
That sucks dude.... I feel your pain... I work here and can't get anyone in upper management to give me the time of day. All I can say is if you really want to work here to keep bugging them.... I really shouldn't say this but I will defend them for the fact that they quite literally have 5000+ resumes on file.

I agree. If you want a job here, call call and call again. HR is on the road doing all sorts of interviewing. Getting people piss tested. Sorting the piles. A voicemail is probably very low on their list of things to do.

The reason I applied to Colgan is because I obviously need a job. I've been trying to get a job for over a year now. Come June, I will be done with unemployment insurance and have to make ends meat somehow. Colgan obviously isn't my first choice, but some money is better than none. Sure I could take a job working at 7-11, but that won't help me built my aviation resume.

I totally understand that they are swamped with applicants and probably understaffed in HR. Different airline, same story. All I can do is keep calling every other day and leave a voicemail. I've interviewed with 5 different airlines in my lifetime and know the process and how getting a hold of HR can be a pain sometimes, especially if there is a lot of hiring going on. If you guys have any other suggestions how to get their attention, let me know!
Im not based up there, so it will be tough to say. But with the insane growth thats going to happen in the next 2 years, I forsee alot of the current Q FOs will be upgraded within a year. The bid hasnt opened yet for IAH Q FO, so its hard to tell really.

There is so much moving around, its really hard to tell whats going on.

You have all this happening at one time:

New hires being placed
Saab FOs moving base
Saab CAs moving base
Saab FOs upgrading
Q FOs upgrading
Saab CAs transitioning
Q FOs in EWR itching for IAH to open
Q CAs in EWR itching for IAH to open

Rob - the last sytem bid (not the new one) had the Q IAH FO bid. Out of the inital 16 going down, I think 14 are from EWR (incluidng myself), and there are at least 5 or 6 more in EWR that live in IAH and will probably get it for the next bid. I think there will be some new hires in IAH on the Q and SAAB as well.
Rob - the last sytem bid (not the new one) had the Q IAH FO bid. Out of the inital 16 going down, I think 14 are from EWR (incluidng myself), and there are at least 5 or 6 more in EWR that live in IAH and will probably get it for the next bid. I think there will be some new hires in IAH on the Q and SAAB as well.

I saw that on second look. I dont really care too much about the Q ops. Mainly because I dont think too many Saab FOs are going to transition anymore out of fear that a 1 year seat lock (is it a year???) might stop their chances at upgrade, and even then they will be going back to the Saab.

Im wondering at what point they are going to skip Saab FOs and upgrade less senior Q FOs into the left seat. I seem to recall most of the higher time guys that were hired in 2007 were put into the Q. Im betting most of the Saab FOs dont have the time to upgrade into the Q.

Either way its all going to be very interesting.
I saw that on second look. I dont really care too much about the Q ops. Mainly because I dont think too many Saab FOs are going to transition anymore out of fear that a 1 year seat lock (is it a year???) might stop their chances at upgrade, and even then they will be going back to the Saab.

Im wondering at what point they are going to skip Saab FOs and upgrade less senior Q FOs into the left seat. I seem to recall most of the higher time guys that were hired in 2007 were put into the Q. Im betting most of the Saab FOs dont have the time to upgrade into the Q.

Either way its all going to be very interesting.

I hear ya man, I've thought about the whole upgrade thing as well. I meet the SAAB mins, but not the Q. Back in the day it was 1500 tt and now it will be 3250 tt to upgrade on the Q. I think they are in a world of hurt when all of these Q fo's that only have glass time upgrade in the SAAB. It's one thing to transition as an FO but to upgrade as captain? I'm sure most guys will be fine, but it will be challenging. Do they make u guys do NDB holds in the sim? It's been at least 4 years for me.... May have to go buy an IFR sim for my computer!
I hear ya man, I've thought about the whole upgrade thing as well. I meet the SAAB mins, but not the Q. Back in the day it was 1500 tt and now it will be 3250 tt to upgrade on the Q. I think they are in a world of hurt when all of these Q fo's that only have glass time upgrade in the SAAB. It's one thing to transition as an FO but to upgrade as captain? I'm sure most guys will be fine, but it will be challenging. Do they make u guys do NDB holds in the sim? It's been at least 4 years for me.... May have to go buy an IFR sim for my computer!

The first time I did an NDB hold was at the Colgan interview. In the IAD system there is only one location, Shenandoah, where you sometimes are told to go direct to the NDB and fly the full approach, but it is on a localizer, so its not a big deal. I was freaking out too, but it wasnt a big deal.

