I actually do have allergies. By the way, why does every CA either own an Alpaca Farm or have so many domestic animals that they leave somewhere between a Selleck and a Connery's worth of hair in the seat on every leg? I tend to sniff my way across the country between competing pollen zones and thanks to the sheer amount of fur people leave up front. I also have a fine tuned nonsense detector when it comes to allergies vs. sick. I always know when someone is sick, trust me no one uses that many tissues or napkins if it's just allergies. If you are gonna come to work sick, face forward and don't blow the germs all over the flight deck.
Zap got it right also, the flight deck is disgusting. I wash my hands with the vigor of a germaphobe. Never touch my face. Never, ever touch my eye. For instance, think about people's aim in the lav, then you walk right through it and grind it into a carpet that's never cleaned. Scrape it all over the stirrups. Rinse and repeat 5 times a day. I think that's why we all usually end up with the constitution of teachers or hospital workers after we've acclimated for a few months to the daily grind.