CFI Initial - Notice of Disapproval - Still waiting...

Hey @Autothrust Blue. What thread was it where you were talking about how you don’t have to be an introvert to be socially awkward?
At the request of my right honorable friend who likes foxes:

In relevant part:
Introversion and being awkward aren’t the same thing.

Michael Scott is the best (albeit fictional) example of this which comes immediately to mind this morning.

That guy is extroverted AF, and also ridiculously awkward, and while he’s a fictional construction, we all know someone exactly like him, too.
Am working on my CFI and I am at the point where I am ready to schedule my ride. I called the Fargo FSDO; but they never returned my call. Maybe thought I was a crank caller. Spoke to 3 different DPEs, including one that my current instructor sent his last candidate to. One DPE has not done any rides in a long time owing to medical issues. He said he would be willing to do my ride, but it would be an observed ride. His comments to me when we talked - "No one passes this ride on their first attempt. Be prepared to spend a day doing ground stuff and maybe having to reconvene on the second to do the flying."

The other gentleman does his rides like most others around here. 3-4 hours on the ground + a solid 1.8 to 2.0 in the bird. A lot of the flying is by the candidate. Did not reach out to the other guy who also manages a flight school locally...

The FSDO's really do not do CFI rides anymore that I know of.

Send me a PM if you would like and I can give you some insight on the CFI ride. Use your resources, be confident. Maybe video record yourself over and over teaching a friend or a family member a ground topic. Watch the video and see how you can improve on eye contact, presenting things in a clear, concise, technically correct manner. Make the lesson plan fun, and exciting. Use visual aids and don't drag it out to long.

Don't be afraid of FAA observed rides. I have done quite a few of them where the FAA watches me, and have yet to unsat an applicant.

I am more proud of my CFI certificate than any other checkride or type ratings I did!

Best of Luck! Let us know how it goes!
Why the ever loving F would I give a hoot about my tone or delivery with a group of people who bring up the worst moment of my life, almost constantly?
Generally speaking, in online BS sessions no one really gives a damn and most mean well. Certain personality types get more attention at times - the ackchyually dudes, drama queens, few others. That being said, there is still a certain level of bonding involved and even if most exchanges are poop slinging, I'd gladly buy that other person a beer (unless it's @SlumTodd_Millionaire - I would not want to offend his net worth :confused2:)
What I quoted you saying sounds like "You are mean to me, I hate you!.. same time tomorrow?"
C'mon man, no one is trying to bring your worst memories back.

Rolled up newspaper, pushing the turd down.
Hey All... just wanted to provide a quick update. I did leave the state to attend an accelerated program and was able to successful complete the CFI ticket without any further challenges. I will say it was a completely different experience.

As with everything I always look for the learning opportunity in everything... after all... I am a professor by day!

I'm sure there were conversations that I could have had with the original DPE, but in the end I felt we held widely varied opinions on teaching, learning and effective communication :-) The lessons learned will certainly be integrated into how I prepare the students I fly with.

Thank you for each of your insight... greatly appreciated!
I feel for you man, you're a DPE so regardless you get stuck between the rock and a hard place.

BUT know that places where it's a nightmare exist. I got my CFI a decade ago at the Dupage FSDO (outside Chicago) and it was a nightmare from the start. I get signed off and my instructor and I walk down to the office (it was on the field at DPA) and the first thing they say is after I tell them I like to schedule a CFI initial ride is: "the last 10 students this year alone failed, good luck!" (it was Jan 5th) my instructor was F***** pissed. Fast forward 2 months, 40+ calls to reschedule all due to weather or their conflicts ( apparently the DPE was also a corporate pilot that had "scheduling conflicts"), so I had to get signed off again because they wouldn't return my calls.

Finally I get to take the exam 73 days after being initially signed off and 7 hours in (i could be miss-remembering, it could have been longer), I get the pink slip. I remember the question to this day: " In one sentence, describe turns around a point". Now I had things I had answered incorrectly previously but apparently not fail worthy. When my instructor asked what went wrong, they said he did very well just missed a question. WTF

Eventually did the rest of the oral, it lasted 8 minutes, and then the flight, which was 2.7 hours. I got the cert but all in all it cost my about $1000 extra... I talk with other friends who did theirs through ATP and the WHOLE thing took 2 hours. Needless to say I was turned off from the whole process.

Granted this most likely is a RARE encounter, but just saying it happens.

When I did my dispatch exam after covering all the topics and curveballs associated with this DADE. He was having me plan flights using performance data at other airports for the airports he selected. For example: Using airport performance charts for ORD for ATL. I said "That airport isn't approved in the op specs, so I cannot dispatch that flight legally." He told me that it was now approved and to make due with what I had. 8 hours into this, I brief him the details of the flight. He seems content, and says "I guess I'll pass you". He seemed a little unsure of my abilities, so I asked him what areas I should focus on improving. He told me "Nothing, you'll learn it on the job". Definitely could do without the jab at my abilities if he can't provide constructive criticism.