Well-Known Member
Well I flew over to MTN today in the Navajo and my mom said I could go take a lesson in a Katana at Brett flight school. So I get over there and they havn't had a single student stupid (or brave
) enough to fly today. The winds were 270 21G31 and the RWY is 33. So I meet the instructor and he said he had no problem flying in this if I was good with it. So we go out and hop in the airplane and the wind was howling. I was thinking "what the hell am I doing". So we taxi out for touch and goes. I love the Katana and think it's a fun little airplane so figured I wouldn't have too much trouble with it. We are the only ones flying at all except the national guard. Every one else is at home with thier airplanes in the hanger. So we take off and start getting throughn around. Wasn't too bad tho, I've been in worse. So we come around for our first (out of 7) landing and I come in with full right rudder and a lot of left stick. I get her over the numbers and straighten the nose out and then bang, we're down, opps no where not
flare agian, a little nicer.
Atleast I know I did it with out any help. It was my first time landing a Katana in 3 months so that was my excuse. Went around for the second one and landed hard but no bouce. Then I really surprised myself and made 3 nice landings then two ok ones. Hell of a day to fly. Had a beautiful flight home tonight, great vis and no ceiling and best of all no wind