Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash

FOX news....interviewing the boat captain who first came to the rescue.

FOX "What was your feeling as you pulled up to the fuselage?"
(fuselage? that's a BIG word)

BOAT DUDE "There were people standing waiting up to their knees in the water"

okay - sorry - the way that he said "fuselage" just cracked me up. one of the researchers on staff had totally pulled up that big "buzzward" fuselage.

i'm still waiting for someone to explain how their prayers saved the day:panic:.
And later how "A loss of both engines causes a total loss of control". Obviously not.

Well if you lost both engines, and hence both hydraulic pumps, and the electric ones decided they were done at the exact same time, then yeah! But at that point you're moving away from "accident" and into the realm of "wrath of God."
CNN Headline News had a guy call in saying they should put mesh nets over the engines to prevent this...

Cant say I didnt do a LOL WUT?! :banghead:
Chris Mathews on MSNBC kept calling it a "bird attack". I laughed so hard when he said it that I think I pooped my pants.
What about the dumbest thing I have not heard!?!?!? The fact that the damn CEO not once mentioned the great job this crew did in his press release. Could be over 150 dead and he didnt mentioned the great job HIS crew did once in his 2:15 press conference.
It's Parker, what do you expect?

He was probably thinking, "Dang, if I give the flight crew credit for winning in an otherwise unwinnable situation, they're going to expect to be compensated appropriately during the next round of negotiations! Oh, no's!"
The fact that this is being called a crash. The crew did an excellent job performing an off field emergency landing/ditching which everyone on board survived.

Just my two cents.
Here's a real gem I heard on Fox Sports Radio tonight out of Tomm Looney:

"from everything I've heard landing these planes on water is no different than landing them on land, the risk is no higher"

.....and I have to assume he wasn't talking about amphibious aircraft, rather airbus 320's.
You GOTS to be kidding.

An actual representation of the heroism of the flight and cabin crew and some armchair yahoos are already trying to marginalize it.
And if it were a Dash 8 that was involved with this type of situation, the media would say something along the lines of...

"A high-wing piston engine twin-engine Cessna departing LaGuardia fell out of the sky and crash-landed on the water..." or something like that.
NBC News Aviation Analyst Robert Hager:

"They teach it, on the simulators, how to ditch on the water"

The two I saw yesterday at 1700 were reports that it were an A380 and it was brought down by a bird attack in the same article.

And yes, the lack of FO. I would assume the captain took controls but all of these talks when it could have possibly been the FO flying or at least until the engine loss. Or even if it were not his leg that he was just hanging out over there watching the magic happen.
Private pilots, gotta love ya BUT, don't call Headline News and give your expert input. Some 70 year old private pilot :nana2: woman called up telling about when she and her husband had to "ditch the Cessna in the ocean." She says "they're (US Airways flight) very lucky they did not stall, they could have went into a spin!" Who knew that 200 hours in a C172 makes you an instant aviation expert. :sarcasm: