first XC with strong winds?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'll be going on my first solo XC today and the winds reported are 240/17 and I'll be heading north. I'm in a 172; should I postpone this XC or should I be fine?
Much better discussed with your instructor of course, since he/she is going to give you the overall yeay-nay anyway. They know your ability to handle winds.

Fo your own decision making process - have you flown in winds that strong before? How'd you do? How are your crosswind landing skills? How are your crosswind taxi skills? ;) Are the winds steady or gusty?
Hey everyone, I'll be going on my first solo XC today and the winds reported are 240/17 and I'll be heading north. I'm in a 172; should I postpone this XC or should I be fine?

If you're talking winds aloft, 17 knots is not strong, but you'll have to pay closer attention to your wind correction angle.
You should definitely talk to your instructor, but even still, if you have any doubts - you should reschedule. I pussed out of several flights when I was a new pilot just because they stretched my comfort levels a bit too much. Eventually I worked up to a point to where those same flights were within my comfort level.

But never, ever let anyone make you feel bad for making a no-go decision... especially as a student.
thanks for the replies guys, I ended up not going. Definately didn't think it would be within in my comfort level for a first time.

those are normal winds here in TX. :laff:

I wish it would calm down out here

Same here in Chicago, haha, did my first XC with winds 320 @ 36 at 3000 ft

To the OP, Very good decision on the no go if you felt it was out of your limits, as a student it is always best to be comfortable when going on the first XC.
To this date, some of the strongest winds I have dealt with were on my PPL checkride. Good 20G35 with some crosswinds that were 15-20 knots. Not too much fun, but it was all good! You're right though, it's windy here a lot...but nothing like SW Oklahoma!!!
To the OP, Very good decision on the no go if you felt it was out of your limits, as a student it is always best to be comfortable when going on the first XC.


To this date, some of the strongest winds I have dealt with were on my PPL checkride. Good 20G35 with some crosswinds that were 15-20 knots. Not too much fun, but it was all good! You're right though, it's windy here a lot...but nothing like SW Oklahoma!!!

Im basically south Oklahoma man :laff:

What?!? TKI is reporting 12G18 right down the pipe...that is merely a warm summer breeze!!!

thats the calmest its been here in about 3 weeks, and it shows right down the pipe, but it fluctuates... a lot
No one ever died for deciding not to fly on a given day.

I learned to fly at TKI, too, and my CFI pretty much said, "It's wind, it's Texas, you might as well get used to it," so we pretty much went up any time the ceiling was over 3,000. If the gust factor was over 7-10 kts we did a little extra prep but basically it was him telling me either to maintain the crab or slip. :)
thanks for the replies guys, I ended up not going. Definately didn't think it would be within in my comfort level for a first time.


Good on you!

If it makes you feel any better I am a ex-military, ex freight guy who canceled a flight this weekend because the ceilings were 2500 and the winds were 12G25 knots. The weather didn't fit with my mission profile for the flight which was "not dealing with that crap anymore." :) Okay, okay - the real reason was the mission was to take a little kid (and a first time flier) sight-seeing.
No one ever died for deciding not to fly on a given day.

I learned to fly at TKI, too, and my CFI pretty much said, "It's wind, it's Texas, you might as well get used to it," so we pretty much went up any time the ceiling was over 3,000. If the gust factor was over 7-10 kts we did a little extra prep but basically it was him telling me either to maintain the crab or slip. :)

yup, that sounds about right. I actually heard this once from the tower "wind is 170 @ 15 gusts 20, but you know its gunna be worse than that"
This is my home airport:

Windy Wellington.

I landed a Cheetah one Saturday morning in 45 knot crosswinds gusting 55kt. I was supposed to be up for circuits but the instructor with me that day decided to make it a full stop. I was proud as punch making the landing because she was near uncontrollable on finals.
Yesterday I landed in the strongest xc I've ever delt with. 17G25 @40 degrees. Damn near close to full deflection on a 150, it was really challenging but talk about sense of accomplishment when I got it down safely and only a few feet right of center line.

Probably not a big deal to you high hr guys, but I only have 15.3TT, so it felt like a huge step for me.