When my wife and I were discussing my possible return to a flying career, family life was a MAJOR concern (we have 2 girls... 1 1/2 years and 3 1/2 years old.)
We basically came to this conclussion... our kids go to bed at 8:00. I get home from the office on average around 5:30 Mon - Thurs so I get to see the kids 2 1/2 hours per night; I get home Fridays around 6:30... 1 1/2 hours with the kids; and work until 12:30 every other Saturday. My time with the kids during the week involves supper, bath, and getting ready for bed so, althought this time is priceless, I really have very limitted time with the kids under my current schedule. And, with me working every other Saturday, we are very limitted on what we can actually do on weekends.
We came to the conclusion that we probably would have actually more time and better quality time if I were gone for a few days at a time and then home for a few days in a row, especially later when I had gotten past the entry level positions and built some seniority. We figure it will take some major short term sacrifices to achieve an overall longterm gain.
We also realize going in that it will probably take some real dedication and work at times on our part to make sure that our marriage/family life holds together. I have heard some younger people say that if marriage is "work", you must be married to the wrong person. My wife and I beleive the exact opposite. No two people ever totally agree 100% of the time. And, it is very easy to start taking your spouse for granted. We have tried to make each other a promise that if one of us should start to feel "taken for granted" or, for lack of a better word, "neglected" we will let the other one know IMMEDIATELY.
Granted, the real test for us begins August 6 when I report to training. But, for now this is our "theory" and thoughts leading up to our decision for me to go back to being a pilot for a living. I wish you all the luck in the world both in your decision and with you career. Keep your wife involved in the decision making. And most of all, try to never forget that trust and a marriage can be very fragile things that must at times be nurtured and protected.
Be well and fly safe