Finishing PPL and then who knows..


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Its been a while since I posted because I decided for a while that flying probably wasn't going to work for me because of the low wages and cost of flight training. I am currently working a dead end job counting cars which isn't going to get me anywhere. Recently, my girlfriend broke up with me so I have had time to do a lot of thinking and I realized that this career idea is never going to die unless I try it. I started by PPL back in 2008 and got about 28 hours done but ran out of money. I currently have about 12K saved up right now to go back and finish it and starting on Sunday. I would really like to avoid any type of flight training debt but im not opposed to a small loan <10K for commerical if I decide I want that. Is that type of debt manageable? I know its going to be an expensive task to complete but I will live with so much regret one day if I don't at least attempt this goal since its been a lifelong dream and I am sick of jobs that I loathe every morning. I know most of you recommend paying as you go but is it feasible? I would like to finish all of my rating in under 2 years and begin flight instructing. What would you do? Sorry for the long post.