Flying Car


Well-Known Member
This is a few months old, but I thought it would be interesting to see what people thought about it. Many of you may already know about it. Its a new flying car design that shows promise of actually being practical and usable by many. It already has a good amount of orders, and the whole process seems to be moving right along. I have the article about it linked below.

I thought I'd ask what you thought would become of ideas like this. Is the future really going to be a ton of flying cars flying around from city to city? The article mentions how flying is "much easier" then in the past.:( And in some way seems to conclude that flying isn't really a big deal anymore, and maybe become open to a much larger group of people. So anyway, I thought I'd see what some of your opinions were on the topic because this one seems like its actually going to work.


Ladies and gentleman Im proud to introduce to you the 2010 Ford Smoking Hole.
The way I see it? People already have a hard enough time as it is driving a car. I fear the day when they take up aviation in a flying car.
Yep, sold mah pickup--- Truck fer 1 of've these heah Flah'n cars.
Some dude ona radidio tol' me to hold short of the runway, but I jus went on an took off on this heah taxiway, that other guy had a hell of a time trying to land, an everybody started cussin me, so Ah jus' turned up the CD player an went own mah own way.
Yep, sold mah pickup--- Truck fer 1 of've these heah Flah'n cars.
Some dude ona radidio tol' me to hold short of the runway, but I jus went on an took off on this heah taxiway, that other guy had a hell of a time trying to land, an everybody started cussin me, so Ah jus' turned up the CD player an went own mah own way.

point taken :)