Cpu Help (MHz)


Well-Known Member
Hi, I need to know how many MHz I have on my computer but I don't know how many I have. I need to know before I install the new Flight Simulator (FS2004). If I risk that I have enough and I don't I will have just wasted $100 Canadian on the game. If anyone knows where I should go on my computer to find it please tell me, thanx everyone.
1. Right Click on "My Computer" and select properties.

It should be under the "General" tab.
1. Start Button
2. Settings
3. Control Panel
4. System
5. General Tab

Look for your computer's speed on the bottom right corner.
The easiest way is to go to www.pcpitstop.com and do the full diagnostic check of your machine. It will tell you everything you need to know about your system and it's configuration that you need to know (and alot of stuff that you probably don't care about). Let me know how it works!!!
Here's another way for you to try.

1.Click start.
2.Click Run.
3. Type in "dxdiag"
4. A screen should come up with all your system information.
Thank You, it worked and now I can install Flight Simulator 2004
(I have 800MHz)