Emotional support what now?

I feel like all "emotional support" animals are b.s.
I'd believe an ESA for someone with PTSD is valid but when someone is to weak to grow up and be an adult we are just buying into their validation system.

My wife wanted a pig once and I told her sure, but only if she named it "Soup". She asked why and I told her as soon as I caught it in my bed that's what it would be.
Probably none of my business, but arguing the higher ground via education and expertise only to follow by saying you love to agitate those you are learning to/employed to help isn't helpful to your cause. It'd be like if my wife gloated that a patient that didn't take her medical advice worsened or died.

Don't forget you field is in relative infancy compared to physical health. There are a great many unknowns and more so in the public domain. For example, nearly every one subscribes to germ theory, not so 250 years ago. A rescue or support pig sounds equally ridiculous may sound just as silly to a layman now as trying to convince a farmer in the 1760's that invisible organisms caused his gangrene.

Most germaphobes are normal people, with an irrational preoccupation. I was saying that I like to screw with normal people in a joking matter.

You know give people a good ribbing.

The same way I, a normal person always expect to be teased when I reveal that I have a rather intense and irrational fear of grasshoppers and locust.

I would in no way laugh at a patient for my own amusement.
Yeah no kidding. Just answer why some people's neuroses are more important than others.

Why is the sky blue dude?

Most times it's the people with neuroses, that a self pre-occupied and who always think that their issues are important and the only thing that matters.

And I kind of already addressed your question, at least I thought I did. In post #53
I'd believe an ESA for someone with PTSD is valid but when someone is to weak to grow up and be an adult we are just buying into their validation system.

My wife wanted a pig once and I told her sure, but only if she named it "Soup". She asked why and I told her as soon as I caught it in my bed that's what it would be.

I agree but I also wonder what particulars are necessary for one to be diagnosed as suffering from PTSD nowadays. I am ignorant obviously.
Why is the sky blue dude?

Most times it's the people with neuroses, that a self pre-occupied and who always think that their issues are important and the only thing that matters.

And I kind of already addressed your question, at least I thought I did. In post #53

I didn't find that that post adequately answered why someone's personal emotional issues supersedes someone's aversion to germs carried by animals, or someone's more "real" allergies.
Please just answer my simple question that is on topic.

Also I chose my words carefully and I stand by them. I EXPERIENCE anxiety, I do not SUFFER from it.

If you are any kind of professional you will stop trying to figure out the root cause of my issues over the internet. I feel I provided ample evidence for my "fears" being rational and justified. There are many other particulars we haven't touched on, stop trying to complete the puzzle without a quarter of the pieces.

What do you mean? There are a ton of professional pilots on here who always try to figure out or hypothesize about the root cause or why/what happened when a plane crashes or some major aviation event occurs. Based just upon postings on the internet or in the media. Psychology like aviation is a science, after all. Maybe I do get a bit over excited/overzealous because it's my chosen field of study, and I'm really just a spectator here now. So I actually like the rare opportunities when I can speak or actually add to the conversation, with some form of limited authority or understanding. Verses always being the deer in headlights when it comes to aviation related issues.

But I'll stop my dime store psychological assessments.

But for the record, I wasn't trying to say you suffered from anxiety. I got that you experienced it, but was trying to understand the root cause of why you experience it.

While maybe erroring in my uses of showing extreme examples.

I'm not speaking to those circumstances you mentioned, I'm speaking to the conversation at hand which you seem to keep pushing to the side.

I appreciate your admission to erring to extreme examples.
"It would be interesting though to see what you could guess about my personality from my posts though. That would be a good test of your skills."

I would guess your type A. Do I get to be shrink now?
Lol. I'm not sure I totally understand what type A actually is, I'll get back to you. I have heard most pilots are type A though.
For just $76 you can register your dog as an emotional support animal here! Not only does Fido get to ride in the cabin with you (even if he tends to bite people and isn't house broken) but, you can avoid paying the large fees that are involved in shipping a pet underneath! Good times!

Also, in 2000 USAir (no "ways" yet) allowed a 300 pound Vietnamese (easy @ChasenSFO) potbelly big to ride in first class between Philly and Seattle because the owner claimed she needed the big with her at all times in order to remain calm due to a heart condition she had. Upon landing the big went crazy and started rampaging through the cabin. Lawsuits were filled but the administrative law judge that oversaw the FAA investigation said that USAir was correct in allowing the pig on due to the wording of the 1990 American with Disabilities Act.

I'm really surprised they banned a (much smaller) pig, this time around.
Wow, so I must admit, I ended up skimming the last couple pages. I just feel the need to point out that max never actually advocated pigs on jets or Paris Hilton registering her sheetzu as a therapy dog. It was just a subject that spoke close to home and he was raising awareness to the legitimacy of such a program. After that, this thread (& max ) went bonkers.
(Disclosure: I think animals are great for therapy, AND I would not like to sit next to a monkey on my next flight to Vegas...)
(Disclosure: I think animals are great for therapy, AND I would not like to sit next to a monkey on my next flight to Vegas...)


He wants to draw you!
Also, in 2000 USAir (no "ways" yet) allowed a 300 pound Vietnamese (easy @ChasenSFO) potbelly big to ride in first class between Philly and Seattle because the owner claimed she needed the big with her at all times in order to remain calm due to a heart condition she had. Upon landing the pig went crazy and started rampaging through the cabin.

UsAir numbah ten airline for flying dinky dau VC pig.
Would people here rather have a dog or animal onboard; or a never-ending crying, snot-dripping annoying, seat-kicking rug rat? Or multiple on board... :)

Dog, or pig, times a million. Also prefer those to a seat mate who hasn't bathed in, well, apparently forever.

Sadly, I find myself strangely drawn to this gal who can heft that pig onto her shoulder and walk upright. But I happily admit I'm odd.
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