Jumpseat Etiquette- What would you do?

This was one of the interesting cultural changes going from VX to AS. With VX, you better come up and say hi. If you were company or not, the CA would have the FAs bring you up to say hey if they didn't do it. At AS, it was put out to basically not come up and say hey unless you were taking the JS...
I’m gonna assume this is at least partly due to flying large numbers of JSing 135 pilots to and from the arctic
This was one of the interesting cultural changes going from VX to AS. With VX, you better come up and say hi. If you were company or not, the CA would have the FAs bring you up to say hey if they didn't do it. At AS, it was put out to basically not come up and say hey unless you were taking the JS...

Out of pure ignorance, I will ask what you see as the advantage of checking in as a JS'er with a cabin seat? Not disagreeing, just legitimately don't know what difference it makes.
Out of pure ignorance, I will ask what you see as the advantage of checking in as a JS'er with a cabin seat? Not disagreeing, just legitimately don't know what difference it makes.
You're still there technically on the sufferance of El Capitan. Now, we all know that if you're being DH'd on your own metal, El Jefe is going to be having a conversation with his ACP if he denies you, but just blithely heading back in to Steerage without, you know, "doing The Expected" is a bad look. Can we all at least *pretend* that the Captain is still the final authority?
Out of pure ignorance, I will ask what you see as the advantage of checking in as a JS'er with a cabin seat? Not disagreeing, just legitimately don't know what difference it makes.

Depends on how the boarding pass was issued.

Actually issued a seat… no problem.

Issued a boarding pass for the jumpseat and take a seat in the back… you show up on the final paperwork and it can create confusion.

If I’m deadheading or using pass benefits on my own metal with a seat in the back, I don’t say anything. However, if I’m issued a pass for the jumpseat (even if I get a seat in the cabin), I always check in with the Captain.

Offline, I always check in with the Captain.
Had a Republic guy today come down and yell from the forward galley "I have a seat in the back"

I yelled back "who are you?"

He says "I have a seat in the back"

I said "is it a paid ticket?"

He says "no..."

I gestured for him to come up front. I introduced myself and finally got his name. I said "are you jumpseating?"

He says "no. I have a seat in the back"

I said "I get that the gate agent gave you a seat. Tell me how you GOT that seat. Are you on an ID90? or are you trying to hitch a ride?"

"I'm trying to hitch a ride"

(phew) "ok. Now that that's settled. When you jumpseat offline, proper etiquette is to introduce yourself and request a ride. Please go make yourself comfortable, but in the future just ask for a ride and you'll always be welcome"

I'm sure a lot of you think I was being a jerk. Fair enough. We have very few things that we own as pilots. The jumpseat is one of the last of those and I'll be darned if im going to give control of it away to the gate agents. It takes two seconds to ask for a ride. Do the right thing people.

PS - stop jacking around on guard.
So is the issue offline vs own metal? For what its worth, my question was geared around the "JS but got an assigned seat in the back in lieu of the JS" scenario. I guess I am maybe ignorant of what the difference between that, and just listing as a non-rev is? If there was a seat in the back, wouldn't they have just gotten it to begin with, without requesting the JS? Or does that bypass the normal non-rev priority list?

Again, just honest questions because I don't know (and also don't really ever JS myself).
Starting as a young CFI y’all definitely gave me a complex where no matter how many times the captain says “medevac air? Who the hells that? Looks like you already got a seat” I still kept doing it every time I jumpseated
Had a Republic guy today come down and yell from the forward galley "I have a seat in the back"

I yelled back "who are you?"

He says "I have a seat in the back"

I said "is it a paid ticket?"

He says "no..."

I gestured for him to come up front. I introduced myself and finally got his name. I said "are you jumpseating?"

He says "no. I have a seat in the back"

I said "I get that the gate agent gave you a seat. Tell me how you GOT that seat. Are you on an ID90? or are you trying to hitch a ride?"

"I'm trying to hitch a ride"

(phew) "ok. Now that that's settled. When you jumpseat offline, proper etiquette is to introduce yourself and request a ride. Please go make yourself comfortable, but in the future just ask for a ride and you'll always be welcome"

I'm sure a lot of you think I was being a jerk. Fair enough. We have very few things that we own as pilots. The jumpseat is one of the last of those and I'll be darned if im going to give control of it away to the gate agents. It takes two seconds to ask for a ride. Do the right thing people.

PS - stop jacking around on guard.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s a professional courtesy to ask for the free ride. Of course nobody denies it, but it’s reciprocated in those moments where we as captains go up to the gate to also make sure everyone made it on. The game is you ask, and we make sure you’re not left behind. Regardless of company we need to look out for one another more.
At my shop, we're supposed to meet all jumpseaters on the jet. If you're assigned a seat, I don't need to see you at all and generally appreciate the lack of interruption.
Seat In the back, means I don’t care when you board and the song and dance will take about 2 seconds. Jumpseat? Let’s make this as painless and the least amount of time possible, board last and get off first :)
No wAAy. Riding the jumpseat? Come down before all the passengers, set your stuff in the doorway and come up front while the crew is trying to review the logbook/get out to do the walkaround. Maybe that was an MD-80 or Boeing thing, but we have plenty of room for you and your bags on the bus. Please come down last. :)