Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Just thought I would share with you all that I finally SOLOED today and it was a straight up blast!
I have seen these "I soloed" posts on here from time to time and figured it is finally my turn to make one.
I have been trying to solo my last 4 lessons but kept getting cxld due to high winds (Colorado). Well finally this morning I went out with my instructor from BJC (which is a very busy airport that seems even busier now with 2 of its 3 runways closed) and we headed a few miles north up to Longmont airport. We did a few touch n goes and I handled them well so after about three of those we taxiied over to the ramp and shut the aircraft down. My instructor got out and gave me the reigns. After a few last second tips I was ready. I was feeling totally confident but when I closed the door with just myself in there I admit it was a pretty nervous feeling. I cranked her up and headed out to the runway.
When I got on the runway I stopped and looked at all my gauges and figured it was now or never and as soon as I pushed the throttle in all the way the nervousness was out the window and I was feeling totally confident again. I started my roll, did my checks, Airspeed is alive, Static RPM, looked over at the engine gauges but wait holy crap I feel the plane rotating already! I looked down the runway and took off. I checked the engine gaugues and all was well. I was finally flying! I couldnt believe how the 172S floated off the RW so soon.
I came around flew the pattern perfectly and then made a pretty good landing. A bit too close to a 3 pointer though. It was kinda hard to get back down without the extra weight. Did a touch n go and my next landing was absolutely perfect and the one after that wasn't bad either!
It was soooo cool to look over to the empty seat and know that you are doing this on your own. The aviation bug has truly bit me now and it feels great! I can't wait to get up there and do it again on monday!
Thanks for reading, and for all you guys that are where I was a year ago riding that .6 hours in your logbook as it collects dust and reading posts like this, go for it! It is truly worth it!
Tim Samples
I have seen these "I soloed" posts on here from time to time and figured it is finally my turn to make one.
I have been trying to solo my last 4 lessons but kept getting cxld due to high winds (Colorado). Well finally this morning I went out with my instructor from BJC (which is a very busy airport that seems even busier now with 2 of its 3 runways closed) and we headed a few miles north up to Longmont airport. We did a few touch n goes and I handled them well so after about three of those we taxiied over to the ramp and shut the aircraft down. My instructor got out and gave me the reigns. After a few last second tips I was ready. I was feeling totally confident but when I closed the door with just myself in there I admit it was a pretty nervous feeling. I cranked her up and headed out to the runway.
When I got on the runway I stopped and looked at all my gauges and figured it was now or never and as soon as I pushed the throttle in all the way the nervousness was out the window and I was feeling totally confident again. I started my roll, did my checks, Airspeed is alive, Static RPM, looked over at the engine gauges but wait holy crap I feel the plane rotating already! I looked down the runway and took off. I checked the engine gaugues and all was well. I was finally flying! I couldnt believe how the 172S floated off the RW so soon.
I came around flew the pattern perfectly and then made a pretty good landing. A bit too close to a 3 pointer though. It was kinda hard to get back down without the extra weight. Did a touch n go and my next landing was absolutely perfect and the one after that wasn't bad either!
It was soooo cool to look over to the empty seat and know that you are doing this on your own. The aviation bug has truly bit me now and it feels great! I can't wait to get up there and do it again on monday!
Thanks for reading, and for all you guys that are where I was a year ago riding that .6 hours in your logbook as it collects dust and reading posts like this, go for it! It is truly worth it!
Tim Samples