Dumbest Things You've Heard about the US Airways crash

More airspeed and altitude give more options to the pilots. Below 10,000 feet, aircraft are limited to 250 knots, which means they are slower and more difficult to maneuver. Above 10,000 feet, these aircraft usually exceed 500 knots. So you can see that the pilots had very limited controllability at these low altitudes.

"Reporters" to various survivors:
About how high/fast/etc. were you when . . . ?

(These passengers must have great skills for determining speed and altitude by looking out the side window of an airliner.)

One "expert" indicated that escape slides would not have been deployed because of the water landing; they would have been a hindrance to egress and, frankly, provide limited flotation. Meanwhile, the station is broadcasting footage that shows what appears to be at least one deployed escape slide.

A reporter questioned a survivor: “Was there any indication on taxi out or takeoff that led you to believe the flight was in danger?” Huh?
Its time to turn this to a more serious thread. I propose the Obama administration end the war on drugs and ramp up this war on BIRDS!
"Dear Airbus Industry, please send one more A320 series, 15 more A330 series, and 10 more A340 series. Here is my credit card number."

"Thankfully the captain is a glider instructor. This story could have been much worse"

Yes! thank God, because we recieve no training in ditching.
And thank god the captain was there because the FO must have been completly clueless and what to do or how to fly when you lose all your engines. :banghead:
CNN Headline News had a guy call in saying they should put mesh nets over the engines to prevent this...

Cant say I didnt do a LOL WUT?! :banghead:

They'll probably make the switchover to mesh engine covers when they start building the entire plane out of what they make the blackboxes from.
NBC News Aviation Analyst Robert Hager:

"They teach it, on the simulators, how to ditch on the water"


Seriously, dude said that? Then again, I don't know why the talking head "experts" continue to surprise me anymore. Maybe they DO in the sims at US Airways, but even after 3701, the only thing we get on dual engine flame out is one scenario during initial FO training. If we've got extra time, I always try a "dead stick" landing in the sim on my PCs, but that's the only training I get on that....and it's self-initiated.
You want a laugh, head over to APC if you want to see the troll who is posting that this is a conspiracy and didn't happen the way it is being reported.
You want a laugh, head over to APC if you want to see the troll who is posting that this is a conspiracy and didn't happen the way it is being reported.

Probably remote control geese flown by Muslim Terrorists. I know that is the first thing I thought of when this went down. If I were Canadian I would be wary...Bush is still President for another couple days - more than enough time to invade and establish a democracy (or at least issue new currency without the queen on the money). Canada can't just allow the use of their geese for terror.
CNBC news babe in a conversation about bird strikes:

"Why haven't we heard of this kind of thing before? There are birds all over the sky"
CNBC news babe in a conversation about bird strikes:

"Why haven't we heard of this kind of thing before? There are birds all over the sky"

They had an ex American Airlines captain on one of those shows, and he replied to this "ehh, happens all the time, just normally it doesn't get both motors. We just circle back around and change planes, no bigey."

I cracked up when I heard that
The conspiracy theories are already starting - they're saying the crash was staged due to the lack of noise on impact, no high resolution photos early on and, God forbid, there are no videos on You-Tube!
Switching between the channels, it really seemed like Fox News was the worst offender. There are too many to list, but my signature line was by far the best. He even compared the ditching to bare foot water skiiing! Priceless!!!
The conspiracy theories are already starting - they're saying the crash was staged due to the lack of noise on impact, no high resolution photos early on and, God forbid, there are no videos on You-Tube!

There are so many morons out there. You can't stage an A320 ditch. It either happens or it doesn't.
fox news: "I fly the embraer all the time and this is definately a embraer 170."

after it had come out it was an a320. "new word it might be an a320 but i am positive its an embraer 170"
I know we all like to make fun of the media for sounding like morons, but I have to admit if somebody had asked me a couple of days ago what the probability was that an airliner could ditch into 32 degree water right after takeoff and everybody live to tell about it, I would have told you "less than a snowball's chance in hell", and I do this stuff for a living.

I guess news reporters make money by trying to sound like they know what they're talking anout, even if they don't. Playing devils advocate here, they can't possibly be "experts" on every subject matter they report on. I think Dr. Phil was brought on as more of a human phychology expert rather than an aviation expert.
Local Fox news called the flight school yesterday wanting one of the pilots to do an interview for the evning news about airplanes and bird strikes. :laff:

I soo wanted to volunteer one of our Indian students!!
I was watching the coverage on Fox news with my father, a pilot for 40 years, and the aviation anallist(a single engine private pilot) said that these planes have great power off glide ratios. He mentioned that a 747 could glide for almost 15 miles for every 1000 ft. of altitude. Now I've never flown an Airbus much less a 747, but I seriously doubt that those planes could get 5 miles for every 1000ft in a glide. My father and I both said aloud at the same time. "bull _____"