Starship Launch

And why not?

NASA is a govt organization, funded by OUR tax dollars.

Frankly, I think it’s outrageous SpaceX is doing this and blowing crap up and end up polluting our oceans. But it’s Elon Musks money, and not from my taxes, so I don’t care as much.

I'm going to let someone fill you in, I think I've stuffed you in your middle school locker enough this week that I"m starting to feel guilt.
I'm going to let someone fill you in, I think I've stuffed you in your middle school locker enough this week that I"m starting to feel guilt.

Govt contracts and tax breaks are a different category.

Look, I’m against all things Elon. Space X included. It’s people like you that support him.

Private space is the future but NOT when someone like Elon or Bill Gates are the head.
I'm late to the party, but "move fast and break things" was *always* explicitly the Space X plan. Like, I guarantee you that they are not terribly surprised that the thing didn't work quite the way they had intended. I mean, I'm sure they're disappointed, but that's why there wasn't anything on the damned thing. I'll skip the politics (which are convoluted and frankly hilarious), and whatever one thinks about Musk (which is a total sideshow), but consider for a second the possibility that they launch stuff so that it *will* fail, if a failure is possible, rather than micro-engineer every last thing to the last scintilla and then have it blow up anyway. And of course, as per usual, everyone is a rocket surgeon when there's rocketry or surgery on the splash screen for Fox or MSNBC. I think the reaction to this "failure" is essentially a failure to understand that failure is an expected, predicted part of the process.
If NASA blew a rocket up, there'd be some congressman with a flip phone demanding an immediate investigation and cutting of the NASA budget.

And still make another rocket, increasing the cost another 150% and taking 5 years

Meanwhile: SpaceX "WOOO!! It got off the ground!! Let's launch another one next month!!"

I'm sure they learned a Frak Ton of lessons. From onboard data to crushed ground tanks to acoustic resonances.

The nerds will be SpaceX walking around with Starship shaped erections for the next month going over all the data.
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It's too bad SpaceX is affiliated with Musk, they do some awesome stuff. Congrats on the successful test!
You’re a perma-doofus who thinks that getting billions in government contracts is totally unrelated to SpaceX’s ability to launch expensive, low probability of success rocket tests.

The assumption being those contracts have a end goal definition that space X needs to meet.

And yes, there no shortage of BS govt spending. There are so many areas I could name that we could cut and the result would literally be a zero value loss to our everyday life.
Govt contracts and tax breaks are a different category.

Look, I’m against all things Elon. Space X included. It’s people like you that support him.

Private space is the future but NOT when someone like Elon or Bill Gates are the head.
You’re just hilariously wrong again. Space X seems to be pretty damn successful and has brought the price of space travel down tremendously while having a low failure rate. Now go back to being an annoying hater of all things.
I'm late to the party, but "move fast and break things" was *always* explicitly the Space X plan. Like, I guarantee you that they are not terribly surprised that the thing didn't work quite the way they had intended. I mean, I'm sure they're disappointed, but that's why there wasn't anything on the damned thing. I'll skip the politics (which are convoluted and frankly hilarious), and whatever one thinks about Musk (which is a total sideshow), but consider for a second the possibility that they launch stuff so that it *will* fail, if a failure is possible, rather than micro-engineer every last thing to the last scintilla and then have it blow up anyway. And of course, as per usual, everyone is a rocket surgeon when there's rocketry or surgery on the splash screen for Fox or MSNBC. I think the reaction to this "failure" is essentially a failure to understand that failure is an expected, predicted part of the process.

This. So much.

This is how engineering happens. By failure. Thank Buddha. I guarantee you the Artemis astronauts are watching this going, “ok cool - that broke - let’s fix it and keep breaking it until it doesn’t break.”

I was - to my surprise - a bit excited for them to succeed. It was actually fun.

Not enough of that feeling in this world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
You’re just hilariously wrong again. Space X seems to be pretty damn successful and has brought the price of space travel down tremendously while having a low failure rate. Now go back to being an annoying hater of all things.

The price of space travel down? So where do I buy my tickets, is that

The Elon bros of JC are funny
The price of space travel down? So where do I buy my tickets, is that

The Elon bros of JC are funny
Look up the cost to send up a crew up in a Falcon 9 vs the cost it was with NASA. It’s not Elon bros, it’s people who can see basic information and come to logical conclusions but seeing how you get all your info from the orange man, Tucker and MTG I can see why you’re so consistently lost. Everyone on this site only disagrees with EVERYTHING you say because their wrong…
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The price of space travel down? So where do I buy my tickets, is that

The Elon bros of JC are funny

What's funny is that you're a very intelligent person, passed the EIT and probably have the PE seal, but you get your lunch money stolen then stuffed into your intellectual locker with Swiss timepiece-like regularity!

Bruh, I love it, keep it up!
Anyone else watching? Propellent loading has begun. Those crazy sobs might actually go for it.
It's the modern version of the SST... the SSTS: Stainless Steel to Space Smoke!... and Beyond! I love dope, don't you? 420 forever! And BeyonD!
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Look up the cost to send up a crew up in a Falcon 9 vs the cost it was with NASA. It’s not Elon bros, it’s people who can see basic information and come to logical conclusions but seeing how you get all your info from the orange man, Tucker and MTG I can see why you’re so consistently lost. Everyone on this site only disagrees with EVERYTHING you say because their wrong…

That’s because anything the govt runs is much, much more expensive than the private sector (and the JC Wanda national healthcare like England)?

And it’s they’re.
Not so sure about the launch pad surviving. Did you see the video from the camera positioned about a mile away? It (and a car in frame) got absolutely reckt by concrete shrapnel from the pad.

I'd bet good money that's what took out the engines we saw inop, no telling what else too.

They're going to need to sort out a proper flame trench / water suppression system before they can launch this thing regularly.