What's the deal with Non-Rev this week?


Well-Known Member
I am fairly new to the non-rev world but is it just me or does it seem nearly impossible to get around this week?
I was trying to get out on friday and saturday from MCO to LAS. I could get into ATL but not out. My dad is stuck in LAS right now trying to get back to DTW.
The bad thing about Spring Break and nonrevving is that there is no standardized timeframe among colleges for it, just about six weeks from March to April.
3 of the past 4 weeks, I've been in the cockpit from Cali all the way out to Columbus...mid-week! Sucks for me, but good for the airlines.
The bad thing about Spring Break and nonrevving is that there is no standardized timeframe among colleges for it, just about six weeks from March to April.

That is very true. They should try to keep them all around the same time.
I was trying to get out on friday and saturday from MCO to LAS. I could get into ATL but not out. My dad is stuck in LAS right now trying to get back to DTW.

We got a crew message concerning flights in and out of DTW for commuters. Reason for increased loads... NCAA Basketball anyone?
Spring Break!!! Flights into and out of Orlando are the worst. A rule of thumb is to avoid like the plague the month that contains Easter.
You can non-rev while on furlough?

Some of our furloughed people still have the travel benefits....just at a lower boarding priority.

It has been hard recently.
All of last month, and alot this month-its been middle seat on the Airbus at first, full RJ the next. RJ jumpseat another time.....

Commuting sucks.....it wears you out to the point that you dont want to nonrev for fun anymore.
My kids' spring break is this week.

Plenty of spring break travel still going on right now.
My Paps got bumped 4 times in LAS, was waiting on a later flight and saw that his ex-wife was on the plane. He decided to cut his loses and try again tomorrow. LOL. :laff:
Delta placed a buddy pass embargo because loads were getting so full. What recession?:D
No one mentioned Snow Birds??? Beginning of April, and Beginning of May, all the snow birds leave the south, starts to get too hot for them.