Fellow Pilots,
Hello. I am a 20 year old college junior and private pilot. I used to be a great kid in high school, but unfortunately I decided to attend a large university where the partying atmosphere took over me. Over the past three years there I was arrested for a DUI on one occassion and ten months later was arrested for forging a drivers license to get into bars underage.
Now I know some of you are laughing and saying to yourself what an idiot! And you are right, I am! I lost focus on my goal in life to fly commercially and was not disciplined. I got in trouble with the law and now am paying the price. AND BELIEVE ME I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON! I recently withdrew from school to take a semester off and work at the airport refueling jets full time. I plan on using this money to get the rest of my flight ratings to pursue an aviation career. Do I have any chance at all of ever making it to a Regional or Corporate company with my background ten years down the road? (Im not even going to mention Majors). I would be willing to flight instruct and fly 135 cargo for many years, however long it will take to have these two incidents not be scrutinized so severely during interviews. Thank you. Jon.
Hello. I am a 20 year old college junior and private pilot. I used to be a great kid in high school, but unfortunately I decided to attend a large university where the partying atmosphere took over me. Over the past three years there I was arrested for a DUI on one occassion and ten months later was arrested for forging a drivers license to get into bars underage.
Now I know some of you are laughing and saying to yourself what an idiot! And you are right, I am! I lost focus on my goal in life to fly commercially and was not disciplined. I got in trouble with the law and now am paying the price. AND BELIEVE ME I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON! I recently withdrew from school to take a semester off and work at the airport refueling jets full time. I plan on using this money to get the rest of my flight ratings to pursue an aviation career. Do I have any chance at all of ever making it to a Regional or Corporate company with my background ten years down the road? (Im not even going to mention Majors). I would be willing to flight instruct and fly 135 cargo for many years, however long it will take to have these two incidents not be scrutinized so severely during interviews. Thank you. Jon.