner and NCAA level basketball referee.

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Thats pretty cool man. Do you ref a certain confrence? How long it take you to get to that level?
OUTBACK rules....just right

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Oh no, if I'm ordering food bro, I want USDA and health code rules!

Should be "all rules....just right."