Flying Club


New Member
I posted in November of last year trying to get some advice about starting a flying club at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. After a lot of work and some lucky breaks I was able to set up an official UNCW Flying Club. The club currently has about 30 members in it, but only about 20 actually are taking steps to try and learn to fly. We coordinated with a local flight school and we have a sport pilot ground school with 10 members in it which is held once a week on campus. The same flight school is also giving the club descent discounts on the aircraft rates and a few people are going to start flying next week. I only wanted to do a private pilot ground school but due to time and money most of the members felt that at the moment they could only do a sport pilot course so I decided better that than nothing. Next semester we are hopefully going to have a private pilot ground school that will be spread out over a longer time frame as well as continue the sport pilot ground school.

Unfortunately finding funding from the University is tricky, and I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere else where I could possibly find some funding to help the club. It would be nice to find a way to make the supplies a little cheaper for the members or even just find a way to pay for the projector rental fee.

Finally, I am currently working on my commercial rating and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good scholarships or grants which could help me pay for it. It seems that most scholarships are directed at people working for their private pilot license. Any advice would be great.