Ha ha ok, take a breather there buddy. Ok, let's see if I can answer some of these for ya.
Umm...slowing your progress might only be the fact there aren't a lot of instructors and it takes awhile to get one that they do have. Not sure how long it takes to get CFI though. I'm pretty sure that you can be a CFI here ALMOST immediately, I'm sure there's standardization classes and stuff like that you might have to take. A lot of the CFI's here are graduated Riddle students and I think a few might still be taking classes part-time. Sorry I can't be more informative in that area.
As for summer school. All the classes I just got over with are VERY easy because everything isn't as in depth as it is during the fall or spring. My best advice would be to do all your homework (that's what kills most people) and go to class every day. If you do all that, there's pretty much no way you can fail.
Right now only the "new dorms" are open. Basically because they cost more than the "old" ones. They definately are nicer though. They have kitchens and neato stuff like that in them. Plus, the old dorms hold 6 people and new ones only 4. So, less crowded. When I came here in the Fall last year, all the guys I knew were crammed like 3 people to a room (i.e.- 9 to a suite which normally holds 6) so they're in the process of building new dorms now to hold all the incoming people. Living Off Campus kinda has it's perks but, there is the commute every day and apartments cost a lot more than Riddle charges. Plus, at Riddle you get a super-fast T1 internet connection and anywhere else you're stuck with a stupid modem.
FA 110 is really easy. The school portion is pretty basic. All the ground school's start at different times in the year (ex - won't just start and end like the regular semester does, I started it in Jan and we finished before Spring Break). They teach you all the stuff you need to know to pass your FAA written exam and stuff. The flying part is just as basic. You start a little on cross countries but will do the majority of those in FA 208.
As for instructions from PHX. Do you have a car? or what? If you're the one driving then you just...
Start out going West on E SKY HARBOR BLVD. Take the I-10 WEST ramp towards CENTRAL PHOENIX/SQUAW PEAK PKWY. Merge onto I-10 W. Take the I-17 SOUTH/I-17 NORTH exit, exit number 143A-B, towards FLAGSTAFF. Merge onto I-17 NORTH RAMP. Merge onto I-17 N. Stay straight to go onto I-17 N/N BLACK CANYON HWY. I-17 N/N BLACK CANYON HWY becomes I-17 N. I-17 N becomes I-17 N/N BLACK CANYON FRWY. 2Stay straight to go onto I-17 N. Take the AZ-69 NORTH exit, exit number 262, towards CORDES JCT RD/PRESCOTT. Merge onto AZ-69. Take the US-89 SOUTH ramp. Merge onto E GURLEY ST/US-89. Stay straight to go onto E GURLEY ST. Turn RIGHT onto GROVE AVE. GROVE AVE becomes MILLER VALLEY RD. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto WILLOW CREEK RD. And look for the ERAU sign.
If you're asking about how can you get here, there are a number of shuttle services that pick you up right from the airport and can take you straight to Riddle. The cheapest one is about $50 bucks round-trip, not sure about one-way though. Their phone number and all that is:
Mountain High Shuttle Service (520)772-9700
Ok, so there, I've finally answered everything. Whew! Hoping I helped a bit.
Anything else, I'd be happy to try to explain.