Types of jobs/careers


Well-Known Member
What kind of managerial positions are out there in the aviation world that also allow you to fly from time to time?

Which ones pay around $80K/yr? (I'm thinking along the lines of a 'destination job', not starting out (because I don't think there are positions that exist making this much starting out...... please enlighten me if there are though))

I'm just trying to gauge 'what is all out there that I could potentially work towards'. My background is Air Force officer (non-flier) with 5+ yrs managerial experience.

Both our chief pilot and director of ops make between 70-90k and fly once or twice per week (weekdays only). Our company is a small 10 pilot 9 plane charter company. All our aircraft are turboprops and 500 series citations. Hope that helps.
Both our chief pilot and director of ops make between 70-90k and fly once or twice per week (weekdays only). Our company is a small 10 pilot 9 plane charter company. All our aircraft are turboprops and 500 series citations. Hope that helps.
And the occasional 3am trip to La Grande.
Our DO and chief pilot are exempt from the late ight La Grande trips. Lucky dogs!
Well that must be new, since I met the CP in LGD one night at about 3am or so. It was right after a "rock" incident iirc.
Well that must be new, since I met the CP in LGD one night at about 3am or so. It was right after a "rock" incident iirc.
It's new as of last month. We've gone to dedicated LifeFlight crews and charter crews.
Most PIC jet charter jobs seem to pay in that range, or more, on Call schedule sucks though.
You can also make that pretty easily flying in the Bush, QOL is pretty sh@tty in a lot of ways though. Equipment is usually rode hard and put away wet, weather is f@cking terrible, and the shifts are brutal (14hrs with 10-20 legs is pretty common). Also you are on your own most places, which could mean loading, fueling, swapping seats, deicing, etc. Money is decent though. I cant speak for the 121 world as I have yet to experience it.