
Thanks for clarifying. The thing is you are only a week into the training. I would like to talk to you when you are 6-12 months in to the service.
Again, i mentioned what i have heard, seen and read. As you can see by my experience, i shouldn't even be thrashing a company considering i don't even fly for living yet.

I've been here 30 months, go ahead with some questions?
I never went to the 6-7 interviews because even though Chuck invited me and said expect an email attachment for the documents, it never came. So I tried to reschedule again with Chuck for the 21st and he said he'd see to it that I got the email, but I still haven't gotten anything. I've tried calling and emailing, but haven't heard much.
Absolutely none.

Not until the Mesaba merger is figured out. recalled pilots etc...

Somebody else in-the-know may add if I'm off base.
Because I've come to the realization that taking a massive pay cut maybe worth it in the long run.

Also they don't fly RJ's...
Maybe this will help:

This makes me giggle considering the source.
There's more going on to this than meets the eye. It might make it onto the website in due time, but more likely will only be told over beers.