800 TT, looking for work, Africa, Mid-East, Asia

I'm sorry man but your name Planestupid says a lot! Is it the reason why you didn't instruct before you went to the airlines or you don't have the instructor license at all?

Don't want to come up with any assumptions, but your first post is looking for a job being planestupid. WHY?
LOL We have a MANIAC asking a guy if he's STUPID. Oh the irony.

Maybe we can find an OCDPilot or how 'bout a SchitzoFlyer.
What gets me is people who want to know all about you before they're willing to help, as if they have control over you getting a job and furthering your career.

I think you have a lot to learn about this web site. 4 out of the five interviews I have been offered have been from people on this website. People help people they like, and the only way to know if you like someone is to get to know them.
I think you have a lot to learn about this web site. 4 out of the five interviews I have been offered have been from people on this website. People help people they like, and the only way to know if you like someone is to get to know them.

Seems kinda one-wayish to me. Show me yours and THEN I'll show you mine? It always falls on the new guy doesn't it.

Truth be told, aviation is in a sad state. I recently watched a guy lose his job because another guy didn't like him. The dude stabbed him in the back. Why would anybody do that?

Guess I do have things to learn. Everyone's a butthole to you until they get to know you. Used to be you go to the airport and people were glad to see you. Now people look at you suspiciously, like you might stab them in the back and steal their job.

<Sigh> I dislike adding commentary.

Anyone else willing to to just do something descent once without having to like the person for what he/she is or is not?
Seems kinda one-wayish to me. Show me yours and THEN I'll show you mine? It always falls on the new guy doesn't it.

Truth be told, aviation is in a sad state. I recently watched a guy lose his job because another guy didn't like him. The dude stabbed him in the back. Why would anybody do that?

Guess I do have things to learn. Everyone's a butthole to you until they get to know you. Used to be you go to the airport and people were glad to see you. Now people look at you suspiciously, like you might stab them in the back and steal their job.

<Sigh> I dislike adding commentary.

Anyone else willing to to just do something descent once without having to like the person for what he/she is or is not?

The people on this website are like a disfunctional family. We are against one another sometimes but mainly love to help each other out for the good.

Think of it this way, you don't walk up to a woman or man and ask them for their number to go out on a date. You have to talk to them so that they know who you are. If they have cold feet not knowing the person you are, you will be left out in the rain with no number.

Just relax, now that we kind of know some history about you, all I can say is welcome to the JC family.
Seems kinda one-wayish to me. Show me yours and THEN I'll show you mine? It always falls on the new guy doesn't it.

That's how it is. Why should I refer someone for a job that I don't know? If he turns out to be an ass or not know what he's doing, it's my credibility that's shot.

Fact is, we get a LOT of guys on here that say they're one thing, then they turn out to be something totally different. If you had said "Hey, these are my times, and this is what I've been doing. Anyone know any jobs in XXX area?" rather than "These are my times, I need a job" I'm 100% sure this thread would have been WAAAY different.

With your times I know I wasn't sure if you had bought the time or just happened to have legit connections that netted you a job in a jet at 300TT. Personally opinion of mine that I DON'T recommend people that bought their way into a job simply b/c it shows they'll pretty much do anything to get ahead. The people I've had experience with that have that mentality tend to have poor work ethics, which is a huge pet peeve of mine.
planestupid, you just have to think of it this way--would you offer someone who needed a job one out of the blue without knowing anything about him or her? Yes, I would definately offer people information if I had any to give, but I would be more apt to give it to someone I knew a little better if it came down to a couple people and only one position. I don't think asking a little bit about you is too much to ask before people are willing to shell out more information about a position. CRJDriver has sooo many jobs posted on this website, maybe something will pop up for you. GL.
I'm looking for something overseas: Africa, Mid-East, Asia.
I have about the following (basic and brief) times:

800 TT
500 Multi Jet
Hold 1 turbojet type rating, no SOE

There are a couple gigs in LDCs that will hire a CRJ or ATR SIC typed person with 500 in type (coming from a 121 type op).

I just don't see any opportunities out there now for your times in this environment. A lot of guys on the street with a lot more experience, and fewer jobs to boot. Congratulations on your jet time, that will benefit you in the future no doubt. Maybe the CFI route may be the thing to do now?
There are a couple gigs in LDCs that will hire a CRJ or ATR SIC typed person with 500 in type (coming from a 121 type op).

I think he said he had no 121 background. Like I mentioned already, we really can't give you any information unless you give us a little background on the aircraft experience you have. If you don't have time in a CRJ/ERJ/Q, then you might be a little limited in finding a job overseas. There are some operators in India, Europe, etc. that fly Citations, some of them require JAA and some of them don't. But like I said, I don't know what your experience is in?!
wow the attitude against this new guy is outright embarassing. i actually caught the EXACT same treatment over on another board when i TRIED to introduce myself and instead got criticized for announcing i was mobile and able to relocate. how stupid.

what happened to people being able to pass along leads or help someone out, just for the sake of helping someone out?

why does this new guy have to pass YOUR quality test first? the holier-than-thou thing is not a good look.
I second that, part of the forum is being anonymous. Yeah, you get to know their ego and perceived views online, but not the person.

