Just remember that you do often come across as overly confident and indestructable
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Find me one teenager that isn't..........
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I can break out my photo albums and show you one teenager who was! I'm not that far removed from my teen years and remember my overconfidence and invinciblility well . . .
Luckily for me, I wasn't a pilot then! I came way to close to getting hurt in sea kayaks and wicked November storms, let alone in planes. But, man, woe unto those who tried to tell me that I was pushing to hard: "What? You don't think I should be trying to surf OVER the breakwall on a 15 foot wave? Watch this!" Then there were the bicycles and skis . . . nothing like going really fast while doing things I now see as wreckless!
I had a lot of fun, but a lot of close calls, too. For me, it's knowing that most teenagers DO have those mentalities that makes me question putting them in a PIC position. It's not meant as a slam on you, CKid, even if it might seem that way. But teens as a group tend to exhibit hazardous attitudes with gusto! There's a reason that they have the highest automobile accident rates. Imagine what could happen if those cars were aircraft!
I know that there are exceptions out there and I don't think the age for certification should be raised. But I do think it's important to recognize the added challenge of being a pilot when you're predisposed to a dangerous perspective. I love your enthusiasm and determination, CKid. You have a huge advantage over all of us in that you have flying at your fingertips all the time. I just hope you'll recognize the potential for your judgement and decision-making to develop at a slower rate than your flying skills (due to biology, hormones, and life - not due to a character or intelligence flaw).
I always seem to sound preachy when I don't mean to be. I love having you on the forum and reading about your perspectives. I'm still very inexperienced as a pilot and want to learn from everyone - including you.
I'll shut up now. Happy New Year!