Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Since everyone is ok, might as well have a little fun with the topic.

What are the dumbest things that you've heard the media say about the accident today?
Seems like there was just a captain, no first officer and certainly no flight attendants.

Just the "pilot", Bloomberg and a couple of rescue personnel.

A reporter trying to explain angle of attack and how the engines were sucking up water, that is why they slowed down so fast. And the NTSB guy walking out of the room before any reporters got to questioned him and they were begging him to come back.
Not dumb, but pretty funny:

Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News sheepishly explaining his just used phrase, "balls to the wall". "See, there were these little balls on the end of the levers and you push them toward the wall", thanks Brian.

Also, NBC (GE owned) managed to show file footage of a P&W bird intake test, guess they couldn't find the GE test footage, oh that's right GE engines would never fail!
One of the reporters said that they recently raised the mandatory retirement age for airline pilots so they could fly past 65. He then later added: "the pilot could be 67 or 68..." I believe it was Fox news.
The following was posted on a USAToday blog:

zimmer1 wrote: 4h 53m ago
You'd think that airlines would have learned about de-icing and continuing same when flights are delayed from taking off. Hopefully, all survived and hopefully, our clueless FAA will start vigorously enforcing de-icing procedures.
If you have to much ice, you can't get lift. This was entirely preventable.
I do like how the news stations always have guys that fly 172's as their "pilot" to explain what might have happened in an airline crash. Fox news had a guy on saying, "it might involve another airplane. I know when I fly my SINGLE ENGINE airplane down the Hudson there are just airplanes everywhere so that's what it might be."

With that being said, most airline pilots are smart enough not to get on national tv and say something stupid when they know good and well if you weren't there, you don't know what happened. CHEERS
I just got a call from Inside Edition...

Told them that I'm not allowed to talk to the media (I wish that I could give them a quote/get interviewed though) but I did my part in steering them in the right direction towards finding knowledgeable people to talk to and a PROFESSIONAL GRADE simulator that they can film a reenactment in.

Hopefully their package doesn't suck.
Heard a few reports of the aircraft being a Airbus A737 and an Airbus A380 with 60 pax onboard.
Since everyone is ok, might as well have a little fun with the topic.

What are the dumbest things that you've heard the media say about the accident today?

I heard they hit 'A Flock of Geese'

Good thing it wasn't:


I Ran..... :D