
Anyone else on here from our 3/30 group? I asked a couple of guys, but they seem to not even be aware of JC..
I have a question that may very well have been convered in a 22 page thread for Colgan and about another 22 page thread for American. So apologies if its a repeat. Question is regarding expunged record. If i get my records expunged from 2007, will i still be required to disclose the info on airline apps?
I would tell them, better be honest. Obviously if its been expunged, then its been decided in your favor. But better tell them then have them see it on the background, pretty sure it would be there, just says "expunged". Like, say, if you had charges against you but they were dropped. Records are records, and things happen. I've known people that had similar issues, its usually not a prob. Based on my interview experience, they are a good bunch of people, and don't look down on "mistakes" from the past, as long as you are honest.
I would tell them, better be honest. Obviously if its been expunged, then its been decided in your favor. But better tell them then have them see it on the background, pretty sure it would be there, just says "expunged". Like, say, if you had charges against you but they were dropped. Records are records, and things happen. I've known people that had similar issues, its usually not a prob. Based on my interview experience, they are a good bunch of people, and don't look down on "mistakes" from the past, as long as you are honest.

Even if its minor traffic violation? Your point is well taken nontheless.
I told them everything. Even stuff that was taken off my record just in case.
Probably a good idea. You would be screwing yourself if they found the stuff you didn't tell them. And if they don't appreciate your honesty, maybe its not the place for you.
Still no one here from our 3/30 interview group? I know flyboywbl is one, just cant believe no one else is a member here :)
2 days after the interview (not counting the weekend), still no news. I suppose its good news so far!
Still no one here from our 3/30 interview group? I know flyboywbl is one, just cant believe no one else is a member here :)
2 days after the interview (not counting the weekend), still no news. I suppose its good news so far!

I hope you get this man.
Yeah me too! I liked these guys, had a good feeling about them, despite what everyone here says about them.. Hurry up and wait :)
I got the call today. They are going to fly me back to MN to redo the sim eval. They were nice enough to wait until after I graduate May 7th. They said that they really wanted me but there was a few areas I was a little weak on. I'm glad they are still considering me though! I better not blow it!

I could not of made the May 2nd class date anyway b/c i have exams that week.

Now I have to get my ATP written done! Is shepair the way to go? I have the ASA book but there has to be an easier way.

Sheppard Air is amazing. I can't say enough good things about it. I took my ATP written last week and got a 99% thanks to that program. Just make sure you study the memory aids that they give you and it will save you a ton of time!
I got the call today. They are going to fly me back to MN to redo the sim eval. They were nice enough to wait until after I graduate May 7th. They said that they really wanted me but there was a few areas I was a little weak on. I'm glad they are still considering me though! I better not blow it!

I could not of made the May 2nd class date anyway b/c i have exams that week.

Now I have to get my ATP written done! Is shepair the way to go? I have the ASA book but there has to be an easier way.


So they are giving you a second chance???

P.S. Shephard air is the way to go.
how are u guys getting calls...i have friends at colgan that have walked my stuff in and I can't get a call from colgan....and have more time, ATP written done, and TPIC and current 135....what am I doing wrong?
how are u guys getting calls...i have friends at colgan that have walked my stuff in and I can't get a call from colgan....and have more time, ATP written done, and TPIC and current 135....what am I doing wrong?

This is probably a dumb question but did you apply at I got an email for an interview from airline apps after I applied.
I got the call today. They are going to fly me back to MN to redo the sim eval. They were nice enough to wait until after I graduate May 7th. They said that they really wanted me but there was a few areas I was a little weak on. I'm glad they are still considering me though! I better not blow it!

I could not of made the May 2nd class date anyway b/c i have exams that week.

Now I have to get my ATP written done! Is shepair the way to go? I have the ASA book but there has to be an easier way.


WOW . . . so they arent calling folks who have the time and are quailified, but they are letting folks who bust the sim go back? UH, what have I missed?
What are your times Matt?