CFI Initial


New Member
So I'm very near my initial CFI ride and I'd be lying if I did say I'm scared to death.:eek: I took a CFI ride (never made it to the a/c) about 20 years ago and failed miserably. Back in those days, a ride was expected to be approx. 3 to 4 hours for both grond and flight. I have heared some stories of marathon rides. I'm just currious as to what kind of time I can expect to spend with the examiner. I know it has a lot to do with how he percieves me with respect to my knowledg base, but how about a general outline.

Thanks so much all
4 - 6 hours is about average.

Just go through the entire PTS and know every little thing that is in there and you will be fine.

Good Luck!
Yeah 4 to 6 is probably average. Just totally depends on the examiner. I was fortunate and got to go with a DE - I was in and out (oral, flight, and BS session) in 3 hours. A classmate went to the FSDO and had a 6 hour oral and 2 hour flight.

Just depends on the examiner/inspector.
Just go through the entire PTS and know every little thing that is in there and you will be fine.

All you have to do is know everything and fly perfectly. That's it! jk

I busted the first time but I think with the retest it ended up being around 5-6 hours. The oral depends on how sharp you are, and the examiner.
Yeah I know when I did my CFI is was a start at 0900 and didn't leave till 1700 sort of affair. That was a few years ago though. From from what my CFI kids are telling me when they get back is that ground is 2-4 hours, and flight 1-1.5 with most peeps in the OKC FSDO. Sounds no worse than an instrument ride.
I like a few posts above was around 2 hours for the oral and 1.5 hours for the flight. My classmate, who started at around the same time I did, was still on the oral when I got back from my my ride. (I went with a DPE, he with the FSDO). It just all depends, as long as you know what's in the PTS like the back of you hand you'll be okay. If you're examiner asks you something you don't think is in the PTS, ask him to show you it. If he's asking you something that's not in there, then he can't fail you on it. My examiner and I actually had that discussion before we started (he brought it up, not me)...
I like a few posts above was around 2 hours for the oral and 1.5 hours for the flight. My classmate, who started at around the same time I did, was still on the oral when I got back from my my ride. (I went with a DPE, he with the FSDO). It just all depends, as long as you know what's in the PTS like the back of you hand you'll be okay. If you're examiner asks you something you don't think is in the PTS, ask him to show you it. If he's asking you something that's not in there, then he can't fail you on it. My examiner and I actually had that discussion before we started (he brought it up, not me)...

I had to do slow flight while under the hood on my checkride. It's not anywhere in the PTS to do both at the same time(different minimums) but when I said something about it he replied that he was the examiner and he could do whatever he wanted. He also makes every applicant do spins on the first checkride. VERY thorough.
4 hour oral

1.5 flight

Besides knowing the PTS, the best advice that I received was to constantly teach the examiner. If you think about this checkride from a different perspective, such as an interview for a teaching job, and prepare accordingly, you will pass!

Good Luck