Would you fly a Katana in 21 G31 winds

I don't act like it on purpose and I'd never do any stupid or else I would have already soloed powered airplanes and be driving around or be high and drunk all the time. I don't do any thing stupid like that, but if I come across over confident it's because I'm a kid and if you can find me one kid who doesn't brag about doing some thing he thought was cool show him to me.
By the way, CJKid, I'm curious what your thoughts are about that flight now? Have they changed any?

Just curious, no agenda here...
By the way, CJKid, I'm curious what your thoughts are about that flight now? Have they changed any?

Just curious, no agenda here...

[/ QUOTE ]

If I had known what it would have been like I still would have gone. It wasn't that bad. At first I was a little conserned, but I had two instructors say that they'd fly. The instructor I flew with was late so another instructor said he'd fly with me. So I figured it would be fine. Got up there and it was fine. I had no problem controling the aircraft and the wind didn't feel like what the ATIS was calling.
CJKid if you are going to be soloing airplanes any time soon I suggest losing the attitude altogether; definately do not shrug it off as though 'everyone' is the same and you are 'stuck'. Through coaching a swim team, I know plenty of kids your age and younger who have very mature attitudes.

Not that you can't be a CJ'kid', just that when you're doing pilot stuff it's time to switch gears. Flying is a H U G E responsibility...

The attitudes you have now are what will bite you if you don't keep 'em in check. Sure, you made it through your last flight okay, but what did you learn? That giant x-winds are no big deal? What will happen when you lose the security blanket of your instructor?

Like zmiller said, you have shown every one of the 5 hazardous attitudes...

Just remember that you do often come across as overly confident and indestructable

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Find me one teenager that isn't..........

[/ QUOTE ]

I can break out my photo albums and show you one teenager who was! I'm not that far removed from my teen years and remember my overconfidence and invinciblility well . . .

Luckily for me, I wasn't a pilot then! I came way to close to getting hurt in sea kayaks and wicked November storms, let alone in planes. But, man, woe unto those who tried to tell me that I was pushing to hard: "What? You don't think I should be trying to surf OVER the breakwall on a 15 foot wave? Watch this!" Then there were the bicycles and skis . . . nothing like going really fast while doing things I now see as wreckless!

I had a lot of fun, but a lot of close calls, too. For me, it's knowing that most teenagers DO have those mentalities that makes me question putting them in a PIC position. It's not meant as a slam on you, CKid, even if it might seem that way. But teens as a group tend to exhibit hazardous attitudes with gusto! There's a reason that they have the highest automobile accident rates. Imagine what could happen if those cars were aircraft!

I know that there are exceptions out there and I don't think the age for certification should be raised. But I do think it's important to recognize the added challenge of being a pilot when you're predisposed to a dangerous perspective. I love your enthusiasm and determination, CKid. You have a huge advantage over all of us in that you have flying at your fingertips all the time. I just hope you'll recognize the potential for your judgement and decision-making to develop at a slower rate than your flying skills (due to biology, hormones, and life - not due to a character or intelligence flaw).

I always seem to sound preachy when I don't mean to be. I love having you on the forum and reading about your perspectives. I'm still very inexperienced as a pilot and want to learn from everyone - including you.

I'll shut up now. Happy New Year!
I'd never think of soloing in those kind of conditions. I know flying is a big responsibility and I respect it. When 3 expereienced pilots say it's good enough to fly it's good enough to fly. I had flown earlier in the day in worse conditions in the cheiftan so my mom knew what it was like and was still fine with me flying. On our first approch if we were having trouble we were going to go over to BWI and land (man that would have been expensive). I decided not to do my first solo a couple months ago because the winds where too bad (only 10 knots) so I don't do this kind of stuff most of the time. A couple expereinced guys here said they'd solo in this. You don't know the airplane yet because I flew it in those conditions I'm automatically immature? When you have 3 people saying it's ok to fly and you're with one of them why the hell wouldn't I fly?
I don't think people are talking about your decision to fly in those winds, but something else.
CJKid, that was not the point of my post at all.

You'll also notice that NOWHERE have I said that you should not have gone.
I guess I'm just reading every thing wrong. What is your piont?

[/ QUOTE ]

The point is you need to drop the invinsible ego thing fast.....

