17 Year Girl Has Successful Off Field Landing

Wait you mean girls can fly airplanes?!?! When did this happen?
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Reference 2:10 in. :rolleyes:
so the plane restarted on the ground?

That's what the article said. Interesting, huh?

I was wondering when someone was going to say something about it being a "Traumahawk" :). I get a magazine from the Pipers Owner's Society and last month they had an article about the Tomahawk...it really sang the praises, let me tell you. Seeing the "Centerfold" kinda cracked me up though, it was painted up like a Blue Angel. Real sharp looking, but still a Tomahawk!

Here is a story about the "Blue Angel" Tomahawk. Was/is owned by a DJ (at the time) up in OKC.

Daley said she would like to fly the Space Shuttle or be a commercial airline pilot.
Thats a coincidence because I understand that you need a good amount of space shuttle time to be a commercial airline pilot in this economy! :p
small world, i graduated from Georgetown, and took that same aviation class, which i think is great for getting students introduced and interested in flying. I actually went on my first small airplane ride in a tomorock from pilot's choice.

That was only 5 years ago, man it doesn't take long to get jaded.
Thats a coincidence because I understand that you need a good amount of space shuttle time to be a commercial airline pilot in this economy! :p

how come no one ever dreams of being a non- commercial airline pilot? Or a freight pilot for that matter. Its a lot easier, i just showed up with my student pilot certificate and they threw me in the van.