
CaptainDeLay, I would think about making a permenant move to the east coast if you decide Colgan is the place for you. The 5 on 2 off reserve schedule which you will most likely get is not too easy on the cross country commute. I live in Los Angeles and I can tell you from experience. Just a helpful hint.

Yea the few cases I know of is that coast to coast commuting for colgan usually leads to quitting or moving to base. If you "run the numbers" with a colgan like schedule you go home for about 24-36 hours before you have to go back again.
Not sure if I am on Colgan's hiring radar. I have ATP mins, but no Atp written. No call yet. If is things did work out. I would have to move to my Colgan base. Commuting that far with that schedule sounds terrible.
As stated earlier, being based in IAH would not be that bad. We will be doing a LOT of hiring this year and next year. If you got hired anytime in the next couple months and were able to get IAH as a base, then your time on RES would be limited, IMO. I'm sure you would be able to hold IAH within a few months as a new hire, if not right out of training. I know that there will def be new hires based in IAH later this year for the arrival of the new Dash-8's....Not to mention the SF340 spots that will open up when some of the more senior FO's bid over to the q....anyway... just my 2c. But hey, whatta I know..Im just a pilot;)
Thanks for the info. I haven't received a call from colgan yet. It seems that none have my friends have received calls either. Just playing the waiting game. :dunno:
Anyone have an estimated guess on how many current EWR Q FO's are going to move to IAH when it opens as a base?
We'll a possible interviewee that lives in the northeast may care...

Im not based up there, so it will be tough to say. But with the insane growth thats going to happen in the next 2 years, I forsee alot of the current Q FOs will be upgraded within a year. The bid hasnt opened yet for IAH Q FO, so its hard to tell really.

There is so much moving around, its really hard to tell whats going on.

You have all this happening at one time:

New hires being placed
Saab FOs moving base
Saab CAs moving base
Saab FOs upgrading
Q FOs upgrading
Saab CAs transitioning
Q FOs in EWR itching for IAH to open
Q CAs in EWR itching for IAH to open
Anyone know what bases were assigned during the last class? Were they assigned or given as an option? How do they assign within a class?
Why all the interest in IAH? Or is it just because it's not EWR?

The Saab operation in IAH is apparently run really well. I have never been down there, but when guys get sent to the north east, all they do is bitch about it.

From what I saw the last class who are currently in IOE went something like this:

2 x SYR
2 x CRW
2 x IAH
1 x ALB

This is the vacancy announcement made 2 days ago:

Aircraft Base Seat Bodies Tentative Date
SF3 – ALB – CA 4 July 1, 2010
SF3 – BUF – CA 1 July 1, 2010
SF3 – IAD – CA 6 October 1, 2010
SF3 – IAH – CA 4 October 1, 2010
SF3 – ALB – FO 5 July 1, 2010
SF3 – IAD – FO 18 September 1, 2010
SF3 – IAH – FO 6 October 1, 2010
DH4 – IAH – CA 6 September 7, 2010
DH4 – IAH – CA 6 October 5, 2010
DH4 – IAH – CA 6 November 9, 2010
DH4 – IAH – FO 8 September 7, 2010
DH4 – IAH – FO 8 October 5, 2010
DH4 – IAH – FO 8 November 9, 2010
DH4 – IAH – FO 8 December 7, 2010

So if your a Saab new hire, your probably going to be going to IAD.

My buddy interviewed there recently. Lots of Lynx guys, and one from UPS.

I interviewed at DAL in 1991, and now I'm trying to get a Colgan interview (if some other stuff doesn't pan out). I initially applied to Colgan about a year ago, updated...and heard nothing.

They are getting a lot of Qs, according to my friend. A LOT.

I guess I'll come out and say it. I have applied at Colgan and this is what happened so far...

I submitted an application via AirlineApps last Friday afternoon and also send an e-mail to the e-mail address listed on their careers page as indicated in the instructions in the various job postings I have seen.

I received an e-mail from Chuck Colgan within 4 hours of submitting my application and was told to apply via AirlinApps. (Which I did).

I received two more e-mails from Chuck over that same weekend asking if I would consider applying via AirlineApps. (Which I did). I send him an e-mail back saying that I have applied via AirlineApps and that I should have an application on file. (Unless it is not showing up or they can't find it. I don't know?!?)

On Monday morning I had a voicemail from an HR lady at Colgan telling me to give her a call. I called her back, got her voicemail and left a message. No response.

I figured I'll give it one more try and called her again Tuesday afternoon, but all I got was voicemails.

Haven't heard a peep since then. Ball is in their court. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it...
The Saab operation in IAH is apparently run really well. I have never been down there, but when guys get sent to the north east, all they do is bitch about it.

Well run?! Bwahahahaha! It can be just as bad as IAD when the proverbial monkey poo hits the fan. IAH is a simplistic version of LGA, BOS, or IAD... except our operations is ours and no one elses. We don't have to compete or talk to employees of another company. Finally... there are still a few of us who, despite what we may say, still enjoy this job. Politics, lack of management, and BS treatment aside I still enjoy this job because of the people that I get to work with.... everyone has their own story and 9 times out of 10 it is fun to hear about the crazy stuff they did so on and so forth.
I guess I'll come out and say it. I have applied at Colgan and this is what happened so far...

I submitted an application via AirlineApps last Friday afternoon and also send an e-mail to the e-mail address listed on their careers page as indicated in the instructions in the various job postings I have seen.

I received an e-mail from Chuck Colgan within 4 hours of submitting my application and was told to apply via AirlinApps. (Which I did).

I received two more e-mails from Chuck over that same weekend asking if I would consider applying via AirlineApps. (Which I did). I send him an e-mail back saying that I have applied via AirlineApps and that I should have an application on file. (Unless it is not showing up or they can't find it. I don't know?!?)

On Monday morning I had a voicemail from an HR lady at Colgan telling me to give her a call. I called her back, got her voicemail and left a message. No response.

I figured I'll give it one more try and called her again Tuesday afternoon, but all I got was voicemails.

Haven't heard a peep since then. Ball is in their court. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it...

That sucks dude.... I feel your pain... I work here and can't get anyone in upper management to give me the time of day. All I can say is if you really want to work here to keep bugging them.... I really shouldn't say this but I will defend them for the fact that they quite literally have 5000+ resumes on file. While some don't meet the minimum criteria and some they just are not interested in I am sure you fell in the "Good" pile because they called. Now it is just a matter of getting noticed.... I try to get ahold of them on your behalf.... but I might just get voicemail too.:dunno:
That sucks dude.... I feel your pain... I work here and can't get anyone in upper management to give me the time of day. All I can say is if you really want to work here to keep bugging them.... I really shouldn't say this but I will defend them for the fact that they quite literally have 5000+ resumes on file. While some don't meet the minimum criteria and some they just are not interested in I am sure you fell in the "Good" pile because they called. Now it is just a matter of getting noticed.... I try to get ahold of them on your behalf.... but I might just get voicemail too.:dunno:

I agree. If you want a job here, call call and call again. HR is on the road doing all sorts of interviewing. Getting people piss tested. Sorting the piles. A voicemail is probably very low on their list of things to do.

I think they have maybe 3 or 4 people in HR currently? And for all this hiring, thats not near enough.