Look in the jobs available section. Right now as the US economy is down, the whole world also got sucked into it. A lot of start ups in foreign countries shut down when their passengers left town.

Also, a lot of countries where you used to be able to find quick work are now keeping expatriates out as they train their own pilots. For the moment, there's a lot of training, and not a lot of revenue flying around the world.

In another year or two I would say you might have some options, but until at least after new years it's going to be thin. If you know someone you might get a job... MIGHT. This is a good time to find any old job and make some cash while you wait or go back to school.

Personally I'm changing to ATC and going to get my BS in Aeronautical Engineering... it'll still keep my flying.

Good Luck.
wow the attitude against this new guy is outright embarassing. i actually caught the EXACT same treatment over on another board when i TRIED to introduce myself and instead got criticized for announcing i was mobile and able to relocate. how stupid.

what happened to people being able to pass along leads or help someone out, just for the sake of helping someone out?

why does this new guy have to pass YOUR quality test first? the holier-than-thou thing is not a good look.

I think posting those flight times will get provoke a diatribe from several folks on here. It is really easy to lose your manners on the internets... Whenever I hear SJS I roll my eyes, usually a lot of hypocrisy there.
I think posting those flight times will get provoke a diatribe from several folks on here. It is really easy to lose your manners on the internets... Whenever I hear SJS I roll my eyes, usually a lot of hypocrisy there.

sweet well my 700TT of C172 time is super desireable then! 600PIC too!!
I think he said he had no 121 background. Like I mentioned already, we really can't give you any information unless you give us a little background on the aircraft experience you have. If you don't have time in a CRJ/ERJ/Q, then you might be a little limited in finding a job overseas. There are some operators in India, Europe, etc. that fly Citations, some of them require JAA and some of them don't. But like I said, I don't know what your experience is in?!

Looks like, simply put, that the industry has changed over to hiring type ratings and not hiring the right candidate. That's okay I guess for now because with so many pilots looking for work, it's become an employer's market.

I have time in the 500 and 650 series citations, as well as some IAI 1125 and 1124. (did a bit of contract stuff there for a while).

But please understand one reason I don't get too specific is because I learned a lesson about letting people know too much about what you're doing. Not knowing who circles these forums, I don't want to divulge a whole lot. I would like to preserve a bit of anonymity you know? I have done a couple of local interviews (haven't heard squat) and still do the occasional contract, and I fear if word gets around I'm looking to go overseas, the few opportunities I may have here will shut the door on me.

With the right ammount of information, it's not very hard for people to connect the dots.

Getting 'blacklisted' is not something I'm striving for, but I fear it because I've seen it happen.

Other than that, thanks for the insight everyone. Perhaps once you get to know my demeanor you might actually come to like me :D
In India for example, business aviation is really starting to boom. Trouble is they can't find enough experienced flight crews...

Unfortunately, all of the operators hire experienced PICs/IPs exclusively for that very reason. Most set mins are an ATP and 100 PIC on type. From what I've been told, you will only see Indian nationals as SICs. Rarely if ever will they hire an expat SIC...reasons being is they are trying to train their own ranks of pilots...which they have...but are in need of training from a seasoned pro. That's where the expats come in.

Here is a blog about flying in Inida I found pretty helpful...

Thanks Flyto!

I'll check that out. It's really looking though like I may just go back to school. Do something in technology this time around. Wait till this thing turns around and improves some.

Heck, I may even go the CFI route, but man the expenditure to get there :/

Hmph, gonna have to really give this some thought. And to think I passed on a regional offer a while back. That's okay, I probably would have wound-up right here anyway. HAHAHA :laff::laff:

Thanks everyone!
Looks like, simply put, that the industry has changed over to hiring type ratings and not hiring the right candidate. That's okay I guess for now because with so many pilots looking for work, it's become an employer's market.

Actually, I'd say it's more of an insurance driven market. With the economy the way it is, I don't fault insurance companies for putting strict requirements on the assets their protecting. If the insurance company makes a type rating a requirement for underwriting, well, there's not much the company can do about it.
But please understand one reason I don't get too specific is because I learned a lesson about letting people know too much about what you're doing. Not knowing who circles these forums, I don't want to divulge a whole lot. I would like to preserve a bit of anonymity you know? I have done a couple of local interviews (haven't heard squat) and still do the occasional contract, and I fear if word gets around I'm looking to go overseas, the few opportunities I may have here will shut the door on me.

Seems like a good enough reason to me. Commence the goat sacrifice.
Well how about for Post #1
"Hello JC members my name is _________. My story is _________.

Common courtesy someone introduces themself with a hand shake.

Way to bash a new guy. Hardly seems necessary. I didnt realize there was an established courtesy protocol that needed to be adhered to. Cut the guy some slack. We are all in this together. Cant we all just get along?