What's the deal with Non-Rev this week?

Yeah LAS is terrible to non-rev out of. I was stuck there from Sat to Tues. I couldn't get out on US Air or any other airline for that matter. But I was kinda glad I was in Las Vegas though.
I just did HNL-LAS-SLC and SLC-PDX-OGG-HNL over this weekend on Hawaiian, SWA, and Mokulele. All pretty easy, got first class twice.
Last friday...trying to get to Portland for work on saturday morning...all flights to Denver = Full, Seattle = Full, LAX = Full, Phoenix = Full...

I checked in about 12 for the 3pm to Seattle on Delta (767, nice jumpseat for xcountry commutes)...checked in at the ticket counter outside of security and was issued a jumpseat request card, get to the gate and was told my the gate agent I wasn't going to get the jumpseat (I guess because she was in one of those moods), thankfully the Captain was able to try and help me out! Unfortunately, I got bumped at the 20 min mark by a Northwest guy....:mad:

Long story short...ended up on a 757 jumpseat from ATL - PDX...and the flight crew was GREAT (as they usually are on Delta).

You Delta NYC folks have some great flight attendants, they've treated me better than alot of the ATL ones, and I'm even Southern!
I just did HNL-LAS-SLC and SLC-PDX-OGG-HNL over this weekend on Hawaiian, SWA, and Mokulele. All pretty easy, got first class twice.

Were you coming out here to ski? And if so, did you manage to hit Alta on Saturday? It was an amazing day.



The first one is me in the fresh, getting face shots every turn, and the second one is Propilots brother huckin' a 30 footer.
D'oh. I know very little about the non-rev game, but I'm hoping to get on SWA STL-BWI weekend after next (18-19th) and back on Monday. Is there a better way to predict/view the loads than calling the nonrev line? Sometimes they're extremely helpful, sometimes they're just like "yeah, it looks ok" "ok? What do you mean by ok?" "you should get on." "should?" "yeah, depending on the breaks". Ahhhhhh! I should add that we're SWA only and cabin only (no CASS, but technically "jumpseating", if that makes any sense). Thanks.
D'oh. Ahhhhhh! I should add that we're SWA only and cabin only (no CASS, but technically "jumpseating", if that makes any sense). Thanks.

Lucky you, I used to allow SW pilots to ride w/ me, but SW wouldn't allow me when I tried, they said CASS only.

I'll say this, tho- my buddy pass wasn't much help 2 weeks ago - I got pushed to the tail of the line for 3 flights in a row and finally switched my routing completely to get home by midnite- after getting to the airport at 6 am.
Lucky you, I used to allow SW pilots to ride w/ me, but SW wouldn't allow me when I tried, they said CASS only.

Yeah, apparently we've been having them ride with us for years and getting on their list was...quite a process. That said, I certainly appreciate it, and while it might have been difficult with SWA, it's downright impossible with anyone else (for a 135), as in like call up and listen to them laugh when you suggest it. SWA once again #1! If it helps, it seems like the big hurdle for us was just getting the appropriate forms signed in triplicate, etc, from what I hear the pilots who used us regularly really helped out in getting it done. Might be worth mentioning to your DO or CP...
Yeah, apparently we've been having them ride with us for years and getting on their list was like pulling teeth...quite a process. That said, I certainly appreciate it, and while it might have been difficult with SWA, it's downright impossible with anyone else (for a 135), as in like call up and listen to them laugh when you suggest it. SWA once again #1!

Why don't you guys get into CASS? There's a cat on here you might know who could help you with it. He's that sell out that's training to fly tubes of death right now, send him a PM.
Why don't you guys get into CASS? There's a cat on here you might know who could help you with it. He's that sell out that's training to fly tubes of death right now, send him a PM.

Thanks for the thought, but from what I hear CASS simply isn't going to happen in a company with like 10 pilots for reasons of $$$. Besides, I'm already spamming Mr. Death-Tube's PM box with other nonsense...
Why don't you guys get into CASS? There's a cat on here you might know who could help you with it. He's that sell out that's training to fly tubes of death right now, send him a PM.
I'd heard CASS requires a $50,000 dedicated server or something to verify pilot's ID. Where I am now prolly likes to keep their Captains in position and not joyriding around enjoying their QOL.
Well if you're already sending him messages, tell him I miss him and hope that he gets TDYed to SLC so we can cuddle.
Commuting to work on Sunday was a pain. The red-eye has been full for the last several weeks. When I first started looking, it had about 20 open seats. They day of, it went to 11. Then the non-revs started to pile on. By the time I was ready to leave for the airport, it was over by 3 and I was #4 on the list for the cockpit jumpseats. I ended up taking UAL to JFK (p.s. 757 in first class, none-the-less) and then having to take the train to EWR.
Commuting to work on Sunday was a pain. The red-eye has been full for the last several weeks. When I first started looking, it had about 20 open seats. They day of, it went to 11. Then the non-revs started to pile on. By the time I was ready to leave for the airport, it was over by 3 and I was #4 on the list for the cockpit jumpseats. I ended up taking UAL to JFK (p.s. 757 in first class, none-the-less) and then having to take the train to EWR.

Fun process eh? I had to do that once, and it was less than entertaining. Because I didn't get into JFK until midnight, it took me until about 3:00 a.m. to make my way back to my crashpad in Newark. I could have done it a little easier had I gone via the PATH and taken the 63 to the airport, but I elected to take the train from Penn to the airport in Newark, figured it'd be a tiny bit easier.
You commute California to New York? You, sir, have won the coveted "commuter masochist" award. :rawk:

A bunch of ExpressJet guys do now. For a little over a year, there were bases in LAX and ONT and life was good. Those cats could drive to work for their lines, bid reserve if they didn't work to fly, do whatever they wanted.

Then the bases closed, and those that weren't given the axe started commuting to Houston, Cleveland and dare I say it, Newark.

This is where the gnashing of teeth bit starts.