Going out and taking unecessary risks in airplanes will come back and bite you some day, hard.
Let's just close this topic, I don't think I'm invisible and I'm not going to do any thing stupid that puts my life in danger. This flight (which is the only thing that could classify as stupid) was well thought out and I knew I wasn't going to kill myself and I knew the instructor wouldn't let me kill him. I guess sence I'm so invisible I'll just go out and steel that 421 sitting out on the ramp and do some touch and goes or maybe steal my nieghbors 210 and fly to lunch. Come on guys, I'm not that stupid. If I was then I'd take risk out side of aviation and I'd be out with some drunk buddies in a car doing 120 mph on some dark back road. But I'm not (hell I'm not even allowed to go out tonight, too many drunks).
<warning: grammar police>
Invisible is much funnier than invincible. Kind of changes the meaning a little.

</warning: grammar police back to Dunkin' Donuts>

Kid, I'll give you credit for asking people's opinion here. That's a great way to learn, and there's a ton of experience here that can help us along the way. You're smart for doing so. Keep it up!

<another warning: small soapbox time>
Here's what I try to do when I've asked for advice: I smile, nod my head, say "yes", "I see", "O.K.", "I understand". Then sit back; think about what they said; absorb it as best I can; decide what I agree with or disagree with or file it away to think about another day. If I have questions, I ask. If I don't understand something, I ask. I try not to argue points or aggressively defend my ideas lest it stifle the conversation or turn it into a slugfest. (Nothing wrong with arguing points or defending yourself in other situations, but when I'm looking for advice it sends the conversation in unproductive directions) These steps seem to work well for me when I desire input from others with experience.
</warning: off small soapbox>

Have a happy and safe New Year!
Let's just close this topic, I don't think I'm invisible and I'm not going to do any thing stupid that puts my life in danger.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. You asked a question and now that you don't appear to like the answer you want to close it. That makes sense.

I knew I wasn't going to kill myself and I knew the instructor wouldn't let me kill him.

[/ QUOTE ]
How, did you have a crystal ball? There will always be an element of risk no matter how much you try and prepare for or deny it.
I guess sence I'm so invisible I'll just go out and steel that 421 sitting out on the ramp and do some touch and goes or maybe steal my nieghbors 210 and fly to lunch. Come on guys, I'm not that stupid. If I was then I'd take risk out side of aviation and I'd be out with some drunk buddies in a car doing 120 mph on some dark back road

[/ QUOTE ]
Now that sounds like logic one would expect to hear from a youngster that thinks he is invincible
. You may have 2xx hours of dual, but until your thought process catches up with your training you will still be the youngster no matter what your calendar age is.
just some numbers taken from Diamond's website:
Takeoff distance, ground roll 1,106 ft
Takeoff distance over 50-ft obstacle 1,470 ft
Max demonstrated crosswind component 20 kt
Rate of climb, sea level 1,000 fpm
Cruise speed @ 75% power 140 ktas
Landing distance over 50-ft obstacle 1,280 ft
Landing distance, ground roll 581 ft

It was a DA20 correct?
Let's just close this topic, I don't think I'm invisible and I'm not going to do any thing stupid that puts my life in danger.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. You asked a question and now that you don't appear to like the answer you want to close it. That makes sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

My question wasn't about my ego, it was about flying in those winds.
When 3 expereienced pilots say it's good enough to fly it's good enough to fly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe, maybe not. Its an individual decision. I may fly in something that another pilot might not. I've seen pilots fly small airplanes in crap that I would certainly not (including a Katana in a 21G31 crosswind, but thats just me).

A couple expereinced guys here said they'd solo in this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Key word there is experienced. If you think you're experienced, you might as well start looking for deals on a nice pine box.

You don't know the airplane yet because I flew it in those conditions I'm automatically immature?

[/ QUOTE ]

That airplane in those winds is asking for it. Period. The fact that you flew the airplane in those conditions isn't why they're saying your immature- your attitude about the whole thing is.

No offense here, just some constructive criticism. Happy New Year!

Key word there is experienced. If you think you're experienced, you might as well start looking for deals on a nice pine box.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not expereinced but the instructor is and that's who I was reffereing to.
I'm with CitationKid on letting this one go. We've all said what we have to say and the thread is taking a turn toward the ugly!

As I mentioned above, I was a teen once. I remember hearing what people said and, even though their points were understood and appreciated, still being defensive. Those of us concerned with CKid's wellbeing can rest knowing that we've said all that is needed.

And CKid? When I was a teenager, a couple of my buddies and I stole a saying from somewhere that we had put on T-shirts:

A good friend will bail you out of jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you saying, "That was f-ing AWSOME!"

Thankfully we never had to put that one to the test . . .
Doesn't sound like you will, either!