I think Q guys will like the Saab after you get past systems. This plane is a bitch with the electrics. But the plane doesnt tell on you, it doesnt send a message to dispatch when sometimes is wrong with it. It doesnt tell when you leave the gate, you tell when it leaves the gate. Oh, and it has yaw damper :)

Guys will be nervous at first with all the information they are losing, but in the end it wont matter and most everyone will be fine.

Didnt we have this same conversation in Memphis? Haha
The first time I did an NDB hold was at the Colgan interview. In the IAD system there is only one location, Shenandoah, where you sometimes are told to go direct to the NDB and fly the full approach, but it is on a localizer, so its not a big deal. I was freaking out too, but it wasnt a big deal.

I think Q guys will like the Saab after you get past systems. This plane is a bitch with the electrics. But the plane doesnt tell on you, it doesnt send a message to dispatch when sometimes is wrong with it. It doesnt tell when you leave the gate, you tell when it leaves the gate. Oh, and it has yaw damper :)

Guys will be nervous at first with all the information they are losing, but in the end it wont matter and most everyone will be fine.

Didnt we have this same conversation in Memphis? Haha

We probably had this conversation at the bar, in which it is most fuzzy. I could care less if I was in the Saab or Q for upgrade, I'd just like IAH (so obviously it will be in the Saab). I DON"T want Dulles other than I will rub it in a certain scheduling chairman's face that I'm senior to him!
So, are there any recent gouges out there?? Just curious as I'll be updating my app this summer once I meet mins.
I know I have dead headed on Colgan Saab's before and I believe they were mainly B's and not B+'s. Is that the case? Do you guys have the FMS up and running or they going old school?
No FMS. VORs. 90% have two DMEs a few only give the captain DME. 50% have 2 NDBs and 50% don't.

Slant alpha baby!
OK everyone, I've been looking into Colgan also. I've heard different things so I have a few quesions:
1. They say the minimums are 1000/100...1500/200 competitive...are these just for Saab...what are minimums for Q? They say they are hiring onto both.
2. Is the upgrade time as bad as some say? there are 2 possibilities: everyone jumped ship at Colgan in hopes of quick upgrade, now it is slow and you'll be FO for awhile OR people say there is a bunch of growth very soon and upgrade time wont be bad.

Any thoughts on this would help me decide wth I am going to do with my life!
OK everyone, I've been looking into Colgan also. I've heard different things so I have a few quesions:
1. They say the minimums are 1000/100...1500/200 competitive...are these just for Saab...what are minimums for Q? They say they are hiring onto both.
Mins are for both. They are not hiring for the dash 8 just yet even if they say they are. As long as the vacancies are being filled by current pilots on the seniority list there will be no new hires into the dash.
2. Is the upgrade time as bad as some say? there are 2 possibilities: everyone jumped ship at Colgan in hopes of quick upgrade, now it is slow and you'll be FO for awhile OR people say there is a bunch of growth very soon and upgrade time wont be bad.
Upgrade is running right around 3 years now plus or minus a few months. Those that have upgraded this year were pretty much at that mark and it looks like that is when I will upgrade as well. That may come down to 1.5-2 as we really get into the next 15 and then roll right into the next 15.

Any thoughts on this would help me decide wth I am going to do with my life!
Hot dog cart in NYC?

They DO have new hires in the Q. Told me could be either plane.

The length of time for current capt upgrade is irrelevant. You could be much quicker, or slower, depending on a lot of factors. They told me currently 2 1/2 years.

Don't like higher time guys, typically, as they think they will leave relatively soon.


They DO have new hires in the Q. Told me could be either plane.

The length of time for current capt upgrade is irrelevant. You could be much quicker, or slower, depending on a lot of factors. They told me currently 2 1/2 years.

Don't like higher time guys, typically, as they think they will leave relatively soon.


Q classes won't start for another month or two, they sent out a memo today. You want to go to the Saab anyways, trust me.

They DO have new hires in the Q. Told me could be either plane.

The length of time for current capt upgrade is irrelevant. You could be much quicker, or slower, depending on a lot of factors. They told me currently 2 1/2 years.

Don't like higher time guys, typically, as they think they will leave relatively soon.


That is all coming from a recruiter, the facts are...current upgrades are 3 years (2.5 is a bit of a stretch) maybe 2 years and 10 months.

As for hiring into the Q...unless they want a battle with ALPA and the pilot group there will not be new hires going into a Q class. We just had a vacancy put out for Q FOs and in early May when that bid closes there are still vacancies for the Q then there will be new hires going to Q class. Until pilots on the current seniority list who bit the Q are given a seat do not expect to see a single new hire in training.

Dont listen to the recruiters or HR.

EDIT: Unless of course they mean they do have new hires in the Q as in at some point. I was at one time a new hire and put in the Q so technically, yes...they DO have new hires in the Q.