800 TT, looking for work, Africa, Mid-East, Asia


New Member
I'm going out on a limb here..

I'm looking for something overseas: Africa, Mid-East, Asia.
I have about the following (basic and brief) times:

800 TT
500 Multi Jet
Hold 1 turbojet type rating, no SOE

I'm looking for something to build time and actually get paid. I've heard horror stories about guys not getting paid.

Any thing I would appreciate it.

how did you get 500 multi jet and only have 800hrs? i have 800hrs and no jet. :( so if you're moving... can i take your old job? :)
He's probably a furloughed regional F/O. He'll probably be the first to tell you to avoid that SJS.
I'm going out on a limb here..

I'm looking for something overseas: Africa, Mid-East, Asia.
I have about the following (basic and brief) times:

800 TT
500 Multi Jet
Hold 1 turbojet type rating, no SOE

I'm looking for something to build time and actually get paid. I've heard horror stories about guys not getting paid.

Any thing I would appreciate it.


I'm sorry man but your name Planestupid says a lot! Is it the reason why you didn't instruct before you went to the airlines or you don't have the instructor license at all?

Don't want to come up with any assumptions, but your first post is looking for a job being planestupid. WHY?
Its just a name, why are you jumping all over him. You dont know him or his situation so who are you to judge him.

If he is furloughed atleast he is trying to find a new job instead of bitching about being furloughed.
Its just a name, why are you jumping all over him. You dont know him or his situation so who are you to judge him.

If he is furloughed atleast he is trying to find a new job instead of bitching about being furloughed.

Well how about for Post #1
"Hello JC members my name is _________. My story is _________.

Common courtesy someone introduces themself with a hand shake.
Well how about for Post #1
"Hello JC members my name is _________. My story is _________.

Common courtesy someone introduces themself with a hand shake.

Well perhaps sir, because in the grand scheme of things, it's nobody's business. Unless you're wanting to interview me for a position. Otherwise, I don't know you and you don't know me. So why should I feel compelled to divulge personal information?

I asked a question, pure and simple. Who I worked for, whether 121 or otherwise, is not that important. The fact is I'm unemployed and seeking out something.

As for my screen name, well, I could twist your name into meaning you're a maniac while in the cockpit or around aircraft in general. But that wouldn't be fair of me would it?
Well perhaps sir, because in the grand scheme of things, it's nobody's business. Unless you're wanting to interview me for a position. Otherwise, I don't know you and you don't know me. So why should I feel compelled to divulge personal information?

I asked a question, pure and simple. Who I worked for, whether 121 or otherwise, is not that important. The fact is I'm unemployed and seeking out something.

As for my screen name, well, I could twist your name into meaning you're a maniac while in the cockpit or around aircraft in general. But that wouldn't be fair of me would it?

Good luck in finding a job with that attitude.
Good grief guys. Drop in the "Ask a Flight Surgeon" subforum and see if he's got a couple Prozac samplers.

To the original poster: Sorry I can't answer your question because I'm not knowledgeable on the topic, but good luck in your job search and I hope someone can help you.
To answer your the original question...

There are a few jobs over seas. The main issue is a lot of the require a lot of time and some even require to have a JAA ATPL or frozen ATPL (which is basically a ATP without the time, as soon as you reach the minimum hours your license turns into a ATP).

Not to mention some require you to have a type in the aircraft they want to hire you to fly.

Africa is a bit wierd but if you REALLY want to fly there your going to have to go there and actually speak to someone. Also do your research on a company before you go, Africa is full of shady airlines that dont maintain their aircraft.

In USA, Colgan is hiring. I am sure they have a ton of resumes but It couldnt hurt to try.
A general observation that I've made over my many years on this planet is that people tend to help the people that they like more than the others.

Convoluted sentence structure, yes, but valid point lives within never the less.

Well perhaps sir, because in the grand scheme of things, it's nobody's business. But the people who you have asked for help from. Unless you're wanting to interview me for a position. Otherwise, I don't know you and you don't know me. So why should I feel compelled to divulge personal information? Why should I help someone who doesn't care to get to know me.

I asked a question, pure and simple. Who I worked for, whether 121 or otherwise, is not that important. It is very important and so is the the airplane you have a type in. The fact is I'm unemployed and seeking out something.
A general observation that I've made over my many years on this planet is that people tend to help the people that they like more than the others.

Convoluted sentence structure, yes, but valid point lives within never the less.

People tend to help others they like more often than those they don't like.

There helped you out a bit. Maybe...;)
What type do you have 500 hrs. Multi Jet? There are some airlines in Africa/Asia that'll take FOs with 500 in type, but you are still a little low on TT. If you can tell me your type, I can point you in some direction in terms of overseas companies.
All I was seeking is the name of a few companies that may be hiring. Times that they ask for would help. I just want to forward CVs and put in applications.

What gets me is people who want to know all about you before they're willing to help, as if they have control over you getting a job and furthering your career.

As for the time building remark. I know plenty of pilots who go expat to build time in type and for the pay. Because with time in type they may be able to move on to a captain position (if they started out as FO).

I'm not looking to get into a Boeing or Airbus, but something like turboprop or smaller that a young, low time pilot such as myself will be able to gain valuable experience.

If you really must know, I don't have 121 experience.

I have flown Part 91 and 135 on a mid-sized multi-jet.

The airplanes were sold. I got the job because I worked for the company prior (non-aviation related job) before working in the flight department. When a position came open in the flight department, they offered it in house, to me. What would you have done? Said "No thanks"?

That is why I tried to keep it as basic as I could. Prior research indicated that most overseas jobs were looking for pilots with prior airline experience and time in type. So having known this, I was hoping maybe others would know of entry level type work overseas. That is why I put my basics only, because I don't have anything more to add. I'm not shooting for the stars, but something a little below that, a foot in the door that leads to the path of Boeings and Airbuses.

Either you know of some operations like this, or you don't. If you do I would appreciate the lead. If not, I think it appropriate to keep your personal ideals and opinions to yourself. Goes along with the thing of 'Nothing positive to say? Then don't say anything.'

To CRJ: Thanks for the info thus far.
To answer your the original question...

There are a few jobs over seas. The main issue is a lot of the require a lot of time and some even require to have a JAA ATPL or frozen ATPL (which is basically a ATP without the time, as soon as you reach the minimum hours your license turns into a ATP).

Not to mention some require you to have a type in the aircraft they want to hire you to fly.

Africa is a bit wierd but if you REALLY want to fly there your going to have to go there and actually speak to someone. Also do your research on a company before you go, Africa is full of shady airlines that dont maintain their aircraft.

In USA, Colgan is hiring. I am sure they have a ton of resumes but It couldnt hurt to try.

Thanks for the info 3engine. Maybe with some luck I'll be able to track something down.