
Why would somebody with your flight time and qualifications go to Colgan? Just curious...

I have been playing insurance agent for the past 8 months selling Medicare to seniors... I'm ready to fly again and if it takes me going to Colgan to get back into it then who cares? Sure its going to suck the first few years but I am looking at the bigger picture. Ive been looking for flying for the past 8 months but have come up empty handed. Any other ideas on where someone with my "qualifications" should go?????????
I have been playing insurance agent for the past 8 months selling Medicare to seniors... I'm ready to fly again and if it takes me going to Colgan to get back into it then who cares? Sure its going to suck the first few years but I am looking at the bigger picture. Ive been looking for flying for the past 8 months but have come up empty handed. Any other ideas on where someone with my "qualifications" should go?????????

Just hang out another month would be my suggestion. If Colgan is still your only option and the pay is still as weak, then repeat.

Now, personally, I'll be at Taco Bell and part time Dominoes LONG before I go back to Colgan but I understand that sometimes the base structure makes sense for some of you all. Also I understand the need to get flying, I just don't understand the benefit to you. You don't need time or experience. You're gonna wait how long for an upgrade? I went when it was a year upgrade and ended up upgrading at another company on completely different equipment just because I had to get out of there. What possible resume boost does Colgan have for you? Also maybe you'll understand my apprehension.

You have your reasons, you've stated them, I just can't see your desire. Though, I'm the guy that spent about 3 years out of this industry and only got back in when the getting was good (and after saving up a ton of money).
Just hang out another month would be my suggestion. If Colgan is still your only option and the pay is still as weak, then repeat.

Now, personally, I'll be at Taco Bell and part time Dominoes LONG before I go back to Colgan but I understand that sometimes the base structure makes sense for some of you all. Also I understand the need to get flying, I just don't understand the benefit to you. You don't need time or experience. You're gonna wait how long for an upgrade? I went when it was a year upgrade and ended up upgrading at another company on completely different equipment just because I had to get out of there. What possible resume boost does Colgan have for you? Also maybe you'll understand my apprehension.

You have your reasons, you've stated them, I just can't see your desire. Though, I'm the guy that spent about 3 years out of this industry and only got back in when the getting was good (and after saving up a ton of money).

I agree... Fly6785, you probably don't need a bunch more SIC time. Things are picking up, so hopefully you can hang in there. I had the luxury of having another flying job when I had to decide whether to accept a class date with Colgan or not, so I know it's different. But when it came down to decision time, I just couldn't justify the pay and lengthy upgrade time.

There's really not much of a benefit to working at Colgan if you want to build a career in the 91/135 world IMO, which leaves other 121 jobs as your next step after Colgan... How many of those have a promising future? Delta, Southwest, FedEx? Maybe Jetblue and a couple of other LCCs? Not a lot of options out there for so much sacrifice. At least that's how I felt when I called Sara and said "Thanks, but no Thanks". I know it's not easy, and I don't envy your position. Good luck, and I hope whatever you decided works out for the best...:beer:
So I am new to this airline thing. Just got my flight confirmation from Colgan to fly to LGA from KSMF (Sac) tom morning. Is this just like any other flight as a paying passenger? I just show up at the gate with my conf # and ID? Is this a guaranteed seat? Please educate. Thx!
So I am new to this airline thing. Just got my flight confirmation from Colgan to fly to LGA from KSMF (Sac) tom morning. Is this just like any other flight as a paying passenger? I just show up at the gate with my conf # and ID? Is this a guaranteed seat? Please educate. Thx!

Just show up at the airport about an hour or so before your flight leaves and check in just as you would a paid ticket using your confirmation #. Its a positive space ticket so yes its a guaranteed seat.

Good luck!
Thanks guys. I'm one of the few that enjoy 121 more than 135 or 91. We will see what happens. Thanks for the 2 cents!!
Just show up at the airport about an hour or so before your flight leaves and check in just as you would a paid ticket using your confirmation #. Its a positive space ticket so yes its a guaranteed seat.

Good luck!

Positive space yes....Guaranteed seat no

I got bumped on the way to my interview due to an overbook flight. It can happen.
Positive Space is nearly the same as having a paid ticket. But sometimes flights are overbooked and they need to bump someone off, this can happen even if you have a paid for ticket though. They usually ask for volunteers first though.
What is the difference between Positive Space and Standby? Thx Guys!

Depends on the level of positive space. There are must ride, and only if seats available. I've bumped paying passengers that were already on the plane as a positive space before. Remember when you start working at a 121 carrier never take the jumpseat no matter how hard the gate agents ask!
I received an email from Chuck saying that I was invited to interview on July 6th & 7th and to get in touch with Ashley. I've emailed her but I never hear back.

Does anyone know a better way to get in touch with her, you could pm me if you don't want to post a number in public.

Thanks and is anyone else going?
question for colgan guys; does colgan have a commuter policy? if so, what is it? thanks.
yes.... two flights 24 hrs prior to show time showing seats available... I live in base so this isn't an issue but I do know of people who have utilized this...
Ive been looking for flying for the past 8 months but have come up empty handed. Any other ideas on where someone with my "qualifications" should go?????????

I've been unemployed and have been looking for a flying job for the past 16 months and I didn't jump to Colgan. Yes, I have thought about it a month ago, but the Con's heavily outweighed the Pro's. It's NOT worth it! There are other jobs out there besides Colgan, you just have to invest the time and energy and go look for them.

Just got my flight confirmation from Colgan to fly to LGA from KSMF (Sac) tom morning.

I sincerely hope you will move to the Northeast, 'cause just thinking about the commute from SMF to the east coast makes me sick.
Recieved an email two days ago from Chuck asking me to contact Ashley to set up an interview in July, sent her an email but haven't heard anything back. I'm sure I will on Monday or Tuesday.