What IDIOTS (Two Falcon Air Pilots Scab for Spirit)


Bernie Madoff is a criminal - participated (in fact lead) criminal activity which costs many people millions of dollars. That is very different from someone who hasn't broken any laws and only overtook your position when you left it.
oh, you mean stole it, because they probably would not be fired once the strike is over...they now has yer jobz :p

But they voluntary walked away from it - what happens after that is a role of the dice. By going on strike you understand and agree to that.


Guess it's tough to relate with the working class and labor when one hasn't had much of a connection personally with either.

But they voluntary walked away from it - what happens after that is a role of the dice. By going on strike you understand and agree to that.

No, this is wrong.

The pilots used an instrument to leverage their position, an instrument that has been given the backing of the federal government.

They did not walk AWAY from anything.
Spirit Mgmt has taken their pilots out of CASS.

I said that to say this....Spirit guys may be having trouble jumpseating since some agents will say they cant since they arent in CASS. But most airlines allow those not in CASS to ride in the back...give these guys a lift!

Very doubtful it will really impact their careers, I mean who carriers a scab list? I don't, and honestly I don't really have the time to even bother looking every jumpseaters name up. Plus companies would love to hire scabs.

I do. I have one one my home computer, one on my laptop, and one on my iPhone. No, I don't look up every pilot, however it's very easy during the corse of small talk "Hey, how long have you been at XXX" "What did you do before XXX" that we always engage in that can raise flags that cause me to reference the list.

While I don't know for sure that there aren't any scabs at Delta, I do know that they didn't hire any after Eastern. Pilot input goes a long way during hiring at reputable companies. Scumbag companies hire scumbag pilots.

No, this is wrong.

The pilots used an instrument to leverage their position, an instrument that has been given the backing of the federal government.

They have used an instrument - however the instrument they used comes with risks of loosing their jobs. So by using their instrument they have accepted the fact that they might not have a job, therefore until they have a new contract in place and are back in the cockpit you can't deny they have affectingly walked away from their position.

They have used an instrument - however the instrument they used comes with risks of loosing their jobs. So by using their instrument they have accepted the fact that they might not have a job, therefore until they have a new contract in place and are back in the cockpit you can't deny they have affectingly walked away from their position.

Your view is incorrect.

I know you're not from here, so you may want to read up on the history of unions and strikes in this country, and the legal protections that union members are afforded here.
No, this is wrong.

The pilots used an instrument to leverage their position, an instrument that has been given the backing of the federal government.

They did not walk AWAY from anything.

They have used an instrument - however the instrument they used comes with risks of loosing their jobs. So by using their instrument they have accepted the fact that they might not have a job, therefore until they have a new contract in place and are back in the cockpit you can't deny they have affectingly walked away from their position.

You need to listen to the Train. In this country, when you go on strike, you aren't "walking away" from your job. In fact, it is actually illegal for the company to terminate striking employees. They can hire replacements (scabs), but those scabs cannot receive any sort of "super-seniority" when the strikers return to work. The strikers always maintain their jobs and their seniority. The only time they actually walk away from the job is if the company goes out of business.

Let's throw PATCO out there....discuss.

PATCO is not relevant, because it falls under completely different federal law. Federal employees are prohibited from striking by law.

Reagan was still a scumbag for firing them, though.

Well if that is the most compelling argument you can write one can presume law review isn't in your future? The simple fact is they had a job and they decided to not show up for work can't be considered anything less than putting it all on the line.

You need to listen to the Train. In this country, when you go on strike, you aren't "walking away" from your job. In fact, it is actually illegal for the company to terminate striking employees. They can hire replacements (scabs), but those scabs cannot receive any sort of "super-seniority" when the strikers return to work. The strikers always maintain their jobs and their seniority. The only time they actually walk away from the job is if the company goes out of business.

No one said anything about terminating employment - however just look at Eastern for the consequences.

No one said anything about terminating employment - however just look at Eastern for the consequences.

The company going out of business is the risk you take. Not some dirty SCAB walking on the property and stealing your work. I can live with the former. Anyone that does the latter deserves many horrible things to happen to him.

NOT being allowed to strike certainly isn't free market.

Free market is walking away to a plush corporate job. Taking your flying, customer service, and professional pilot skills to a market that appreciates your service; creating a void in an unappreciable market that won't survive unless working and pay conditions improve. Continuing to put up with the stagnant professional airline market and picketing doesn't improve things.

The only free market(ing) as a professional is to put yourself in a position that doesn't allow the beatings. Pilots that go to the airlines know exactly what the pay and working conditions are the day they show up. I certainly did.

Well if that is the most compelling argument you can write one can presume law review isn't in your future? The simple fact is they had a job and they decided to not show up for work can't be considered anything less than putting it all on the line.

No one said anything about terminating employment - however just look at Eastern for the consequences.


I don't spend hours working up posts for children to ignore them on the internet.
Pilots that go to the airlines know exactly what the pay and working conditions are the day they show up. I certainly did.

If you were still flying 121 and your negotiating committee came to an impasse with the company, would you go on strike to try and stop what you refer to as "the beatings" ?

Pilots that go to the airlines know exactly what the pay and working conditions are the day they show up. I certainly did.

I don't buy this argument and it sounds like John Q Public's response in the comments sections of the news articles. Well the working conditions and prospects for growth and upgrade at Spirit were different than they were two weeks after I started. My cousin went to United after 22 years in the Air Force. He didn't expect to be taking a pay cut and then a 100% pay cut. No one has the ability to predict what will happen in this industry--to admonish someone for not knowing is not a valid argument.

The only free market(ing) as a professional is to put yourself in a position that doesn't allow the beatings. Pilots that go to the airlines know exactly what the pay and working conditions are the day they show up. I certainly did.

Uh, no.

Some of the shenanigans I've seen pulled at two different companies defy the imagination. They use, abuse, and have zero respect for pilots when push comes to shove. The only rights you have are the ones you fight for. Newcomers are often greeted with a harsh reality that was unexpected and undeclared.

Go troll somewhere else.

So did you grade on?

I didn't know mods were involved in penis measuring contests.

EDIT: I'll also add, no, I did not grade on. The top 10 in a class grade on (which I am certainly not), and then you can write on otherwise.

I chose not to write on. I'm not interested in law review.